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About Pablogamalielm

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  1. I'm not surprise Putin was mentioned in that video lol. Yes, I went to see the comments of the vid, u know, where people marks the time of what Leo talks about and in one section he describe Putins form of government etc... Would better if instead of targeting one president (Trump) he goes global, just my opinion. Best wishes,
  2. Thank you for the help and taking the time to answer my questions guys. A thing that helped me as well was stop taking psychedelics, stop watching psychonaut content like Terence Mckenna as an example, doing more exercise, distance myself from dealers and this lifestyle that I was getting involved with. The dreams were not the root cause but my bad habits/frequentations and curiosity at the same time.
  3. Hi, I was wondering why Leo Gura always criticize Donald Trump but he never talks about Putin when his parents basically come from Russia, I've watched videos from Trump talking facts about situations of the U.S, France, Germany/Russia and was right about it (Trump I mean), but I don't understand why Leo never discuss the war on Ukraine or talk about this president (Putin) which is worst than Trump from my point of view. What do you think chat?
  4. Thank you for take the time and answer, and yeah... Self-inquiry you mean, do some introspection about it to get the answer if I’m not wrong, correct? I can share that I’d like to stop these dreams because they’re related to an area of my life where I’ve been struggling because of my self-deception... not so long ago (like two months) I had a breakthrough and I saw how I lie to myself and others, since that happen I stopped a bad habit of mine and my dreams are related to that bad habit, sometimes they play tricks on me (I had one of those today), they make me feel mhmmm... I feel they’re holding me back and I also feel insecure. Before I had other type of dreams, about other topics, and I’d like to go back to when I didn’t thought about this thing, I recognize that I created them but you know... I’d like to no dream anymore or just dream about other things @DefinitelyNotARobot
  5. Hi Good afternoon. I’ve been experiencing for almost a year weird dreams and if there’s someone who know how to stop them that can give me an advise maybe, I’d appreciate that.
  6. @Leo Gura happy new year to you and everyone in this forum! Hope to see you soon on a new video and that you’ll get better soon talking about your health ???
  7. @lmfaothanks for sharing
  8. @Someone here exactly, some lives on YouTube once in a while to connect with your subscribers and interact more
  9. @Leo Gura congratulations! Let me ask you why do you think we exist?