
Help preventing weird dreams

7 posts in this topic

Hi Good afternoon.

I’ve been experiencing for almost a year weird dreams and if there’s someone who know how to stop them that can give me an advise maybe, I’d appreciate that. 

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Your subconscious mind might be trying to tell you something. Every dream is relevant in it's own right, so trying to stop these dreams means that you are trying to stop the part of you that is trying to express itself. Trying to deny is. Trying to suppress it. If you want these dreams to stop you have to start facing whatever is causing them.

Could you elaborate why exactly you want these dreams to stop? What are they about? How do they make you feel? In what way would stopping these dreams help you?

beep boop

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Thank you for take the time and answer, and yeah... Self-inquiry you mean, do some introspection about it to get the answer if I’m not wrong, correct? I can share that I’d like to stop these dreams because they’re related to an area of my life where I’ve been struggling because of my self-deception... not so long ago (like two months) I had a breakthrough and I saw how I lie to myself and others, since that happen I stopped a bad habit of mine and my dreams are related to that bad habit, sometimes they play tricks on me (I had one of those today), they make me feel mhmmm... I feel they’re holding me back and I also feel insecure. Before I had other type of dreams, about other topics, and I’d like to go back to when I didn’t thought about this thing, I recognize that I created them but you know... I’d like to no dream anymore or just dream about other things @DefinitelyNotARobot

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Yes you have to do some introspection in order to get down to the root of these dreams. 

1 hour ago, Pablogamalielm said:

I feel they’re holding me back and I also feel insecure.

That's fine, don't judge yourself for it. Keep in mind that dreams aren't there to hurt you. They show you what you need to see, even if what you need to see isn't what you want to see. They are trying to communicate something to you. There are still some emotions, related to that habit of yours, that you haven't yet confronted.

You want to move on, but these emotions won't go away until you've dealt with them, that's why it may feel like you're being held back. These dreams aren't holding you back, it's just that you're being impatient with yourself. Healing emotional scars can take quiet some time. You need to be patient and show yourself some love. Love and understanding.

That's at least my impression, I'm not an expert so you have to do the contemplation/introspection yourself. I'd recommend you to keep a dream journal. At least for the dreams you find problematic. Write down everything you see and write about how it makes you feel. That's really important! Dreams are all about the emotions. Even something like sitting in a train can be really emotional.

What it shouldn't look like:

 "I was on a train and watched the world go by."

What it should look like instead:

"I was on a train and I felt kind of depressed. I was looking out the window, watching the world go by, which made me feel like I'm missing out on life."

This could help you. You could alternatively try to get into lucid dreaming. Lucid dreams are effective at treating trauma (even serious stuff like PTSD). 

Here is a lecture which I found to be quiet helpful in this regard.

Edited by DefinitelyNotARobot

beep boop

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Wise words here from @DefinitelyNotARobot but you kinda...blew em off. That’s understandable, who hasn’t been there. There’s something you’re holding in mind to be ‘big’, and the ‘big’ feeling of discord is being interpreted as ‘because it’s true about me’. The feeling is telling you it’s not. The dreams are telling you it’s not. Mind is misunderstanding emotions

Allow the dream within you to be expressed in the physical, slowly, easily, a moment at a time, at your pace, for the purpose of enjoying the experience of it. A dreamboard is the easiest simplest way. Stop playing the games of discord with your ‘’self’ ??  and start playing this game with your Self, listening to your Self ?? . ?

By simplest, I mean, had you made a post asking “how do I build a small wooden boat”, there’d be a link with a list of materials, tools, and some instructions. 

What doesn’t feel right, isn’t. Trust feeling or not, listen or not...feeling nonetheless. 

Wise to listen, and live the greatest life you can dream up. Your source is at the ready, evidenced in feeling. ?? 



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Thank you for the help and taking the time to answer my questions guys.

A thing that helped me as well was stop taking psychedelics, stop watching psychonaut content like Terence Mckenna as an example, doing more exercise, distance myself from dealers and this lifestyle that I was getting involved with.  

The dreams were not the root cause but my bad habits/frequentations and curiosity at the same time. 

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Try a juice detox. Plus check if you have parasites at doctor. Our nervous system is connected with Gut , so whatever happens up there is related with what is going on down in the guts. Clean your channels and the mud will flow away. Sauna also is good since it clean the lympatic system.

You can also so some herbal baths using Rosemary and Lavander. Boiling water in a big container, wait a bit. Pour the herbs on it. Let it be from one day to the other. Next day warm up all a bit and take a bath with it and Salt. Let it dry on skin and go to sleep. 

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