Joshua Deveau

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About Joshua Deveau

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  • Birthday 05/17/1985

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  1. Don't allow anyone to tell you how to live your life, including me. If someone feels like having kids, well then hopefully they explore that to it's completion.
  2. Mark Haden of MAPS Canada has shown interest in 5-MeO-DMT for research. The last time I was in contact with that organization (2 years ago) they had yet to set up anything in regards to 5-MeO. Maybe that's a foot in the door?
  3. Thats one of the great things about reality. We don't owe it to anyone to keep doing what we've always done. We only owe it to ourselves to be ourselves. Thats it.
  4. Surrender is the name of the game.
  5. There is nothing to worry about. Leo has announced his fears. It's the fears that he is currently working on. Next time there will be a new set of fears dealing with the deeper issues. It sounds crazy to some, probably most people even. He's heading toward where his aim has been for years.
  6. @billiesimon God loves itself so much that infinite knowing itself is infinitely boring. Creating a way to not know and rediscover sounds so much more appealing.
  7. It's the subject object relationship that gets broken down. I am here and the universe is there. Everything is just a mirror and when I see everything as myself, there is no other. There is no concept of everyone else because its all me. My concepts of everyone and everything are gone, but I am still able to function in reality as a being inside of my own creation.
  8. My latest experience
  9. @nowimhere I've been doing 3 rounds for a while. Each round I would put 20 mg in the pipe. I'm always left with residue in the pipe so I'm not getting a full 20. The last time I smoked 5 I started lowering it. I had a range from 16-19mg each round.
  10. Here is an experience of 5-meo-dmt I filmed a while ago.
  11. Here I went to a festival to have a good time. Little did I know I was about to have a big healing session. LSD + MDMA
  12. I'm realizing I am reality experiencing itself on 5-MeO-DMT. Live Experience
  13. Here I show symmetrical movements on 5-MeO-DMT
  14. This a story of my first heroic dose of psilocybin mushroom trip. 5 grams of magic mushrooms.