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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. Both actions you are perceiving something. But, you're perceiving a thought, not an actual tree falling. You can perceive thoughts about a tree falling, but it doesn't mean an actual tree fell. There is no line, but you never became aware of a tree falling, you only became aware of the thought of a tree falling. You're just imagining that, you never became aware of such a thing.
  2. @The observer Anything that is perceived. You can become aware of thoughts, thoughts are awareness. But, they are just thoughts, not an actual tree falling. Not too sure what you mean by this. I am not denying that thoughts exist. You can think of a tree falling, but that doesn't mean it actually fell, it's not like you thinking about the tree falling actually makes it fall.
  3. @The observer There's nothing outside of awareness. You will find a fallen tree but it never actually fell, the assumption that it fell at some point outside of your awareness is extrapolation. Sure, it's useful to think that it fell, but it didn't actually happen. That's just a story you tell yourself to explain why a tree is on the ground.
  4. @Someone here He does have a 2 part series on infinity
  5. @Inliytened1 Yes there are just different experiences but same consciousness
  6. You are experiencing what everyone is experiencing right now but you cannot experience their experience from your experience or your experience would not be your experience anymore
  7. I had a fear like this start when I went to a dog park and pretty much got chased by every dog there, one of them was about an inch away from biting my arm off. It's been a while since then though, the fear seems to have subsided a bit. But, I still get kind of nervous when I see big dogs.
  8. Honestly this is one of my favorite videos from him
  9. Honestly i get a similar experience when i simply lay down and look at things upside down. Sounds childish but i find it pretty cool, changes your perspective.
  10. There is a Chinese story of a farmer who used an old horse to till his fields. One day, the horse escaped into the hills and when the farmer's neighbors sympathized with the old man over his bad luck, the farmer replied, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?" A week later, the horse returned with a herd of horses from the hills and this time the neighbors congratulated the farmer on his good luck. His reply was, "Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?" Then, when the farmer's son was attempting to tame one of the wild horses, he fell off its back and broke his leg. Everyone thought this very bad luck. Not the farmer, whose only reaction was, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?" Some weeks later, the army marched into the village and conscripted every able-bodied youth they found there. When they saw the farmer's son with his broken leg, they let him off. Now was that good luck or bad luck? Who knows?
  11. Blue light and outside light will keep you up. If you want to sleep in, avoid light from outside. If you want to naturally fix your schedule or make it easier for yourself to wake up, leave the blinds open.
  12. @Nemo28 Even if you do assume a third human, it always comes back to God/Consciousness. It just turns into that story of the turtles and elephants infinitely carrying earth. I don't dislike this possibility though
  13. A dream is just a great analogy for describing reality. There's pretty much no difference. But don't take it too literally, there isn't some human sleeping behind the scenes making everything. It's just that everything works as if it were a dream, and God (you) is the dreamer, and your human body is the character you play.
  14. @CaptainBobbyOlsen Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill is a great book for understanding ego.
  15. @WHO IS "The gods envy us. They envy us because we are mortal. Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed." - Achilles, Troy The only reason you care about anything is because it will eventually end. Your ego is playing games here and making you depressed. Impermanence is a beautiful thing
  16. @Someone here You have never experienced anything outside of consciousness. No one has. The idea of a world without your awareness is an assumption that you make.
  17. @actualizing25 Only the effect exists, not the neurons themselves. The effect is literally being created without any neurons. If you cut open your brain and zoomed in, the neurons will start existing because you just became aware of them. From this, we can make sense of reality and say "oh there are neurons which cause this effect" but that is just a story we tell ourselves to make sense of the effect. Yes, reality only becomes sensations and sounds.
  18. @actualizing25 Only the affects of the neurons and psychedelics will exist, but not the neurons themselves because you cannot see or feel them in that moment. The affects of the neurons are the only thing you are aware of, so in that moment only the affect of the neurons is what is real. Everything exists exactly as you are aware of it.
  19. @WHO IS Survival purposes. Vomit, feces and corpses warn of bacteria and death. What you find attractive is usually based on whoever looks the most fit for reproduction. Selective beauty in the end is just ego helping you survive.
  20. @Someone here Well, how do you separate consciousness? What does it even mean to separate consciousness? There is only the illusion of duality but in the end God cannot truly separate itself from itself. It all comes back to one consciousness. Think of it as a dream. When you see a chair in a dream, you can extrapolate and say "oh the chair is made of wood that was cut down", but in reality you know that you simply imagined the chair out of nothing and that the only thing there is the appearance of the chair. That appearance of the chair is the only thing that exists in the dream. Sure, thinking of these ideas helps you to survive and predict what is happening in reality, but it is not the case that they exist in that moment. They only exist as you become aware of them.