Evil Raccoon

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Posts posted by Evil Raccoon

  1. 12 hours ago, goldpower123 said:

    Anyone know of good ways to replace PMO and transmute sexual energy? And any recommended practices?

    Sexual desire is the most powerful desire we have therefore if you don't have a strong reason why you want to give up porn, you can kiss goodbye to NoFap.

    You need to have a vision of who you want to be and what you want your life to look like.This shit has to matter to you more than ANYTHING!

    Your real mission is not to quit porn but to become a more powerful version of yourself.

  2. 1 hour ago, Joshuas said:

    How do you develop a healthy relationship with porn?

    You can't because porn is unhealthy.

    Toxicity or health, take your pick.

    1 hour ago, Joshuas said:

    How do you get a hold of behaviour that is very impulsive and hard to control?

    Watch Leo's vid titled Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction.

    1 hour ago, Joshuas said:

    How to deal with persistent, penetrating feelings of confusion?

    By developping your intuition through mindfulness and meditation.

    1 hour ago, Joshuas said:

    Any advice on solving this problem?

    Get rid of porn asap.

    1 hour ago, Joshuas said:

    Is porn a problem for you? Or do you enjoy it without any issues (emotionally, sexually and in relationships)? 

    Porn was fucking up my life so I got rid of it.

    Now my life's better.

  3. 12 hours ago, Striving for more said:

    @Leo Gura I'm reading think & grow rich & I think this book is more stage yellow / turquoise

    It's talks a lot about spiritual concepts, visualization, energy & the power of faith. 

    I'd qualify that one more as an Orange/Green book.

    Don't confuse Green's spiritual/woo-woo/New-Age concepts with Turquoise.

    12 hours ago, Striving for more said:

    I'm going to permanently avoid spiral dynamics as I find it is too toxic & lumps unique things & people into categories. I don't like it. 

    Why? It's stupid af.

    Of course, the map's not the territory and it's just a model.But it's a pretty damn accurate model that can imo really change the world.

    The people behind that shit dedicated their WHOLE fucking lives to put that information out there.Years of research and shit.So don't take it for granted.

    12 hours ago, Striving for more said:

    Hearing that a great book is "stage blue" just makes me feel guilty about reading it. 

    I feel ya, no one dislikes Blue more that I do bro.But the thing is that every stage is necessary/has valuable elements to it and Blue is not an exemption.The lessons of each stage gets integrated into the next one.

    So without Blue there's no Orange, Green, Yellow etc.