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Everything posted by DefinitelyNotARobot

  1. How do you know that you went to bed yesterday? How do you know that when you became conscious this morning, it wasn't actually the first time you woke up in this reality? In fact, how do you know this reality didn't manifest just 5 seconds ago and it doesn't occur to us because of how blindly we trust our memories? When you wake up in the morning and believe that there was a period in which you were completely unconscious, notice that that's a thought. We're not trying to judge the thought as true or false, just understand that it's a thought. A belief. An assumption. You don't actually ever experience "unconsciousness" outside of memory.
  2. Noted. I was planning on smoking a joint on the come down anyway, because doing that on shrooms has always been great.
  3. @ZenAlex I took shrooms during the darkest time of my life and it was the single most beautiful experience of my life. I actually feel good right now, so I don't worry about fucking up my mind. I still respect the drug and thus I will start with a light dose, but I fully trust my mind to navigate a trip. Everybody is different though and some people truly should focus on their mental problems first before approaching psychedelics, so appreciate your concern. @James123 Did it have an effect on the trip? I've read that it can greatly reduce the visuals.
  4. You're only really capable of receiving the love you're willing to give to yourself. All love begins with self-love, because all love is a reflection of THE self! Loving yourself can be incredibly difficult (at least from the human pov), so we try to find someone else to do it for us. We try to find someone to fulfill and complete us, because we don't believe that we're capable of providing these things for ourselves. Soul mates and twin flames could become a possibility once you enter higher levels of love, but you could also simply loose interest in these concepts entirely. There is no saying.
  5. Looks like you've had some great insights! Good for you. Yeah it depends on how you approach this subject. Self-help can often imply, that there is this tiny little weak human, that is too stupid to live, and now needs to consume more self-help content in order to become a functional person. c o n s u m e m o r e w o r k h a r d e r That's the self-help survival machine. It needs to give people reasons to "work" on themselves in order to keep thriving. That doesn't mean that consuming self-help material is bad, but the truth is that you've already got everything that you need in order to shine! The self-help content should just be the glitter on top, not the foundation. There is a difference between trying to figure shit out and actually figuring shit out, a lot of self-help is directed at the former. To actually figure shit out you have to make a mental leap of faith and get a direct taste of the fact that you CAN actually figure it out! You've got it man! That's when self-help material will become truly valuable.
  6. I was disappointed when she didn't reveal her hands to be feet.
  7. I've been able to consciously enter sleep states since I was a kid. I haven't met many people who are to do so which makes me think that I might have some freakery going on myself.
  8. @thierry You are EVERY limitation. Not just that particular one. This particular limitation is a inevitability of infinite consciousness. This moment could not NOT have been the case, thus we're here.
  9. @thierry What does this freedom to act say about choice? A choice is a limitation you put upon yourself. To choose requires a set of things (in this case actions) to choose from, and a decision maker. But you ARE already EVERYTHING! You can't choose one part over the other part, because you're ALL the parts simultaneously and non-simultaneously. This of course includes every possible way to deceive yourself into thinking that this was not the case.
  10. I love it. I use these sorts of disagreements to ground myself in the fact, that there isn't just one perfect path that fits everybody the same. You have to carve out your own path. You can't simply rely on what Leo is saying, because how do you know that Frank isn't right? You can't rely on him either, because how do you know that another person isn't right? You have to think for YOURSELF! These disagreements force me to think for myself. It's easy to get stuck into accepting another persons truth. That's when it can come in handy to look at them from a critical perspective, which Frank is providing.
  11. @thierry How exactly would you define "will"?
  12. When a certain survival mechanism has worked really well in the past, it can become engraved into our identity. If you've got some guy that always says what he thinks regardless of how it makes others feel, it's because that's what the environment he grew up in required him to be. Even if this personality trait isn't viable anymore in the current environment, he will feel inclined to defend it since it has been wired into the mind so deeply. Rewiring such a mind would take a deeply visceral emotional experience and a tremendous amount of work, which is why it rarely happens, especially the older you get. You would have to get a grasp of something beyond your current way of being. Something that would actually give you a goal/direction to navigate the dark unknown that lies beyond this aspect of your identity. If you simply don't know what alternative ways of thinking and perceiving the world there are, there isn't a good reason to change, since change could make things infinitely worse. But if you understand that you're stranded on a local maxima and if you've had a glimpse or two of higher potential peaks, you can actually start to move beyond what you think to know to be true.
  13. @Princess Arabia Yes. Decisions appear, but being has to BE the case in order for them to arise. Decisions can't be made outside of being, since being is the structure for all decisions to appear. This means that you can make a decision, without making a decision. That's the real mind fuck here.
  14. You could simplify it even further. When you make a decision, how did you do it precisely? Did you decide to make that decision, or was the decision "being made" simply part of the continues flow of this reality? If a person deeply inspects their decisions, they will soon find that they don't have a lot of deciding to do on which decisions they will make. Only by dying beyond your decision making processes can you realize, that there is something that simply is, without having been decided. That something is being itself. Being didn't decide to be. It simply is!
  15. @Recursoinominado There is some truth to it. Think of a character in one of your nightly dreams. You can engage with that character. You can talk to that character. You can ask that character for information you have no conscious access to. Now imaging if you could allow that character to talk through your body freely, without trying to control its words. That's the basic gist of it. I think the channel must put themselves in a dreamlike state of trance in order to allow this character to speak freely. On a deeper basis, there is no character that is being channeled. There is only infinity, channeling itself. So every word you type is infinity being channeled through a limited character. You are a portal to infinity, that is the basic idea behind channeling. But of course there are many frauds and con-artists in this field. You have to be able to listen to the wisdom in between the words.
  16. That's true. It's generally rare for spiritual teachers to talk about the limitations and biases of their methods. Bashar's method especially is very colorful as it contains stories of interdimensional alien federations that are preparing our collective consciousness for the next level of ascension and the such. I can see how a person might loose themselves within that story, just like you might loose yourself within a good book. Bashar does speak a lot of wisdom, but it's sort of difficult to unpack with all the artistic freedom he gives himself in expressing it. It's ultimately not wrong to get lost in that artistic side of reality, but I personally prefer to balance it out with more transparent forms of communication. I could see myself watching him while high on shrooms, I think that would be an interesting experience.
  17. I like to think of his teachings as poetic descriptions of infinity. The point of poetic descriptions of reality is to leave a certain openness for you to come to your own conclusions. There are valid benefits to this method, but it has to be balanced out by a stricter and more precise scientific sort of descriptions (I say scientific, but I'm not talking about physical science, but am also including the inner science of spirituality), or else the student will confuse the map (content of infinity) for the territory (infinity). Watching these kinds of channeling sessions can be fun when one is in a lighthearted and playful mood and doesn't expect to get anything concrete out of it. It's the polar opposite of Leo's videos which are far more serious, structured and vigorous. What Bashar is doing is more like a spiritual sock puppet show.
  18. First, it is to be noted that intelligence is not something that you have, or that you do, but something you, as in the human, are an expression of. So a human is not an intelligent being, but a heightened expression of universal intelligence, while the rock is a much cruder form of intelligence, at least relative to the human perspective. There really is neither a ceiling nor bottom to reality, thus you could say that the intelligence behind the rock is infinite, because there truly is an infinite intelligence "behind" the rock. But the common everyday experience of humans and rocks is that humans are far more intelligent than rocks. It goes even as far as to say that rocks are not intelligent at all. This is true, depending on your definition of intelligence. If you stretch the definition of intelligence beyond your intellectual capabilities you can recognize that the rock is coming into existence by the same mechanism through which your thoughts and logical reasonings are manifested. You start to appreciate the levels of intelligence that are beyond the immediate scope of the human pov. Once you realize that the intelligence responsible for this reality is infinitely deep and infinitely wide, you realize that the intelligence of a human is only an infinitesimal sliver of the whole. There could be beings billion times our intelligence. So relative to the total potential of reality... humans are kinda dumb. And I don't mean that in a condescending way. Sometimes I look at my cat and just find it hilarious to see what kind of dumb thing she's up to. Cats are kind of stupid idiots (my cat at least lol), but I can also look at my cat and recognize the vast intelligence within its gaze. I think being able to assume both positions is crucial. I'm suggesting that the difference in intelligence between rocks and humans isn't that huge compared to what's possible. There might be a being that can barely recognize the difference between humans and rocks, similarly to how you would struggle to recognize the difference of intelligence between individual worker ants. It's difficult to appreciate the nuances of cruder forms of intelligence, if you're looking at it from too far above. Only the very essence of mind can appreciate all forms equally. You could say that there is an infinite amount of breadth in between the intelligence of a human and the intelligence of a rock, similarly to how there is an infinite of breadth between the numbers 1 and 2 (1.1, 1.12, 1.1235, 1.99999976, etc) and you'd be right. What I'm proposing here isn't some ultimate testimony of truth, but rather something to inspire your contemplation's. I want you to get a taste of how wild and crazy reality can be. We could literally be but an atom within another vastly more intelligent being, which will never notice our puny existence. This is the tragedy of human life. You can only ever capture a fraction of the ineffable, only to see it erode into nothing within your hands. There can only be so much intelligence before your human identity starts to slip away. Consider the possibility that higher levels of intelligence literally can't exist within this physical realm. The level of intelligence I'm talking about would look nothing like this physical reality. In the end, the only intelligence is you. This nothing but a mirror trying to show you how much further you could go. How deep will you let this reflection take you?
  19. I've done quiet a bit of wild shit when I was younger including criminal shit. I was somehow never caught and I'm grateful for being able to have learned the lesson without any long term consequences to ruin my chances in life, but it was deeefinitively risky!
  20. @Breakingthewall I agree with most of what you're saying. I was using the circle to demonstrate that it's not possible to differentiate between infinity and nothingness. My point is that it's impossible to tell the difference because they're one and the same thing. You can't capture infinity and consciousness and intelligence because there is nothing to hold onto. The nothing I am talking about is not an empty nothing. It is fullness itself, because fullness is also nothing. It's a real head wrap. Everything is nothing, but since nothing is everything, everything is. This is obviously me giving a form to the formless, so this is only a limited view. I am not trying to negate consciousness or intelligence or infinity by any means. Use this if it resonates.
  21. His raps triggered my fight and flight mode.
  22. Consciousness could image a universe in which Christianity was true, but it could also imagine a universe in which Christianity was false. If we're unlucky Mormonism turns out to be only true religion of this universe and we'll meet each other in Mormon hell. I'm not sure how much your personal beliefs play into this. Maybe devotion attracts certain realities into existence. Or maybe we'll just enter existence roulette after we die. There is literally an infinite amount of answers to this question.
  23. Let me describe it like this. Imagine a circle with an infinite diameter. Usually when we define circles we use a line to separate the circle from everything that is not the circle. But a circle with an infinite diameter would have no line, as any line you would draw would still be an infinite distance away from infinity. So an infinite circle would literally have no substance or form to it. It would be equal to no circle at all. Infinity has no substance.
  24. That's why I'd propose that everything is equal to I, as I itself is nothing and without substance.