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Posts posted by Michal__

  1. On 4/28/2022 at 1:53 PM, thibault said:

    When people ask me this question I always give the same answer. Don't go around looking for the best language, there isn't one. What you want to do is start coding things that you have an interest in and use whatever language is best for that. That way you will develop a skillset that suits your specific interests. Having that skillset will make you want to code more things that you are interested in and will snowball your learning. If you start off saying I need to learn everything about Python and the TensorFlow machine learning module but have no end project in mind, you will never get through the debugging hell that is programming. Always start coding with a goal in mind.

    Anyways to narrow down your choices I would ask you what you want your first finished project to be :

    • A video game ?
    • A website ?
    • A mobile app ?
    • A telegram bot ?
    • A desktop app ?
    • A simulation ?
    • etc...
    • etc...
    • etc...


    Start with answering these kinds of questions then narrow down to the language. The question you have asked as it currently stands is like asking "What is the best tool to build a house ?". I mean are you building a wall ? The floor ? The roof ? The bathroom ? Are you working on the electricals ? I think you get my point...


    EDIT : Oh and regarding what others above have said about learning the general principles, just play around in Scratch for a few days/weeks until you get the hang of it. That should be enough general understanding to get you started in programming.


    And besides just programming you should also learn things like UML, Agile, documentation etc(basics of software engineering) - if you want to make it a career.

    Also - read Clean Code so you know about the best practices right from the start and don't build up bad habits.

    And maybe some math if you ever plan to create video games (doesn't have to be everything they learn at universities but it would be nice if reading some vectors while watching a "how to create ____ game" doesn't give you a headache).

  2. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Well, Infinity is not knowable in the sense that you cannot pin it down with a set of finite explanations or forms. However, you can BECOME it. You can exist as it and be fully conscious of it. It's a sort of meta-knowing which is also unknowing. Sorry for the paradoxical Zen speak but that's just the nature of the beast.

    I'm curious what effects on your health that much ketamine use produced. Care to share? Did you notice any deterioration in your physical health or mental function?

    I've gone to Buddhist-style retreats such as those hosted by Shinzen Young. I've also met some serious Buddhist students and talked to people who go to these retreats for 10+ years. I've also read plenty of books written by hardcore Buddhist meditators. And the bottom line is that I find all of it very lacking when it comes to God-realization and Love-realization.

    Go read Daniel Ingram's meditation book for example. It's one of the most serious modern Buddhist meditation books and you will find no proper mention of God or Love in that book. And this is not an isolated example. So what does this tell you?

    If a spiritual teaching does not open and close with something like "You are God, God is Love", I can't take it seriously.

    To me ketamine is a great explanation of how this happens. Ketamine puts me into a Zen-like state of no-mind and not-knowing... and that is that. But the God and Love is largely missing. So people who achieve similar states through meditation don't inspire me much. It's cool, but there is something way cooler to awaken to.

    What I really want is a spiritual path that takes me where 5-MeO takes me, not where ketamine takes me. I'm sure ketamine gets cooler at higher doses, but I don't see it topping 5-MeO.

    Have you read some of Meister Eckhart's sermons? It seems like the top Christian mystics really knew / know that you are God.

    Not that I'd recommend going too much into Christianity ofc but if you incorporate dry fasting, and asking "why" about everything (kinda like all day contemplation) it really speeds up your progress.

  3. I'm pretty sure most of the most here do it for good reasons. Although there definitely could be exceptions (I'm not here that often so idk). In fact I'm 99% sure there are exceptions by reading these posts.

    My perspective is that a person who's into self actualization should find the idea of getting "power" from becoming a moderator pretty ridiculous. If someone needs to feed of that miniscule power moderating gives you then they definitely don't even have their base needs in check.

    People should become moderators only if they care about a cause and want to help.

  4. I think POIS has a lot to do with subconscious guilt (law of attraction).

    I grew up in a Christian household. When I was younger I tried nofap (for more than a month). I did experience POIS probably even before my nofap experiment. 

    But now (past year or two) my mental clarity, energy etc. are at an all time high and I don't do nofap at all. I've removed a shit ton of limiting beliefs though. I never experience POIS anymore.

  5. 15 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:


    Weed included? 

    @Leo Gura

    Weed can become pretty strong. But you have to have naturally low tolerance and choose a good way to consume it (a joint is not enough unless it's very high quality). 

    Everytime I smoke weed my vision becomes (physically) panoramic. "360°" vision (you won't see behind yourself but it's as if your whole vision became an object of meditation that you can easily focus on, your peripheral vision becomes as clear as your normal vision. The effect affects other sense doors as well). My description won't do it justice. It's pretty trippy. Buddhists called this state rigpa.

    All sense doors can become one sense door. It's very intense when it happens.

  6. Maybe I'm projecting but when I sucked at everything what helped me the most was concentration meditation, modafinil, reading lots of books and witchcraft.

    I wouldn't recommend to waste your time with going to university. You said you studied one for three years and then didn't finish - why the hell would you try to spend another three years there when you've already learned most of the stuff that you can learn from there.

    You just need to learn to build your own business. If you have any rich friends (preferably those who've built their own businesses) try to talk to them and get some advice.

    Once you have basic finances handled you can focus on relationships etc. (I'm not saying you shouldn't have friends right now, but it probably shouldn't be a top priority when you don't have the basics handled).

  7. 1 hour ago, bambi said:

    I get all that, honestly I do, I've done psychedelic profusely for over 15 years, but this still doesn't address my original question.

    Quite clearly there is a body that is being imagined that at some point will cease to exist, and something else will be imagined, I don't understand why your being so obtuse on this forum, you speak about these topics in your videos quite clearly, but for some reason aren't willing to engage in the discourse here? In your videos you insinuate infinite re-incarnating machine. etc etc. If you would rather abstain from answering no problem, no need for the convoluted process

    Death is neither real nor unreal.

  8. There are degrees to channeling / speaking with the dead.

    At the lower level it can feel like something guides what you say and is borderline wishful thinking.

    At the highest level you can talk with the (historical) Buddha that can literally sit in front of you and speak with you just like a physical person would. (While you're completely awake, I'm not talking about some half asleep state)