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Posts posted by Michal__

  1. 1 minute ago, Consept said:

    Right but im not necessarily saying cure cancer. Its interesting you bring up that LOA power is somewhat limited, what would be the limit, as in whats the most we can achieve for the planet using it? 

    But anyway it can be relatively small things, like you could use it to help your local elderly people feel less lonely or help people who want to get jobs or whatever, actual achievable things, why dont people or why dont you use the law of attraction for these things?

    I actually started affecting other peoples ability to make money not too long ago as an experiment to see whether it has an effect on karma.

    So yeah, why were you assuming I haven't done that?

    It is directly proportional to insight or LOC or both, I am not sure.

    Like when you realize oneness it gets easier to affect other people etc.

  2. 1 minute ago, Nahm said:

    That loa is a belief, that there are other people who do or don’t “believe it”, and then that it is something that could be learned & used...are reactionary thoughts. If those are breathed through & not acted upon, it can begin to be seen that loa is no more and no less what has been the case for you all along. It is descriptive of how reality is functionally appearing. What is referred to as ‘experience’ is one whole, which appears via....nothingness...vibration...particles...one whole experience (extremely condensed version). The “person” is just vibration, and is of the experience, not separate of it. ‘They’re’ a ‘condition maker’, ‘in the middle’ of an unconditional reality, which what you really are is appearing as (The One vibrating & illuminating being the one whole experience). The first step to seeing this is already the case, is noticing your vibration (state of mind / outlook / attitude / intention / how you feel generally) is indicative of what’s happening (literally, what you are creating) in your life. If that’s too big of a paradigm leap, study quantum mechanics.  The challenge of realizing loa, is one’s own karma, and that there are not multiple beings / people. (Can’t attract for another...which is really clear throughout this thread.)

    LOA at the highest level is synonymous with enlightenment.

  3. 1 minute ago, Fran11 said:

    There are people who just take things on blind faith, yes.

    But it is also true that there are many asspects about spirituality that you can confirm by direct experience besides God Conciousness (which is the main spiritual theme Leo talks about and everybody here knows about).

    But of course from the POV of someone who isn't experienced in these other asspects, people who claim such things will look like dogmatic fools. Just like someone claiming that God is not a belief would also come across to most people outside this forum.

    Of course you should not blindly believe in these things, but rather making your own experience if you are interested.



    You hit the nail on the head.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Consept said:

    Heres my question though, and it follows what @Keyhole was saying, from your perspective if you believe in LOA it means that you have the power to manifest absolutely anything, if you set your intention and do whatever the steps are it will come to fruition, so lets say thats the case 100% no doubt. If you could do that why wouldnt you set an intention to end the suffering of all people, or raise everyones consciousness, or stop poor people dying because they cant afford treatment, you literally have the power to do these things and more, but your choices are to star in a studio film and get an audition. Why dont you or every other LOA believer set these intention and make these things happen? If it is a meta-physical law it will definitely happen so you are making a choice of personal gain over intentions that could help many other people. Why dont you set these intentions that could change the world for the better?

    I think LOA power Is directly proportional to LOC - obviously nobody on this forum (or perphaps ever) is consciouss enough to do that. 

    That's why people can cure cancer through occult means but can still get killed for "blasphemy".

  5. 7 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 I don't understand why you think that setting a goal, having a vision about the end result, and working toward it is some magical law of attraction.

    Why do you insist on turning something normal and ordinary into something magical?

    Why do you insist on LOA not existing? You seem to have made your mind up.

    I wont argue, because this is something that is outside the realm of pure logic - it is a matter of direct experience.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

    @Michal__ I think it exists, but to be aware of it and use it in the right way you have to be in a certain frame of mind.  And with that comes a certain temperament and at this point I feel as though this forum should be able to discern these qualities.

    When I am in that state of mind it is as though I am floating over myself and my emotional state and I'm free from any egoic desire; none of the things that people here have attempted to manifest would be something that I would instinctually lean towards in that state - when in that state I generally go for attracting things that benefit other people - when you see someone who has arrogantly picked fights with people here on multiple occasions, after just joining this forum, then what sort of energy do you think they are attracting? I mean that works both ways doesn't it? 

    When you guys see people acting as though they have an understanding of these things, and then you see them so quickly to put down others and get into a defensive state - then you need to question the legitimacy of people like this - the fact that they aren't allowing other people to question them speaks volumes.  Anyone who instructs another on how to do anything should be able to take criticism without slinging it back.  And if not, that's perfectly fine, I'm still working on those qualities myself, but at least be honest about it - that's what this forum is here for.

    Or does the law of attraction only work when you get money in your bank account? ?

    Generally when you join a forum, or you try to get to know a group of people, it isn't socially acceptable to come in with an arrogant attitude of thinking that you can school everybody else on what you think you know more of.  There's nothing wrong with teaching people if you have a deep understanding of something, however it's always a good idea to remember to be humble about your faults.  Because then these sorts of conversations are able to become a two-way street.

    And if this person can't do that then that will quickly become apparent. You are what you attract. The fact that it is me here telling this person these lessons goes to show that the law of attraction does indeed work very well.

    Maybe I am attracting arrogant anti-loa people by being arrogant myself, whatever. 

    Also, who said I am using LOA only to benefit myself? Have you read my posts? Or are you talking to someone else? 

    Here you are coming to conclusions while I am using it both for my benefit and for the benefit of others.

    Am I the only one to notice that this forum is becoming more of who-is-the-wisest than a self-actualization forum?

  7. 16 minutes ago, Consept said:

    @Michal__ I don't think you have to be at a certain level of consciousness to believe it, I think if you are at a high level you can use the principles of it without having to resort to extra meta physical, pseudo scientific beliefs. 



    Yeah, that is kind of what I meant, I might have worded it wrong.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Dodo said:

    But man what is this other than a belief, an appearance in the Absolute, formless, changeless, right now. 

    This joker body here has been marinating and doing many spiritual practices since 2016! It's not like it's only been typing here like a savage mentally masturbating.

    But really I cant believe how appearance in consciousness can have so much faith in another appearance in consciousness to believe that they know better than them whether they realise they are not the appearance, but consciousness. 

    Its Goddamn ridiculous and pretty funny. 



    Well, yeah you might have had glimpses. You will get there one day.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Dodo said:

    Everyone with a Rasa score is admitting they do not recognise the Absolute as their true nature, but a limited self.  So really what can they say about enlightenment? 

    While there is some begger somewhere who doesn't know shit about any spiritual concept and maps  and is immersed as the Absolute...  because its simpler than what the ego thinks

    That is true only from the absolute POV. Nobody on this forum is there (well, technically they are, but they (including me and you, even Leo) don't realise it).

    Until you TRULY realise you are already enlightened rasa transmissions are a legit tool.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Dodo said:

    I am here with a specific role to play. 

    I know you're serious, pudding. That's why I'm pushing your low consciousness buttons. 

    If you are serious about enlightenment you really DONT GET IT. 



    35 minutes ago, Dodo said:

    Ok then, it must be correct then. Lol! The rasa giver... ? I can also repeat to you a number twice, that doesn't mean anything... 

    Sounds ludicrous that you believe some Rasa giver about some number concerning your very own consciousness. Heheh that's a funny concept. 

    Maybe that's what you're missing to reach 1000 and later over 9000. Only have to realise there are no gurus, no students, no rasa giver and no rasa receiver. 

    Whatever happened to introspection?  

    Nah, you're just being a devil.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Dodo said:




    Let's study this topic's title

    "How many of you actually practice the law of attraction"

    Now let's apply the same question to other laws in our experience:

    How many of you actually practice the law of gravity?

    How many of you actually practice the laws of thermodynamics? 


    If you can opt out of practicing it, it's not a law :D 


    I believe strongly in synchronicities etc, but also it is the exact nature of the Law of Attraction that it DOES NOT EXIST for those who do not believe in it. Because it is always practiced as any other law, if you do not believe it, IT REALLY doesn't work and its not there. So those who say there is the law of attraction are correct and those saying its not there are also correct. 

    If those who say that LOA is not there are wrong, then the LOA is not working for them, since that's what they are trying to attract - the absence of the Law of attraction.. 

    If you understand :D 


  12. 50 minutes ago, Consept said:

    Your external world would be your perception of it yes, but it doesnt equal an objective external world. For example if someone has psychosis and believes theyre a chicken, to them that is definitely true but to everyone else its not true. Thats why relative truth is also important as its pretty impossible to get to an objective truth. 

    What we know is that there is some kind of phenomena where if you think about something enough you start noticing it more and maybe more opportunities arise around that thing. Ive noticed it as i wanted to buy a particular car and i started seeing this type of car everywhere and started seeing more people selling it and became much more aware of it, then eventually bought it. So did some unknown forces come together and start creating and manifesting this car in the external world because i said in my head i wanted it or were these cars always in the world and my brain just started paying attention to this car more and more because i attached importance to it? I can imagine we evolved in this way because early humans would need to be able to spot food that was nutritious, so they would need their brain to focus on finding this food, it would be a matter of survival. Maybe they didnt have an explanation for this phenomena either and thought it was a sun god that gave them this food. 

    Now, however we do have an explanation for it which is actually a lot more simple than the one proposed by LOA. 

    Can you expand on this parents aging thing by the way im really curious 


    No, your perception changes other peoples perception too. Again, arguing is pointless - you have to raise your consciousness.