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Posts posted by Dryas

  1. On 29/05/2024 at 2:44 PM, Carl-Richard said:

    I'm convinced you can increase your IQ by 10 points in just a month with Dual N-Back training

    What about Quad N-back? I've done that for about a month (skipping one day, ~25 minutes) and I didn't get a 10 point increase. I will admit to some cognitive boost but I'm skeptical even of that and it definitely wasn't 10 points.

    I'm kinda lazy these days but intend to get back on it for the entire summer and see what happens I guess.

  2. I've never quite understood the hate tiktok and shortform content in general gets because I simply cannot relate to having reduced attention spans or difficulty focusing or even it taking too much time away from work. I'd say tiktok has been a net positive actually.

    But that's just me and I felt like sharing it because I hear too much criticism from people who say the opposite.

  3. On 30/03/2024 at 9:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

    I'm curious, how many of you here suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)?

    Yep, I do.

    On 30/03/2024 at 9:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

    What caused your tinnitus?

    I'm not confident. I don't think the cause is very obvious in my case so I just have some ideas and considerations.

    I have been using earphones/headphones for probably 5+ years so I suspect that has something to do with it, perhaps the volume was too loud even though I honestly never really felt that that was the case but I also don't remember that well. If I had to though bet this is probably the reason why.

    Another consideration is that perhaps I had tinnitus for quite a while before I first noticed it but only noticed it when I did because I was meditating around that time (it was only 10-15 mins but it is something).

    Some more info: I was using airpods pro for a few days before I first noticed my tinnitus while running outside. We had terrible smog at that time of the year too (seems quite irrelevant but more information can't hurt, I guess.

    On 30/03/2024 at 9:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

    How loud is your tinnitus on a scale of 1 to 10?

    I'd say its a 5 or mayybe 6. I have two types of ringing though, one of which I cannot hear at all with even little background noise and another that is. In complete silence though, the first type of ringing is most noticeable.

    On 30/03/2024 at 9:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

    Have you found any solutions that worked for you?

    I haven't really tried anything. It's been 3+ years now and I haven't noticed any worsening despite using over ear headphones quite a lot for music and whatnot (though I am super cautious with the volume levels.) Sometimes, rarely, I notice a change in the sound and it might get louder or more annoying for a while but that has never lasted too long and I return to normal. Not sure what to make of it.

    On 30/03/2024 at 9:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

    The reason I ask is because I think I found a cure, which I plan to share in a few weeks.

    Dang, ok that'd be sweet.

  4. 23 hours ago, Yimpa said:

    Just because is has the word “Meta” in it doesn’t necessarily mean it knows squat :P

    Who do you trust? Here’s a list of people with similar timelines:  https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/18vawje/comment/kfpntso/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

    But I mean sure you could just say they’re all bought into a hype cycle. I just think that’s a less plausible explanation. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Yup. At some level, we're all immoral, biased, egocentric. It's just how far will you go? What kind of reasoning will you use?

    I don’t agree that it is immoral though. It seems like in the most basic sense morality is constructed out of whatever we care about. I can care about some things and not other things. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    When you're dead, what is the difference between your family members and a stranger? You don't see them, you don't feel them, and same with them. You're just a memory in their mind, like the stranger they saw on the street yesterday.

    Okay and? When I'm alive I decide what's important to me and what's not. Or maybe I don't consciously decide it but just through a combination of experiences and biases - either way, I basically pick whatever is important.

  7. >If you answer "yes" to any of these last questions, it most likely cannot be because they are in your presence, because you're most likely dead. It has to be because you care about their life, their well-being, not your own. And why should that apply to only your family members?

    Because they're my family members? What other reason do you need. There actually is something different about family members vs non family members.

    Just in a very basic level we care about some humans more than others - why should that be irrational?

  8. On 02/01/2024 at 10:48 PM, Carl-Richard said:

    I mean, the progression from 2-Back to high-end 4-Back says a lot. Other than that, it does actually feel like I've gained an additional 10 IQ points. I think faster, read faster, write faster, perform mental arithmetic faster, stumble less often when I speak, I'm better at listening to people speak, understanding things, etc. I think another thing that helped significantly was adding sprints to my training regimen, so that may be a confound for how I feel subjectively, but still, I was advancing in n-Back ability before that as well.

    Not isn't solid enough imo (too subjective). This might be a little silly but like try doing some complicated physics/maths/cs/engineering questions and see if you can actually solve them quickly? Something that doesn't require too much prerequisite knowledge, of course.

  9. Politics is necessary but really I don't feel like you need to keep up with it on a daily basis on every little bs. Like does one really need to keep up with the Trump trials and whatnot? I don't see the point. It poisons the mind too much in my view.

    I would rather just have a solid theoretical foundation something like the conscious politics series and vote and maybe some broad-strokes level understanding of current events and maybe do some sort of activism I guess if you're really into it(?). 

  10. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    It means that meaning is a projection of your mind. You can of course project all the meaning you want, but eventually you will have to face the fact that you created it and that there is no meaning outside your constructions.

    When one is experiencing the beauty of nature/reality or tapping into source or taking a psychedelic etc. - doesn’t seem like these experiences are meaningless? 

  11. 1 hour ago, AndylizedAAY said:

    @Dryas Why wouldn't it be and how do I know that this is the case? Can you please give me an example? 

    For example a mentally unstable person learning about God or awakening - that wouldn’t be so great for him probably. That’s a bit of an extreme example but you can imagine cases where it’s subtler. 

  12. There are other communities/sects worth exploring. Maybe you don’t get the highest insights but you can still extract a lot of value and just generally interesting and stimulating stuff.  

    Knowing the highest insights might not even be what’s personally best for you anyway (?)