Chakra Lion

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Posts posted by Chakra Lion

  1. Seems  like you are talking about Authors or Screenwriters, Novelists or Poets, or really any Story or Song Writer. When the mind gives birth to a new reality, you have to form a structure so that you present it correctly, in a clear way. That requires observing and understanding what real is, how it tricks and pulls the soul through heaven and hell. Explaining something so incredible that it speaks to the spirit of many. When you can be entertaining in how you express, the words and ways you write, then that's all the receiver really cares about. You just want to give something that doesn't feel like a waste of time, something that's seems important. What do you want to hear? Truth. Perceived rational Truth. 

    Skill is something you can pick up. I am learning something right now that I had no clue about a few months ago, and now I am building on that Skill. So many Skills that I am working on growing. That is what comes natural. The desire to grow Skill. 

    David Foster Wallace, Allan Watts, Robert Greene are my top 3 for speakers that realize more than what is. And they are really great at expressing it. 

    What about this? 

  2. On 5/21/2020 at 7:48 AM, liamnewsom202 said:

    I feel like id be perfectly fine with someone who isnt into consciousness work but could still appreciate the way I like to look at the bigger picture of reality and I wouldn't have to limit my interest in in order to not offend or appeal to this person.

    Don't think so much. You will look past the love of your life when you put criteria on people. Love just happens.

    And more importantly. You should build a friendship with your partner. And from there it should become a best friend ship. And then, when you don't want to live without them, it wont really matter how similar or different you both are. You love them for being them. Not for being like you. 

  3. Whats the work your doing? Logging? Slaughterhouse Employee? 

    Ego wants to feel guilty so it will be restless and uncomfortable, instead of enjoying and loving what is happening in its life. 

    The best way to prevent the worlds destruction as a human? Just wait to die off. 

    I'm sure you are destroying the world in many worse ways. Do you Drive? Do you grow your own food? Do you smile enough? 

  4. 2 hours ago, JessiChell said:

    Like how much social media?  How much should I limit contact with my friends/family? Would one distraction this weekend be the biggest setback?

    It's these questions I need help with. What is the day-to-day routine of acquiring self-love?

    Just be present. Its your Spirit that's fighting you when you make a choice it has realized to be more negative than positive. 

    Every moment you have to be engaged with what your heart wants. If it wants to go on Social Media, then do it, and when its had enough, leave it. When you want to meet up with someone, then do it, and if it ends up being a negative experience, then don't regret it, learn from it. Its all just learning to make the right choice. But the problem comes when you have made a choice, like maybe hooking up with someone, and although it feels great in your body and mind, if your spirit isn't connected to it, then its a sign you should be doing something else. And after some days go by, and the regrets or guilt fade, the body and mind will pull you towards its pleasures again. But if your Spirit is screaming out of your heart not to do it, because it remembers how damaging it was, but you continue to put the self through it, there is nothing to grow from. You stay the same, or worse, the cries from your Spirit will bring you down and make you question what your doing wrong. Then you might forget, or ignore the reasons for the lack of self love, and slowly begin to fade into darkness. There you will have to face the self, and your spirit will purge. And to move back into the light to rebuild your self, you will start asking what you should do. You will realize that certain activities don't serve you anymore. That you drift back into the darkness when you talk to certain people, or when you do certain things. Do you ignore the darkness or are you not strong enough to climb to the light? You are a precious flower. You are just a child. And you are the guardian of that child. You are the God that created this experience to live through this child. Why do you not love this child? Have you forgotten how hard you worked to get here? For thousands of days, you continue to grow. And it doesn't matter if you grew in the wrong way or damaged some things along the way. What matters is that you grow into the person you think about all day. You need to think who you want to be. Stop destroying your Spirit with the guilty pleasures of the body or mind. Do thinks out of Love, not routine or boredom. Think about the child in you. Think, and Become. 

  5. On 5/11/2020 at 9:27 AM, mo90 said:

    - what are the states of a chakra and which one is the best? (blocked - active - overactive) is this right ? some people mention (balanced/imbalanced).

    - if I'm to work on the chakras, is there a specific order? for example if my third-eye chakra is open or active, do I have to take care of the other five that are below it?

    - what is meant by: for example: "the base chakra is associated with stability and security and basic needs (sleep, eat...etc)"? what would be the case if this chakra is blocked or active or overactive ?


    Greetings, Mo

    Balanced would be the ideal.

    And the Fight is different within each Chakra. For the Root Chakra, the main battle is Fear vs Trust. And that conflict is what will either keep you there or awaken you to the next stage. This Fear vs Trust conflict evolves around each of the themes in the Root Chakra. The Root deals with the basic Physical Reality of Existance. You will not be able to focus on much more if you have Fear dominating that aspect. If you have to Fear for your Safety, fear for tomorrow, you cannot trust this physical reality, and you cannot grow out of the basic root needs. The issues only get more complex and trickier as one moves up and down the Chakras.

    Even someone who is deeply connected to their Spirit and seems to see beyond what others see. For a balanced Body Mind and Spirit, you need to continuously expand your conciousness to all aspects of the self. Thats why Gurus or Holy Men have others to take care of them, so they dont have to exhaust energy on basic needs, and can keep their head in the sky, connected to source. 

    There is a lot of inconsistent information about the Chakras, like most ideas. But to truly understand them, you have to feel them. 

    Also check out - Maslow's hierarchy of needs / 7 dimensions of wellness / Spiral Dynamics 



  6. @Bittu Your lucky to have Internet. I was in a Mental Health Facility for 4 months, and the reason It was so long is because I lied my whole life. I deluded the reality of how things were, how I was really feeling. And once I was forced to open up about it all to my family and friends, to myself, life got a lot easier. Like telling your parents that you got an F. It will always be alright, and its not as serious or important in the big picture as it might seem at the present moment. 

    Plus, there is a difference between exposing your self, and keeping lies. Right now, I think you should be very careful. It could be dangerous and potentially very regretful to be radical at this time. You should stay logical, focus on getting out, and take this time to heal and grow. Trying to convince a Doctor that works at a Mental Hospital that Psychedelics have opened your mind is like walking into an AA meeting drunk and expecting applause. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, JessiChell said:

    So... in complete and utter honesty...I want to feel desired by a man and want to feel worshipped. Is this my ego talking? Probably. I'm not conscious yet. Can I consider this a treat to myself after not feeling desired from the man I loved for 9 months?  I'm feeling my feelings, I am meditating and I am not talking to men. 

    The Person I loved so deeply for 10 years stopped showing me Love. I used to receive their love and attention every moment I needed it, and I never had to question my worth. But after months of awkwardly and painfully moving away from one another, I became very empty and lonely. The gross Insecurities and illogical thoughts kept dragging me down into the darkest corners, where I would question what made me so distasteful, am I not worthy to be loved, is this it for me... 

    But the truth came to me, as I was ready to die from heartbreak. It was so clear. I accepted that I am alone. I accepted that no one will ever fill me up to the point of reaching fulfillment. Because I didn't even love myself. I never loved myself, and the only reason I was still alive, was from the love from others. Because I was so weak, so empty, and my only hope was for someone to love me enough, that they will heal and bring me to nirvana. 

    When someone gave me Love, it used to go right into me, like a source of life, I never got enough. But that's what happens when there is a hole in your heart. When you don't love yourself, you can't hold love. You will always seek externally, to fill the empty internal self. Its so obvious when you realize that. And you need to take your time. Heal your self. Patch your heart, and fill it up with self love. When your heart is full with the love from your self, you don't need love from any one else. And any love that you are shown, you wont have to feed off it. You can simply let their love flow through you, let it overflow you, so that you can only breath back love. 

    I'm sure you've met those people where you can feel that they are feeding off your love and energy. And in return, you receive little in comparison. You will not receive love from them, not the authentic true love that comes from someone who has no need to receive love to give love. Be full of Love. No one can Love you like You can Love You. ❤

  8. A man is what he thinks about all day. If you want to feel satisfied and filled with purpose, then start thinking about it. You will never get anywhere if you let that insecure voice control who you are. You are what ever you want to be. And you are at the exact moment where you can decide what to do next. Sit back down and relax back into your depressing life, or do something outside of your comfort zone, where you challenge your mind and body, and you grow towards who you were always meant to be.

    There is no other obstacle right now but for you to choose who you want to be. Every Moment, you decide if you grow or not. You are the only one who holds you back. You need to fight fear. Find the thoughts that give you pure satisfaction, start to think about them every waking moment, start working towards it all day, or learn to love your life without any regrets.

  9. Art that is created with no meaning is a waste of space. Its so uncomfortable to see someone that will sell out for any little gain, and you can see those intentions in their art. You cannot create something that is out of this world when your mind isn't able to expand outside your own self. Doing things for the self, for meaningless appreciation from a majority of people, what is authentic about that? The amount of Love and real true appreciation one can get will be much greater as a Doctor then as someone who is a crowd pleaser.

    Create through your heart, for healing and love, for enjoyment of creating. You don't want to force yourself into doing something when it isn't coming out of you naturally and with great pleasure. Take your time, create for yourself and no one else. When you get your own authentic style in whatever your doing, it will lead you to where ever you need to go. 

  10. Maybe they have experienced those things in their reality, like seeing UFO's or having learned enough to know and see that the Government continuously does whatever you would never expect it to do. 

    Conspiracy: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

    Do you think the Government has your best interest in mind? Do you not think that spending over 50% of a societies budget on War is in not harmful? Do you believe that banks using your money to support their agendas is lawful? The list goes on... You see a Conspiracy until you don't. This whole reality could be a conspiracy by higher beings to milk us for energy. Life is funny like that.


    "Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see" - John Lennon