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Everything posted by Snader

  1. That's certainly an endeavor worth pursuing!
  2. I also reflect back and think about the bright side of being born and raised in poor and disadvantaged conditions, but also the lucky side of having resources to avoid inheriting those conditions. I can imagine the mess I would be if I hadn't had those resources. That's a good point. Nothing wrong with complaining per se. I've recently turned a new chapter in my life and along with that I've started new endeavors. Those endeavors are investments towards my future, increasing my possibilities to build a life where I can live up to my values, at least a lot more than I've been able ever before. This process is mentally demanding, which is already detaching me from some more ''noble'' activities and state of mind that is important to me in a different way, but on top of that I'm forced to deal with different kind of human shit that kind of comes with the package. So as a spiritually wired person with relatively high level of consciousness, sensitivity, and criticality, I find it pretty exhausting to almost daily deal with stupid petty human bulsshit, fakeness and selfishess. But that's the cost here, nothing comes easy. I'm now delicately fine-tuning my life, including all the dimensions which it contains, to be able to go on without too big of an identity crisis. I thought it would be nice to ask here and get some perspective on the matter. Not just so that I could cultivate those perspectives, but also cause I'm genuinely interested in how people handle their lives in all its vastness.
  3. Again, thanks for the comprehensive answer. There are many interesting threads there and I can recognize many themes reminding me of some of my own trajectories. I can definitely relate. To me it feels like pressure constantly close to my skin. And being aware of it to reject it seems to eats up lots of energy. That kind of appreciation seems to be rare. I've also tried to practice it more, to remember how entitled and fortunate I am, how little I'm really justified to complain about life. Do you believe you can break out one day?
  4. Do you have any challenges in that process? What would you say that is making you to persist in that ongoing never-ending process?
  5. Are that set of proper actions enough for you to fulfill your Dharma, or is there something more? How do you cope in life when you face obstacles and suffering in life despite the fact of following the principles? Do you ever start doubting the principles? That must be a great coping strategy, if your intuition and realization is just strong enough. In my experience human life usually tends to drastically challenge that frame of mind, loosening your grip.
  6. Do you consider yourself living according to this standard?
  7. We overcome the obstacles, yes. But after one, there is always another waiting for you behind the corner. I agree. As far as our human life is concerned and we are operating on that level, those things seem to be the only antidote to the suffering - especially selflessness.
  8. @hyruga Sure. What I’m interested in is the experiences people have with those struggles and how differently they cope. Like you said, some feel they’re trapped while others do not. That by itself is pretty fascinating.
  9. @LastThursday Thanks for sharing! I have few questions, if I may ask: 1) Is the sensation of feeling trapped rising from the fact of being a wage slave or is it more related to the lack of self-worth stemming from not ''being somebody''? 2) You said that among society it's your lack of willingness or ability that is preventing you to untrap yourself. Can you possibly describe that further; what is going on with your will and capability, how are those things operating with you to block you from taking action? I know it might be a tricky one to put in words. 3) You seem to take responsibility over your own life, which is great! But as you acknowledge society's partial role in your misfortune, don't you ever think society might have a role in your current situation of not being capable or willing to take action? I might sound like a therapist trying to lead you to some kind of realization about your life, but no, that's not my intend here. I'm just curious to understand.
  10. Isn’t this a matter of preference?
  11. @Leo Gura have you decided a more specific order or any logic to how you plan to proceed, on top of the least known to most known? Like categorizing all the countries by a factor, such as wealth, development, climate or whatever, or just go along as you discover good documentaries?
  12. Your ursername is at least.
  13. Haha I can imagine his doughter begging him to do this video with her and him finally breaking.
  14. I bet this forum was created just to lead folks to the realization of the limits of their thinking and human language. 'Getting like-minded people together' was just a bait for the stupid human mind
  15. You need to know the shit you talk about. That makes a huge deal. Also don't get fooled by what you see. I bet Leo does plenty of preparation and organizing work for his videos. Get to know your shit first, then have the courage and resilience to practice regularly. And remember, when it comes to communicating and articulating yourself, there will always be good days and bad days.
  16. The slow progress speed, considering how much I practice and gain stress in the process.
  17. You can definitely build valuable skills on probably any subject better and faster by yourself than in the university system. The university system will force you to study some useless shit you don't really need or even want to study. The academic world will also pull you towards a certain frame of thinking that can be very harmful to your self-improvement work, if you are not careful enough; acknowledging those pulling forces and critically introspecting yourself in relation to your environment. On the other hand, not many people are mature enough or in some other way capable enough to use their free time effectively, so that's where university can definitely help. Also the social aspect of being a student, networking and exposing yourself to social situations can be beneficial to your career and also to your health, if done in mature manner. Grades can also be seen as "cultural capital", which is toxically kind of a metaphor for "being a better citizen", but maybe useful to give you confidence to thrive and enhance your self-esteem - if that is needed. So generally it would be best to educate yourself, but in many cases that's not very realistic. I don't know you and your situation, you might as well have balls to do that, if you just have the financial side figured out. One more thing to consider is that in some jobs you simply must have certain level of education to be allowed to do the work, especially in some technical fields.
  18. Constantly seeing how brainwashed people are by society. I understand why that is, but my temperament is making it hard for me to find grace and to embody the understanding I have. I’m pushing myself everyday thou.
  19. That would be a great start to get some inspiration. Those books can get you on the right track very fast.
  20. Thanks for clarifying. Looking forward to your future material!
  21. I haven’t been very active on the forum, so I’m not really up to date on today’s discussion here. Therefore I must ask: what do you refer to when you talk about your teachings, especially in the context of no one understanding? Is it about the stuff you have made videos about and talked about for years already, but that it is misunderstood by everyone on the forum, or is it something new; stuff like alien consciousness that you’ve been touching on a bit on the forum? If it’s the latter one, then I would question the measure in which you say it is teached, cause I don’t count forum discussions as teaching, especially in subjects like that. Not to say that you have to teach anything. But I’m eaget to deepen my undestanding and especially understand stuff you talk about. I’ve been waiting for videos or a course from you to give me insight. Absolutely zero demanding here. I’m already very grateful for everything you’ve done. I only wish to be up to date with where we at, and with what specifically?
  22. Oh yeah, but the teachers also are in an important place when it comes to doing things differently and trying to enhance the whole field of teaching. Also important to note that there will be a great benefit for those who can't afford to study even in a mid-tier university.
  23. I think it's unrealistic to expect any serious initiative in the academic education field to be established by someone who A) has enough practical resources to even try to pull that off and B) doesn't have any bias. I find it hard to believe that his bias is getting out of hands. But who knows. I would expect that he's gonna be in a very minor role in the teaching himself, considering the thing gets on going and doesn't break down right away. I believe his screening work will anyway result to way better teaching quality that you typically get in a uni.
  24. Don't you think that the resources he brings in – such as his academic connections, experience and good awareness of many shortcomings in typical university teaching – are going to outweight the effects that his personal bias might have?
  25. I’ve had something like that on shrooms when I take relatively higher dosage. For me it’s not about escaping, but about the anxiousness rising from realizing the ultimate loneliness of reality. I’ve dealt with that in many different ways simultaneously. One way is that I admit that I might be lacking consciousness and understanding, so that the realization might not be the whole story as I it experience. Secoundly, I repsect the potential of psychedelics and the twisted nature of reality enough, so I intuitively feel it’s not the whole story, that there is something beautiful lurking beneath that is still for me to discover. Thirdly, I acknowledge the conditioning regarding my ego, being aware that my human bias might be distorting the experience. All of those things are something to be worked on, so I look forward overpassing that realization, or the part of it that is probably misinterpreted.