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Posts posted by jimwell

  1. 2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Why do you think people see God as this evil monster, literally, and blame God for their suffering and worldly problems in life instead of aggressively trying to understand what God is and it's essence and why things are happening the way they are happening. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

    I have a love-hate relationship with God. In fact, I curse God regularly. xD

    Why? Because I know nothing is random. Every human, animal, event, situation, plan, system, spiritual teacher, molecule, cell, etc. is manifested or materialized according to God's will. Every form of suffering or ugliness such as child abuse, rape, cancer, depression, self-murder (suicide), murder, ALS, HIV, Hashimoto disease, anxiety, down syndrome, corruption, exploitation, war, bipolar disorder, the natural cycle of animals eating other animals for survival, etc. exists because God wills it. Only a bastard can design such shit.

    I understand my perspective and perception are limited; hence, I don't see the grandest scheme of things. But my human perspective and perception are all I have. I must honor them. I even intuit that such horrors I mentioned are needed for the highest good and beauty. God is unlimited, hence it's perfect. If there's a perspective which is faulty, it's mine, not God's. I understand these things.

    But in the end, I must honor my limited perspective and perception. As I have said, it's all I have. I feel doing so is actually more genuine than pretending I have access to God's unlimited perspective and see perfection in all the horrors of this dream existence.

  2. On 9/2/2023 at 11:53 PM, Phil King said:

    This expert in AI claims that within 10-20 years, advances in AI + medicine will bring a cure for all diseases and allow for complete body rejuvenation so that you could be in your physical peak for essentially forever. Do you guys think this that within the near future, we'll all be immortal or at the very least, live a couple hundred more years?

    Becoming immortal in this century is a pipe dream. Staying alive for a few hundred years is not possible within 30 years.


    On 9/2/2023 at 11:53 PM, Phil King said:

    Would you guys even want to live forever? Does death give life meaning? How would you guys live your life if your current ego self could become immortal?

    Many years ago, I used to struggle with the fact that I am mortal and will die in the future. Death makes life empty because all your experiences, accomplishments, and even memories will all be wiped out when you die. When you're dead, it feels as if you have never been born. If you understand I'm saying, it will be obvious to you that death renders life empty (other humans use the words "pointless" and "meaningless." to describe it).

    When I finally discovered the ultimate purpose of my human existence, the depression and lamentation about the fact of death significantly decreased. Instead, I started to feel deep joy, love, excitement, and peace regularly. It's still clear that death renders life empty, but it feels it has a noble purpose, is beautiful, and is worth living.

    During those years of depression, lamentation, and nihilism; I wanted to live eternally. I felt that would be the only way for my life to have meaning and value. In retrospect, it was foolish of me to desire immortality.

    I would want to live for a few hundred years so I can maximize the accomplishment of the purpose of my human existence. I feel that staying alive for less than one hundred years is too short. I have too many plans and ambitions. I have too many concubines, wives, parks, hills, walking paths, songs, articles, videos, birds, dogs, lakes, cuisines, technological advancements, houses, etc., to enjoy, appreciate, and create.

    But I would NOT want to be immortal. It's clear to me now that being immortal is the worst mental-emotional torture God could ever inflict on its creatures. That might sound surprising, but it is the case. It's because I am limited. All the beautiful things I can enjoy, appreciate, and create will always be limited. More importantly, I myself am limited. My intelligence, perception, senses, and capacity to appreciate, enjoy, and create beauty are limited. After a few hundred years of human life, I would be sick of all the things I used to enjoy and admire. That's what being limited means.

    Hence, it is appropriate that my lifespan should also be limited. God seems to know what it's doing after all via the creation of death.

  3. 19 hours ago, Phil King said:

    ebparanoid says nothing about the actual company, only scans if the website contains any malicious links or phishing attempts. scamadvisor is literally just a page that say "Looks good, might be safe" with no other information lol.

    Those websites do display something similar to this; "The website you're checking is dangerous. Stay away from it." if it's an untrustworthy website.


    19 hours ago, Phil King said:

    Who is on the board of directors for this company and what are their past projects? Do they have any sort of working protypes? What is their plan for actually making money?

    You can find such information on their "About Us" page.


    Here's a screenshot:  haha!

    core team.png


    19 hours ago, Phil King said:

    Also the youtube video with comments turned off and less than 1000 subscribers is also a red flag. Actually their entire youtube channel with only videos titles "RAILBUS" is a red flag. 

    After doing about 5 minutes of research i can gaurantee this is not a company worthy of any investment

    Yes, I became more hesitant when I noticed the things you described.

    Saying the company isn't worthy of any investment is sensible. Thanks for the input.

  4. 14 hours ago, kieranperez said:


    16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:



    @jimwell If you invest in that shit I hope you lose all your money.

    You’re back to being a dick again. Stop being an asshole.


    In this situation, his bastardness is not serious and doesn't matter. If you're worried about him straying from the path of goodness he proclaimed to follow, just understand that accomplishing a big and important goal is difficult and takes time.

    And even if he had decided to abandon the path, that would NOT matter. It's his problem, not yours. Just focus on your chosen path.


    12 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

    Hmmmmm, I think I saw a better and cheaper alternative somewhere.


    It's not better and it's not sustainable.

  5. 21 hours ago, thepixelmonk said:

    you should invest I think

    Why do you think so? Don't you have any suspicions?


    18 hours ago, Phil King said:

    How can a company predict their own share price? Are they artificially setting it or is it a public company?

    That was why I hesitated to invest in it.


    18 hours ago, Phil King said:

    What is stopping someone from buying a shit ton of shares today and then dumping next month for a quick profit?

    In my case, it's the fear of being scammed.


    16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    If you invest in that shit I hope you lose all your money.


    You're a malicious son of a scammer.

    But thanks for the input.

    Aside from the crazy ROI forecast, do you see other signs of a scam? And how was this scam website able to get away with not being detected as a scam by webparanoid.com and scamadvisor.com?  



    RAILBUS as a mass transit system can literally transform every city in the world and promote economic growth in developing nations, as well as in leading countries. RAILBUS  impact will be significant in cities struggling with poor road infrastructure that are far exceeding their designed capacity and in need of a solution.


    I want to invest on it but I hesitate.

    The website looks decent. Webparanpoid.com and scamadvisor.com reported it as safe.



    But the promised ROI is too big and consistent. It sounds too good to be true.

    share price.png

    share value forecast.png


    I believe in the technology. I think it will have a big, positive impact on the world. But I have been scammed via an online investment which resulted in financial and mental-emotional depression. I don’t want to experience that shit again.

    Anybody familiar with this website? Is it genuine or a scam?

  7. 11 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

    One Taste, Wilber:

    "The integral sage, the nondual sage, is here to show us otherwise. Known generally as “Tantric,” these sages insist on transcending life by living it. They insist on finding release by engagement, finding nirvana in the midst of samsara, finding total liberation by complete immersion. They enter with awareness the nine rings of hell, for nowhere else are the nine heavens found. Nothing is alien to them, for there is nothing that is not One Taste. Indeed, the whole point is to be fully at home in the body and its desires, the mind and its ideas, the spirit and its light. To embrace them fully, evenly, simultaneously, since all are equally gestures of the One and Only Taste. To inhabit lust and watch it play; to enter ideas and follow their brilliance; to be swallowed by Spirit and awaken to a glory that time forgot to name.

    13 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

    When considering "buying" Buddhism, don't just buy the Iphone 2 (Theravada, Hinayana). At least consider the Iphone 14, or some forms of Tantric Buddhism. Comes with Dzogchen, Mahamudra, and uhm, the juicy stuff: Tantra.

    Interesting. I'll investigate Buddhism's iPhone 14 when I have time. That tantric Buddhism surely caught my attention. Thanks for the info and the link. :)

  8. Buddhism stands as a venerable spiritual tradition which has captivated the hearts of many because of its seemingly profound spiritual principles. I myself looked up to Buddhism after escaping the spiritual garbage of Catholicism. But In retrospect, I ended up exchanging one form of spiritual garbage for another.

    Before I continue, I must emphasize my admiration for Buddhism’s pillars: Wisdom (Prajna), Ethical Conduct (Sila), and Mental Development (Samadhi). I also love Buddhism’s emphasis on compassion towards all sentient things. Furthermore, the profound significance placed on Mindfulness within Buddhism's fabric resonates with me, signifying a harmonious union of awareness and presence.

    But I have a big problem with Buddhism’s concepts of Samudaya (Origin of Suffering) and Nirodha (Cessation of Suffering). Yes, it’s good to reduce suffering but it’s BAD to do it via the elimination of attachment and desire. If God intentionally created you, the ego, to have human experience and then to accomplish the ultimate PURPOSE; why would God detest the ego? The concept of renouncing the ego is contradictory and absurd.

    I feel compelled to scrutinize Buddhism’s pinnacle spiritual pursuit—Nirvana. The notion of a permanent cessation of suffering and a perpetual state of peace is disconnected from the reality of human existence. To be human is to inherently grapple with limitations, hence, the existence of suffering is woven into the fabric of our collective experience.

    Reports of extreme Buddhist meditators who don’t suffer in any form is bullshit. Yes, it’s possible to be free from all form of suffering for a few hours, but not in a few weeks, let alone years. So, it’s obvious the Buddha never reached Nirvana. Nirvana is a spiritual pipe dream. Buddhism is inherently flawed at its core.

    I also looked up to Sadhguru when I started to delve into spirituality. I still admire his foundational principles such as Inner Engineering, his visionary efforts with Project Greenhands, and his emphasis on nurturing well-being and spiritual growth.

    But Sadhguru is wordy and vague. He emits 70% noise and only 30% signal. I don’t have much time for his babble. And he never clarified the pinnacle of his spiritual pursuit. Leo’s “You’re God dreaming your human life.” is clear as fuck and aligns with my style.

    When asked about the ultimate purpose of human life, Sadhguru responded with “The purpose of human life is to live it.” His response suggests that his guidance will also lead others off the spiritual cliff.

    So, what's the ultimate purpose of human existence? Yes, it's spirituality. But spirituality is more than just a profound understanding of existence; it also encompasses a deep reverence for it. It's a celebration of life, an intense appreciation of its magnificence, sacredness, and splendor. To simplify, the ultimate purpose is ROMANCE WITH EXISTENCE.

    A Poodle's Spiritual Walk

  9. On 7/29/2023 at 7:25 AM, Javfly33 said:

    @jimwell ???? Real work there, thanks for sharing. I will note some of that advice to put into practice, specially the one about distancing oneself from toxic people, and rectifying my internal destruction 

    My pleasure. :D

    That's good. It all starts with a will to do it. Things will be challenging along the way, but you must continue walking on that path.

    It's also important to generate love inside you. The love is too great; it overflows. That enables you to have a romance with existence. The good thing is it also applies to girls. Girls will notice and feel that love; they can't help but fall in love.

    I recently realized that having respect for truth and goodness makes you pure. Yes, life will be more difficult because integrity must be sustained. It's challenging, especially in the first few years when you're still learning to implement it. But there's a great reward - purity. That purity is where deep joy and peace sprouts from. That's also how God reveals its mystery, sacredness, and power. 

    That sounds a lot because it is. But you can take it slow and give yourself 10 years to accomplish it significantly. But you'll probably start to feel the result in the 5th year. Is it worth it? Yes, of course. It's the purpose of your human existence. It's spirituality in action.

  10. 12 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

    what you think are main things or habits to do to make your life incredibly profound?

    Psychedelics check. But apart from that? 

    I´m talking about that kind of profoundness of experience of going to nature for some days in a row, listening to African antique music, sitting on the soil while acid comings up, everything feels alive, there is this subtle feeling that every grasshopper is a God on its own, there is a deep awe and respect for everything, you just feel blessed for breathing, everything feels mystical and sacred, wherever you look.

    How to make LIFE this? Withouth needing to pop acid each day of course...

    It's all about intensifying your awareness or consciousness.

    How do you do this? By purifying yourself from all forms of toxicity.

    Here are a few things I did to accomplish it.

    Quitting alcohol and cigarette

    I used to drink and get wasted almost every night for many years. I also used to smoke 1 pack of cigarettes per day. 

    In the past 6 years, I've been more mindful of my diet. I ensure I eat a variety of veggies and fruits regularly.

    Eliminating toxic humans

    I learned to generate self-respect and establish boundaries. I eliminated family members, coworkers, friends, and everybody who dumped their metaphorical garbage on me.

    The ones who stayed are my real friends and the ones who are my "cheerleaders".

    Mindfulness meditation

    I read "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle more than 10 years ago. I implemented one form of meditation recommended in the book:

    I used to direct my attention to the pressure on my feet when I walked.

    I also spent significant solitary time in nature. I would sit there and stare at the trees for a few hours straight. I focused on the shapes and colors of the leaves and branches. I was mesmerized by the design, knowing that every twist and curve is an expression of God's art.

    I only listened to beautiful music.

    I was very picky about the music I played. I couldn't stand listening to music with low intelligence or an ominous melody.

    I could only listen to the best songs artists around the world could ever produce. I enjoyed all genres, including rock and metal. But such songs need to be harmonic or melodic.    

    This is still true now.

    I rectified my internal destruction. 

    I had one of the worst fathers God has ever created; hence I was completely internally destroyed. I had extreme anxiety (OCD, BDD, GAD, agoraphobia, etc., and suicidal depression. There were months I could not get out of my room because of the intensity of the mental-emotional tortures.

    I devoted my entire 20s to self-therapy and self-healing. Such internal work involved much introspection, contemplation, journaling, research, and self-honesty.

    I also faced my greatest insecurities and fears.  

    My advice is to BYPASS spiritual bypassing. :D

    Solitary walks in nature

    What I shared in my post, "Romance with Existence at Night," is just one of the hundreds of my solitary walks. I've been doing it on and off for 6 years in Japan and my home country. 


    I have probably done other things, but I can't remember them now, especially because I'm sleepy while writing this. It's 4 am where I am. xD 

    Anyway, after doing the things I mentioned for many years, everything has changed. The cuisines, girls, trees, dogs, stones, snow, hills, walking paths, etc., became more delicious, brighter, crispier, and full of mystery, sacredness, and power. The world didn't change. What actually changed was my awareness or consciousness.  

  11. NPD test.png

    I scored 28 out of 40. xD

    But I'm not surprised because I had always known I have significant similarities with NPD humans. And the high score is just a manifestation of my high self-love. But I guarantee that I'm the opposite of NPD, believe it or not.

    There's truth in this test. But it's not very reliable. There were only 2 options. There were times I felt the 2 options equally described me, but I was forced to choose one. There were also times I felt the 2 options did NOT describe me, but I was forced to choose one.  

  12. I feel compelled to capture something mundane but also spiritual via words. I alternated between walking and running for 1.5 hours along a concrete walking path, which was adorned by a row of trees, plants, and flowers. I do it every 2 or 3 days, usually at night.

    My solitude, and the silence and darkness of the night made me feel the mystery and sacredness of existence. When I was walking, I observed the beauty which surrounded me. I also contemplated my life. I was repulsed by my horrible past. But I also felt a deep appreciation of the current, premium version of myself; and the things I did my entire adult life to materialize it.

    When I was running, I felt good, appreciating my body's strength and health. I also marveled at the intelligence my human body possesses to be able to perform such activities. I used to take these things for granted, especially when I was young and foolish.

    I stopped from time to time to admire the silhouette of a nearby hill, a tree which stood out from the others, and an old electrical post. These "ordinary" things felt similar to gifts from God. I felt overwhelmed with gratitude.

    Every moment of my spiritual walk and run was magical and mysterious. And I cherished the privilege of existence. For 1.5 hours, I immersed myself in bliss, except for the moment I revisited my painful memories of an ugly childhood and teenage years.

    Then I felt elation when I realized that my spiritual walk and run are an all-in-one package. It relieves me from mental-emotional and bodily stress, enables me to generate new insights, keeps my body healthy and strong, fills me with gratitude and joy, and enables me to experience spirituality in action.

    Life is a nightmare. But my spiritual walk and run significantly make life worth living. It's as satisfying as spiritually fucking my concubines. All the problems and dissatisfaction don't matter during those moments. It's an oasis of serenity amidst the chaos. It's not just a mere walk and run. It's a celebration of life, a sacred communion with existence.

    I crafted this post not only to honor and immortalize the magical experience via encapsulating it in words, but also to ignite inspiration in others.

  13. On 7/4/2023 at 9:34 PM, Tanz said:

    China relies on North Korea for minerals, resources, and supplies to build stuff in their factories to then sell the goods to America and other developed countries.  Western companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Tesla to name a few to make money and give people jobs.  Americans thrive from North Korea and China's questionable ethics.  

    We are as guilty as Xi Jin Ping, Kim Jong Un, Putin, and whomever you want to add to the list.  

    Probably not as guilty. But yes, the USA and its allies are also metaphorically dirty.  


    On 7/5/2023 at 0:37 AM, mmKay said:

    Food for thought related with the topic. Would you stay in a relationship with someone who f*cks your brains out 10 times a week but ocasionally physically abuses you??

    More directed towards women.

    Why yes?

    Why not?

    Are you actually sure It would be that way?

    That's interesting.

    How about you? What would you do?

  14. 12 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    You are making the mistake that spirituality is isolated from life. 

    I never said spirituality excludes survival. 


    12 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    While in reality you can’t be good without having the ability to be bad. Jordan Peterson explains this very well in his books. 

    Nothing I said implies that you can.

    You have derailed and are now on the wrong path. Better contemplate what I said.

  15. On 7/2/2023 at 6:48 AM, Leo Gura said:

    But North Korea is a rather exceptional case where abusive power is maintained long-term through insane totalitarian control. That kind of thing simply is impossible in most parts of world today and it never will be again.

    Yes. But I think the more significant reason is the intense brainwashing of North Korean kids. Kids are taught Kim Jong Un is a noble leader, a national father, and even a God and can't be punished. The brainwashing is similar to the brainwashing done by Imperial Japan to gullible Japanese citizens before and during WW2.

    Childhood brainwashing is very effective. I think about Christians and Muslims being unable to escape the mind virus of religion. It doesn't matter how absurd their religious dogma is or what their priests or pastors do. Most of them stay Christian or Muslim until death.    


    On 7/2/2023 at 8:11 AM, StarStruck said:

    Virtue is debit while sin is credit. You can actually off set the one against the other and max your dharma. 

    But the correct mindset is to maximize the good things you can do and minimize the bad stuff; not maximize the wrong things because of greed, and compensate them by doing good things.

  16. On 6/29/2023 at 1:38 PM, Leo Gura said:

    Keeping power for long is almost impossible unless you wield it effectively. Power has a self-correcting quality. Those who misuse it soon lose it.

    North Korea's Kim Jong Un must have provided massive value to North Koreans despite reports of human rights violations and starvation in his country. How else would he have stayed in power for many years?

    It's the same thing with China's Xi Jin Ping.

  17. 20 hours ago, Jehovah increases said:

    Beautifully enunciated jimwell ❤️ ♾️ ❤️?

    I'm happy to hear that. :D Thanks.


    12 hours ago, michaelcycle00 said:

    You must really love your life if that worries you. I mean, yeah, you're gonna die at some point. Doesn't have to be negative, in fact, it is necessary... you don't want the hell that would be immortality in human form.

    I don't love life per se. Life is difficult and absurd in many ways.

    But I love beauty in various forms. And I see mind-boggling beauty (appearance, intelligence, and love) in life. I always do my best to appreciate, create, enhance, or intensify the beauty I see and perceive. That makes life worth living. 

    It's correct that immortality in human form would be hell. In fact, that would be the worst hell. Being human is being limited. My capability to appreciate and create beauty is limited. My capability to feel love and joy is also limited. After a thousand years of human life, I would be sick of it all and desire death. So, my lifespan should also be limited. I see intelligence in God's design there.


    12 hours ago, michaelcycle00 said:

    Do you not look forward to death at all? I romanticize the idea of dying peacefully and becoming a gentle nothingness where I can sleep for eternity as the Universe disappears with me. Just typing it alone makes me feel warmness and love :x

    I don't look forward to death despite knowing it's heaven in some ways. In fact, I'm scared of it. 

    But when I have maximized the accomplishment of the purpose of my human existence, I can die peacefully.

    How could you romanticize dying without romanticizing being alive first? That's twisted. Have a romantic relationship with your life first before having a romantic relationship with death. 

  18. 22 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    true beauty is the love that is within you. authenticity, courage, transparency and total integrity. the exterior is seduction and has no value, it is a mirage.

    The internal things you mentioned are surely true beauty. But the external things are also true beauty and have value.


    22 hours ago, Jowblob said:

    The love that you have for a person creates an illusion how you will see the said person outwards. Apperance is mostly an illusion of your own consciousness

    The other way is also true. External beauty or appearance creates love and joy inside me.

    Everything in existence is an illusion. But this illusion is all there is and is all you have access to; hence the illusion is also real. It's better to take life seriously. 

  19. Yes, the melody is beautiful and relaxing. I added to my playlist.

    Here are the lyrics from https://genius.com/Munya-life-is-a-dream-lyrics:

    Take, take me to the moon
    Just you and me we can make history
    A dream is a safe place to land
    Are you afraid? You can hold my hand

    Life is a dream, you are the one
    You stand alone, a self to become
    Life is a dream, you are the one
    You stand alone, a self to become

    Take, take me to the moon
    Just you and me we can make history
    Give, give me a start to reach for
    Are you afraid? I can’t wait anymore

    Lifе is a dream, you are the onе
    You stand alone, a self to become
    Life is a dream, you are the one
    You stand alone, a self to become
    Life is a dream, you are the one
    You stand alone, a self to become
    Life is a dream, you are the one
    You stand alone, a self to become