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Posts posted by JosephKnecht

  1. 17 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    @Danioover9000 for me manipulation is when someone doesnt want to do something and you make them do what you want, by some means or you think less of yourself so you need to hide behind something to manipulate...

    So i dont see how being influential is manipulation only if you force it on others ...

    Woman being attractive is manipulation then because when someone come in front of a woman shes manipulating him with her beauty or something ??

    If all is One, who is manipulating who?

    And for what reason? 

  2. 14 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

    No, you have to manipulate in order to get what you want.

    How do you know what you want? You might think you want something, but actually want something else.

    You may think you want money, but you want security. You may think you want a girlfriend, but you want love.

    First, figure out what you TRULY want. 

    You can never manipulate someone who is more conscious than you because they can smell your BS.

    You can only manipulate those who are less conscious.

    "Manipulate" them so that they can realize the things you have realized. ;) 

  3. On 01/09/2022 at 10:56 PM, Farnaby said:

    Whenever I notice that I'm projecting insecurity I try to change my body posture, take up more space instead of going into "shell-mode". The "problem" is that I feel awkward and vulnerable and I can't help thinking: "stop acting confident when you're not, people are going to notice."

    Get out of your head. 

    Be genuine and don't think too much about what other people think. 

    If you are comfortable in your own skin, other people would be able to be comfortable with you also. 

    On 01/09/2022 at 10:56 PM, Farnaby said:

    So my question is: is this just a normal part when you're trying out new behaviors? or should I change the way I'm working on my confidence and my body language?

    Try behavior that comes naturally to you. 

  4. When you get stuck in a rut, do something new to get yourself unstuck. 

    On 17/06/2022 at 6:01 AM, Prana_y4na said:

    You think about death, meaning, you come to a bad conclusion relative to your ego. And then you can't get yourself to do anything (even less working), because now you think all it's bullshit.

    Don't think. Go outside and look at how amazing everything is. Just look without thinking.