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Posts posted by TheAlchemist

  1. With this recent war mongering and the assassination, if you feel yourself getting angry at Trump, try this.

    Can you love Trump as a part of reality, as a part of your Self even at the depths of your despise? I think practicing compassion for Trump is a great exercise in Self Love. 

    It doesn't have to be Trump, it can be anyone you strongly despise. Try feeling some love and compassion for them. Try to love them with the same depth as you would your new born child or your own mother. If you can do it, you are beginning to unlock a force that not many humans ever have had access to.

  2. On 15.11.2019 at 6:02 AM, Leo Gura said:


    On 15.11.2019 at 6:02 AM, Leo Gura said:

    Who said they are actually your senses? What if that's an interpretation, not a fact?

    Do not take a notion like "sensation" or "perception" for granted. There is zero evidence that colors and sounds are senses.

    If all our senses were to be just interpretations, how could we derive any truth at all from the world? Isn't everything you know based on your experience regardless of if you trust your senses or not? Wouldn't every interpretation be just as valid? Wouldn't there be an infinite amount of truths, thus no consensus truth at all?

  3. "Do not go gentle into that good night" is a poem by Dylan Thomas that has helped me a lot over the years. It has given me fuel to keep going in times of deep desperation and it has given me courage to be more bold and take bigger risks in the things that really matter to me.

    I decided to start this journal after having gone through a few weeks of massive ego backlash/self sabotage. 

    Before I go into that I will do a short recap of some relevant things:

    16-year old me:

    Extremely social anxious, very skinny, completely lost with women, deeply addicted to porn, feeling of no control in my life, feeling isolated, lonely, my best friend turned against me, completely lost in life, no idea of my purpose, raised by evangelical Christian parents, deep feelings of shame

    Now I am 22 years old, what has happened since? I first got into self-improvement, started doing surface level stuff taking cold showers, lifting weights, eating better, facing my fears, pickup, comfort zone challenges, public speaking, university, studying myself and my tendencies. I also travelled on my own a lot which rapidly grew me as a person, I hitchhiked around Europe on my own and backpacked in Asia. 

    In the past few years I got into more inner work. Emotional release techniques, meditation, psychedelics, inner child work and figuring out my purpose. I realized that I dont want to be a wage slave which led to starting a business and learning how to make money online a few months back. Now I'm gonna write about the past few months and the ego backlash I'm going through atm.

    June 2019

    I intentionally didn't take a job for the summer break from university so I could focus on learning how to make money online for the next 4 months. I got into a course be Sam Ovens which was recommended to me by a friend who is making lots of money online. I didn't want to just make money but do something meaningful so I figure the perfect niche for me was Porn addiction recovery.

    I had struggled with it myself for years and I felt like I had a lot of knowledge of that market and how to help people. At this point I had been free from porn for about 4 months and with only a few slip ups in the past year. So I believed I had a grip on it. I started the business full of fear, I registered the company, made a website and started reaching out to potential clients. 

    New habits: Started daily meditation with the Waking Up app, daily affirmations and daily gratefulness practice. 

    July 2019

    Kept moving forward with the business. Meditation starting to bring some results. A mushroom trip that shook things up. I realized I can only find answers inside me, not outside me. Did social comfort zone challenges in public almost daily. 

    August 2019

    Kept going with the client outreach, got a free client to test things on. Pretty much smooth sailing

    Present - Backlash

    I decided I will be honest with my journal so here goes:

    University started again. For the past week I have struggled with complete ego backlash. I skipped some daily meditations that I had been doing for almost three months every day. I have been skipping the gym, skipping meals, procrastinating for days on end and isolating myself from other people. 

    Heres the most difficult part:

    I also have had a complete relapse to porn. This has effectively destroyed a lot of my dreams of making the online business work. I cannot be authentic in teaching others how to quit porn if I am still struggling with it myself. So I have to put that whole project on hold for now. I feel like a part of me is trying to tear down every single thing I made progress in over the summer. This past summer I experienced more rapid progress than ever before in my life and the self sabotage is also stronger than ever before.  Now I am kind of lost and in a rut. I know things go up and down in this world of duality, but it still doesn't make the down part easier. Now it's time for awareness and some intense self-reflection. 

    What part of me is it that doesn't want me to succeed? How can I give it some love and attention without it having to tear down my life to get it?

    I will be reflecting on these questions and getting back to this journal when I have something.



  4. Yes. Especially Juliens Trasformation Mastery program opened me up to a whole new level of self-development and gave me powerful experiences of what can be achieved with deep inner work. It is really great stuff for releasing emotional trauma that might be blocking you from self actualizing. People tend to dismiss Rsd because of their pickup past, but the stuff Julien is teaching nowadays is very powerful inner work.

  5. It's a tough situation. Humanity is faced with a choice between their own personal shirt term gain and what's best for humanity as a whole. With the current system we have on earth (most people being below stage green) it seems impossible to stop climate change through any kind of individual choices in the short window of time that we have. All we can do is place demand on the market with our money for more sustainable products and hope that our stage orange societies get enough economic incentive to produce technology that can somehow slow down climate change.

  6. There are shadow aspects to both the masculine and the feminine. Just because some shadow aspects of the feminine (along with positive aspects) are surfacing, it doesn't mean that it is not exposing the shadow aspects of masculinity that have been running rampant for most of human history. That being said, the pendulum often tends to swing too far to the other side on these types of things, but over time it seems to stabilise closer and closer to truth.

  7. I often see eyes on my trips, on a higher dose my whole visual field has been filled with eyes that are inside a fabric of infinitely small triangles that my visual field has been filled with. The "eyes" are more just symbols of an eye, it doesn't feel like there is something watching me or anything. If it feels like anything it's a mysterious ancient feeling, like those eyes from Egyptian hieroglyphs like someone said above me.