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Posts posted by Bodigger

  1. @Leo Gura Did I program these idea's or am I falling for idealistic thoughts of others?  I know in the past it was definitely the latter, until I started my own research and discovering my own thoughts about things.  I don't feel like I am defending anything, I am attempting to share my thoughts and discover the truth, as well as learn.  Do you really think I should give it up?  @Extreme Z7 I think a softer approach would benefit the collective even more, rather than throwing it in there face.  People don't put up there fist's when punches are being thrown from ten feet away, but if they are in your face, it is natural to punch back.

  2. @Serotoninluv I agree that every situation needs to be addressed differently in most cases and sometimes the Feds need to step in.  I also agree that States and Municipalities should stand there ground in some cases.  In regards to LGBTQ inclusion and equality, I am all in, but how is painting public crosswalks in LGBTQ theme's addressing equality for the collective?  IMO, it seems intrusive to many other people, in other words, "There, take That"!

  3. On ‎10‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 7:48 PM, SerpaeTetra said:

    The #1 reason I don't want Trump to be re-elected is the amount of laws and policies that are anti-LGBTQ he and his administration have passed.  I have a few family members who were effected by these measures and its sad to see our country moving backwards in these regards.  

    Number 2;

    CNN reports that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) sent a letter to members of the Ames City Council asking the city remove pro-LGBTQ themed crosswalks in the community, citing so-called "federal traffic control standards." 

    My work is in road construction and the FHWA is accurate in there letter for Federal Highway Standards.  I am all for the Feds staying out of Municipal and State involvements however, if funding is coming from the Feds, Municipal and State governments are compelled to the Federal Standards.  IMO it is the correct decision due to the paint on roads can become very slippery when wet.

  4. 51 minutes ago, tenta said:

    I never said Obama is perfect

    So because of the one reason, that they're giving people free stuff for joining the US instead of putting them into concentration camps

    No you didn't, but the topic came up and I shared my thoughts on it.  I also think we should be careful about the use of the word concentration camps.  I am sure there are many people on this forum who take offense to floating this statement out so casually, and it is not truthful.

    56 minutes ago, tenta said:

    No he isn't, there is already more than enough evidence for impeachment since it's illegal to withold money from a country until they smear your political opponent, doing this just to get an advantage int he race

    Then impeach him.  Why is it taking so long, and why are the so called hearings being held in secret?

    59 minutes ago, tenta said:

    Having some more resources to compete with china and india isn't worth ruining the planet, and Trump himself isn't giving reasons not to combat climate change, just nonsense or deflections, when the US defense force admits the biggest threat to the US is global warming

    When I play the tape forward, I find that countries like China will do what ever it takes to survive.  It will not do the U.S. any good to spend money that we do not have so China can take control.  For now, lets do what we can, and be an example.

    1 hour ago, tenta said:

    Okay so, why should you pay taxes but not amazon? Yes they hire people, who they'd pay a garbage amount while making them piss in bottles, but they pay them more now because of regulation, you're agreeing with Trump's deregulation so again why should you pay taxes and amazon shouldn't?

    I am not covering for Amazon.  They played by the rules of the tax code.  They also paid billions in taxes, just not income.  They also expanded and hired on 50,000 employees in the past year.  Amazon is also headquartered in Luxembourg so I am intrigued to know if this has something to do with not paying income taxes.

  5. 11 hours ago, SerpaeTetra said:

    Actually, most illegal immigrants work their ass off when they cross the border for close to minimum wage, so that they can send it back home.  I witnessed this first hand many times as I'm sure many others can say the same.  Illegally crossing the border was often viewed as a petty crime, which we turned a blind eye too because it served both parties in some fashion.  What did you do to deserve getting free health care and schooling as a child?  And as an adult, if you had a disability, what did you do to deserve the free benefits you received?  

    This illustrates one of the reasons I disagree with the Dems.  They bring nothing to the table because as Americans, we don't deserve anything because we are privileged, so.....if we have something that other people want, they deserve it as well.  There is a legal way to enter the country and millions of people do so every year.  The people who cross the border illegally are holding things up for the others because they are going through the same bureaucratic red tape.  The Illegals are sending money back home so there remaining friends and family members can illegally cross the border as well.  Do you see the cycle happening.  It is chaotic to continue this, and this is what the Dems want.  I want orderly immigration and from what I can tell, this is what Trump wants as well.  After all, his wife is an immigrant.  

  6. 14 hours ago, SerpaeTetra said:

    The #1 reason I don't want Trump to be re-elected is the amount of laws and policies that are anti-LGBTQ he and his administration have passed.  I have a few family members who were effected by these measures and its sad to see our country moving backwards in these regards.  

    Okay, so let's go with the first one;

    The Trump Administration announced its support of allowing faith-based schools to use religion as a so-called "right to discriminate" against LGBTQ teachers and staff and removing pro-LGBTQ curriculum in classrooms. 

    This is for faith-based people who want there children to be taught in a faith-based manner.  Trump, and the Constitution are protecting people for there religious beliefs.  To do otherwise is going against the Constitution.  For example; we can't force someone to hire me as a female dancer even though I am a male.  Nobody is forced into a religion, but it is necessary to respect the rites of people and there beliefs. 

  7. On ‎10‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 2:52 AM, tenta said:

    I don't agree with Obama doing that, but again why vote trump? Why is he better than the democrat candidates in 2020?

    It is disingenuous to point at situations handled by Trump in which you disagree when Obama has done similar.  Trump is upholding the law and the Dems are mocking him for it without ideas.  The Dems are also refusing to give the Trump administration any funding to deal with the border crisis.  the Dems are giving them drivers license's, Schooling, and health care, for doing nothing more than illegally crossing the border.  Do you think this will help the situation on the border?  I think it will make things worse.

    On ‎10‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 2:52 AM, tenta said:

    Why do you think that trump is right on global warming despite science saying otherwise clearly?

    Trump was voted in to manage a country.  I don't think he doesn't care about the environment.  I deal with State and Federal agencies in environmental erosion control and I have not witnessed any changes in environmental regulation.  We need to have balance when dealing with climate change.  I think about this way; say we spend trillions of dollars attempting to overcome climate change and we do go into a lot more debt.  China and India, does nothing about climate change and figures out a way to bore underneath our country and gets all of the oil.  Well, we are then likely to be owned by China due to the debt we have accumulated, the oil is now being used elsewhere, and we a broken country.

    On ‎10‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 2:52 AM, tenta said:

    Amazon paid nothing in taxes last year, trump doesn't have a problem with that  (hardworking people having their fruits fueling the greed of large companies

    Without getting too lengthy they were allowed a tax credit and when the new corporate tax law's were administered, companies were able to go back two years for this.  Why does this bother you, Amazon employ's over a half million people.  What should Amazon do with there profits, give it back to the people, or expand and hire more people?  I prefer buying products from brick and mortar stores where I get to know the people.

  8. 50 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

    Democrats believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls.

    I actually started reading the document before reading the rest of your post and I got such a chuckle out of this part and paused on reading the rest.  This is one of the reasons I swayed to the right a while back.  The Dems are not an example of this statement.

  9. 1 hour ago, Serotoninluv said:

    You are using right-wing talking points. Dems are not for "open borders". That is a hardcore republican frame. 

    I don't disagree with you about hardcore republican frame but come...on....the Dems don't make any effort into the aspect of the discussion.  All I hear them saying is "We need comprehensive immigration policy". 

    1 hour ago, tenta said:

    It's not that simple, do you know about his proposals of shooting immigrants and how he has separated families? And also coming into the US legally should be easier

     Please......tell me about this proposal of shooting immigrants. 

    Separated families huh....why is it okay to separate families for U.S. citizens when we break the law, but not for illegals crossing the border.......illegally.   The law states that minors cannot be held in jails or prisons.  Obama separated families and there was no outrage.......interesting.

    1 hour ago, tenta said:

    Even if the policies are far left, it doesn't mean they're wrong

    I'm not saying they are wrong, I just don't agree.  I have seen very good arguments on behalf of the left, I just don't agree with many of them for different reasons.  I was very liberal when I was young, and as I think more about my political associations, I sway to the right.  I could go on about why but this is not really part of the discussion.

  10. 10 minutes ago, tenta said:

    You are ignoring his border policy and what he has proposed about it, you are ignoring his support of dictatorships, you are ignoring his corruption, you are ignoring a lot of his blunders etc. and just focusing on "well he's republican and I am too so let's vote for him, who needs a thousand dollars a month?"

    I've seen people say some deregulation trump did helped their business a bit, even for the people who are befitting from it like that would benefit more from free medicare for all or a thousand dollars a month, instead of working tons to fuel the greed of billionaires

    Border Policy - Trump=Come in legally / Dems=Open to anyone.  I am definitely not ignoring that one.

    Supports of dictatorships - What support am I ignoring?

    Corruption - There is plenty of corruption on both sides.  Which Trump corruption bothers you the most?

    Blunders - I blunder myself all the time, but I learn from my blunders.  Which Trump blunders bother you the most?

    Deregulation - Tell me, which one of Trump's deregulatory bills bothers you the most?

  11. 5 hours ago, tenta said:

    And his supporters are ignoring it

    Okay, what are we ignoring?  Keep in mind, we vote for the best candidate, not the one who has the cleanest past.  I was very suspicious about Trump but more suspicious about Hilary.  Can people have that type of mindset or is this unacceptable IYO.  It ultimately comes down to which candidate the Dems put out there and how far left they are.  IMO, if they are squeaky clean and yet, too far to the left......Trump wins.

  12. 17 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Which positions do you consider far left? The major democratic positions are M4A, gun regulation, corporate regulation + taxes, increasing taxes on the wealthy and the Green New Deal - these are mainstream positions. Perhaps slightly left, yet still within the mainstream and not far left. However, they are not viewed as such by corporate america and lobbyists - which paint them as leftist. . . I suppose they are left in terms of politics, yet not in terms of social dynamics. To reach the far left socially, one would need to venture into reparations and decriminalizing undocumented immigration - yet these are not priorities for the dem candidates. 

    For example, notice how corporations and corporate media try to frame M4A as "expensive" - costing over 30 trillion dollars!! And we will need to raise middle class taxes to pay for it. This is a corporate frame that gives the appearance that M4A is to the left of mainstream. However, it is a highly disingenuous and misleading frame. People are starting to wake up and see through this frame, yet about half the country is still mesmerized by it. 

    Imagine if there was a plan to raise taxes on the wealthy to an 80% rate. And 70% of the population supported it. On the one hand, it is a radical increase and could be viewed as far left. In particular but wealthier people. Yet on the other hand, if 70% of the population supports it, it is mainstream in that context.

    M4A - I don't think the collective is too excited about the Dems forcing another health care bill after Obama-care.  The people were promised many things would be much better and they got worse....and is still bad.  I pay $1,750 and ten years ago I was paying $1,250.  The hoops we need to go though are also worse.  IMO, more government involvement is far left and M4A meets that requirement in a big way.

    Gun regulation - Beto is the only one who is truthful about what the Dems position is, and that is gun confiscation.  Forced Government involvement in Constitutional rites is Far Left.

    Corporate regulations + taxes - If far right is no regulations and no taxes I would think the opposite would be far left.  The collective is fine with regulations and taxes as long as we can compete with the rest of the world.  Implementing many regulations and raising corporate taxes to say 50% would advocate companies going outside the country.  This IMO is far left.  Doing this in balance and compete with the rest of the world is where I am at.

    Increasing taxes on the wealthy -  If far right is lowing taxes then far left would be raising them.  My whole life has been witness to the left raising taxes and the right lowering them.  I recall when my state of Wisconsin raised taxes on tobacco to 100%....yes, 100% and the Dems said it would increase the revenue by $650,000.  Gas stations along the border went out of business because people were not only crossing the border to get there cigarettes, but they were getting there gas as well.  The state increased revenue via the tobacco tax by $250,000 and lost $16 million from gas sales and property taxes.  It will be no different on a world wide scale.  Most people get this and it is left of mainstream America.

    Green New Deal - This is so far left it is unrealistic. 

    More government IMO will always be left and Less will always be right and solving problems through government is a recipe for disaster.

    IMO - After Tuesday nights debates, the candidate who has the best chance to beat Trump is Tulsi Gabbard.


  13. 2 hours ago, Hansu said:



    "Vain hullu ryhtyy yrittäjäksi" - "Only the mentally ill pursues entrepeurship" -Finnish idiom

    I'd say that honesty, quality, ability to keep promised schedules and reliability of production are the Finnish strong points. When Mercedes opened their factory in Uusikaupunki in 2015, I would bet my ass it was because they wanted to have a reliable stream of quality cars with the expense of some profit


    So, in Finland it seems there is a unique work force huh.

  14. 22 minutes ago, tenta said:

    A lot of people will vote for trump because they haven't seen anything that bad happen for his 4 years (to them), it will also depend a lot on the democrat candidate going up against him

    What bad things have you seen in which others have not?

    I agree about the candidate going up against Trump.  However, the candidates at this point are far more left than any in the past and I don't think that will fare well for the Dems.

  15. 1 hour ago, roar said:

    Observed from outside, the US is turning into Russian style oligarchy.  All industries moving towards monopolies, and forcing them upon the rest of the world.  One of the few good aspects of Trumps reign, is that  global respect for the empire has fallen.  It wont be as easy to dominate the globe as before.  A lot of goodwill has been lost.

    Are you saying that the globe was easy to dominate prior to the empire (U.S.) falling?  Please explain.

  16. Taking in what I have learned from the debates last night, I don't think the country as a whole is ready for Biden, Warren, or Sanders.  They are fine with the Dem base but I think Buttigieg is making a move toward the center and this may prove well for him since Biden is swaying to the left and looking a little wobbly.  Much can happen in the next four months.

  17. 3 hours ago, Hansu said:


    In Finland we have these industry and position related TES contracts which specify the minimum wage, mandatory increases after gained experience and you cannot make a contract that does not meet the TES minimums. The minumum pay requirement in these contracts have three purposes: 1, to make low-skill work pay more livable wage. 2, to make important industries pay its workers honey compared to the degree or skill level required (Paper-, steel-, shipping-, dock-industriec, they have some of the highest pay in the country because of union extortion) and the reason number 3 is to make it less appealing to hire people from a foreign country to do the work specified in the second reason

    Fun fact: Design engineers median pay is 3400 euros a month, and dockworkers median pay is 4300 euros a month. Guess which position does not require schooling after high school.

    Are there any incentives for companies to start a business or stay in Finland?   

  18. 9 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

    A zinger.. Like the payments to porn stars, the cheating on his wife, the bankruptcies, the failed businesses, the pussy grabbing, the ease with which he hurls personal insults, the pettiness... The real shock is that anyone can find this person anything other than morally corrupt. 

    You don't have to do anything illegal to be a shit person. 

    It is evident to me that you are in a bubble in, most likely, some large liberal city, surrounded by like thinkers.  If you were to go outside the bubble, you may get a glimpse of the same things you are saying is happening on the other side.  Thankfully, I am in a swing State where I see both my face.

    12 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Bernie Sanders is the standard.  

    I have said that I like Bernie, I just don't agree with his policies.

  19. 27 minutes ago, Bodigger said:

    This isn't a conservative frame work.  Warren has made it part of her platform and yes, this is a turn from her statements in 2012. 


    16 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    I'm saying the way you framed the question is from a conservative framework.

    @Serotoninluv Gotcha.....

    31 minutes ago, Bodigger said:

    Many people do not want their tax money going toward certain things for what ever reason.  Taxes are forced upon people and when they are forced to pay for things they do not like, then most likely there will be uprising's.  The more things people are forced to do, the more uprising's there will be.  IMO, I find the Dems doing more of the forcing and less empowering.


    21 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    This would be a libertarian perspective - Orange on the SD scale. 

    @Serotoninluv I agree.  I was illustrating what many on the other side are thinking.  The problem I Have is that I don't like much of the western style of health care.  I also think we can do a much better job without the government.  Sorry.....I know.....I am getting way off topic.