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Posts posted by zeroISinfinity

  1. 7 minutes ago, Hulia said:

    Ineteresting. Rather complicated shceme :) . But I don´t see, how clingines should keep you and her off sex? Shouldn´t be the opposite true? 

    No it doesn't keep us away from sex. Hahaha, it makes it even better. 

    I don't like overly clingy women or people at all. I like to be leader and to be free and I always feel like losing it. Also so much being invested into relationship makes me to feel weaker as man. Like some sort of overindulgance. Sugar is sweet but to much of it ruins your health. So not needy at all quite the oposite. 


    Why do you apply this tricky strathegy? Do you think because of illusion of control?

    It's tricky, literaly is strategy based on my own selfish desires and needs. I admit that ain't no like @Emerald which will justify her stuff. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Hulia said:

    I guess long term sense of security is better than long term sexual desire. But it´s a BS too.

    Yeah with time indeed sex becomes more intimate. But will say this as man,if your gf looks so different then you indeed have that manly sense of conquering, atleast for me. This way I also avoid potential clinginess she and I might instinctivly feel if we are look alikes. Which will fill out relationship with more sex and more time before real bonding and intimacy happens.Unfamiliar and unknown subconciosly for both. 


    Nothing will give you a long term sexual desire in a relationship, no matter whether she looks like you or not.  

    Well lets be honest. More beautiful girl more sexual desire for her. Long term is still possible not like in the beggining of the relationship but there is still sexual desire. Every relationship develops. If all your needs are satisfied and she is absolutelly ok why would you go and look for another woman. You won't but.... 



    But it´s not that important. All pleasures are short , and orgasm the shortest of them :) Why persue it so doggedly?

    I don't, I don't chase skirt. 


    I think, you should look for compatibility - somebody not so easily offended, and may be with a little higher level of consciousness than average. It´s diffucult enough to find such a girl friend and if you add sexual attractiveness, forget it. 

    That's why I say compromises. Here everyone acts like I want it all. Childish stuff. 


    "It looks good too when I meet her with my grandma lol. "

    Why? Does she look like you grandma? Here is my Roma great grandma

    uroma 1938 (3).jpg

    2 hours ago, Hulia said:


    It was joke. 



    uroma 1938 (3).jpg


  3. @Hulia

    Screw this 'masculine containment' and similar BS. 

    Lets talk about normal stuff. 

    You said man and women find their look alikes in physical sense attractive. 

    Here Eban Pagan. 

    I will give you that. Subconciously it gives sense of security (like siblings, I know sounds scary) for long term relationship. But in long run atleast for me it doesn't give long term sexual desire for her. 

    It looks good too when I meet her with my grandma lol. 


  4. Just now, soos_mite_ah said:

    I'm willing to bet that you have some survival desires and needs. And that's perfectly ok. Unless we're perfectly ok with throwing ourselves off a cliff tomorrow because it truly doesn't matter if we life or die, I think it's safe to say that we all have some type of survival instinct or agenda. Even then, some people see survival in death or in not playing this game because it preserves the idea of them. 

    If we didn't have any survival instincts, we wouldn't even physically be here. There wouldn't be a point to do anything. We wouldn't want to do anything. 

    Read btw the lines. Listen to this wise guy sometimes. 


  5. Not really demonizing you. 

    It's just nothing new under the sun. 

    It actually has nothing to do with you personally. Nothing is wrong with you at all. 

    That's what all women want. 

    But ya'll women know that guy will not settle with just one women because he is chased by every other women. 

    Remember highschool you are all still under that mentality.

    All girls will fall in love with just handful of top boys. 

    Trying to push and make dream come true in adult life where you are forced to compromise.