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Posts posted by Nivsch

  1. 6 minutes ago, Yousif said:

    this is a pure example of human selfishness and bias, as long as we are safe, fuck everyone else around us.

    I don’t really know how I would be able to go on living knowing I ruthlessly selfish/ biased/ vicious, and inhumane, i guess that explains why people ignore the facts as if they don’t exist.

    This is how it seems when you don't understand Israel's long accumulated traumas and the fact that the existential threat for Israel frpm Iran's proxies is real and we have to take the other side's intentions seriously.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    There simply isn't a way to elimate every rat in a city. That objective fails to understand the nature of the beast.

    Imagine if you made it your goal to kill every rat in your city? You would drive yourself and everyone insane. Rats must be managed, not eliminated.

    At least to eliminate enough of them to the level they can no longer dominate in the area and will agree to release our hostages I believe this is a real accelerating factor to all of this war's character.

  3. 1 minute ago, Thought Art said:

    @Nivsch I am not convinced it’s only a 5%, I think the numbers are larger. But, I’m only just figuring this out. I ask patience from you all. I am trying to see it unbiased and accurately which, I likely will fail at. 

    Its ok 🙌 I appreciate your approach. All good. The talking about setteling in Gaza are really an extreme margins for all I can estimate as an Israeli citizen listening to our media and conversations.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    It's like if I was hunting for birds with sticks of dynamite and when the bird lands on your house I throw the dynamite through the window of your child's bedroom.

    I dont know Leo. There are so many terror targets and booby traps to attack built over 18 years for IDF and we all know hamas tactic to get mixed with civilians. Maybe 1.5 : 1 ratio is unavoidable. Maybe it could be better. Maybe not. I really dont know the answer.

    I think that if my government wanted to kill indiscriminantly the ratio was 20:1 (and not 1.5:1). I can agree that the exaggerated material damage is maybe affected by the fact that the goverment is very radical in relation to Israel's average. But about the casualities I tend to think differently than you.

    IDF could not bomb anything but then invade a terror base full of traps in every neighborhood built especially for it for 18 years and fall like cards in front of it.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    What does it say about your government if even with their best intentions they are not more accurate than terrorists?

    By "best intention" you mean that my government really try to not harm civilians and still not accurate at all in the outcome? Or that you mean that it doesnt really try in your opinion because otherwise the outcome would be different?

  6. 2 hours ago, zurew said:

    I already shared the video in this thread a while back, but I will share it again. He uses examples to demonstrate whats the problem if you don't use the per capita version of it. 

    So here is the video time stamped:


    Thank you. I will read again all your main explanation and graphs.

    By the graphs you added based on this formulation, Israel is placed in the extreme careful side of the scale if I understood it right, In terms of casualities.

    Not in material damage there the picture is different.

  7. 2 hours ago, erik8lrl said:

    Ultimately, for a democratic nation with a large population to achieve a healthy democracy, the people would need to be able to make sense of the chaos, which is extremely difficult if not almost impossible for any individual alone.    

    Do you mean that the solution is to surrender to the chaos and sort of embrace it in a healthy way?

    2 hours ago, erik8lrl said:

    Western democracy will increase government regulations and policies like media control and education to help people develop and sense make better and vote for good leaders and policies, and Eastern democracy will decrease government regulations and control as more people become developed and educated.

    I agree this is needed. Western media in the future will must be much more regulated and be allowed to be used more freely according to the development level of the user. AI too will must be heavily regulated.