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Posts posted by Nivsch

  1. @Raze I think you cannot expect empathy from pro Isralis here if you refuse to acknowledge Israelis trauma and instead just dehumanize them and avoid responsibility from your side.

    This conflict will end when both sides will recognize their equal right and belonging both of them have on this land. After all, most of the Palestinians came here only a little before Israel was established.

  2. @Karmadhi You chose to run away from the question above.

    The excess material damage problem is real with this I agree. 

    Israelis are also getting killed every day in Gaza if you weren't pay attention.

    An exercise question: would you react the same if Portugal murdered 1500 spanish people and Spain in response would act similarly to Israel (which is very likely)?

  3. 3 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

     You Israelis ignore that in 2014 for example close to 2000 civilians in Gaza were killed, 500 childreen meanwhile Israel lost like no civilians.

    That was in 2014. Now those orphans grow up and make it their life mission to wipe you out.

    Do you understand that hamas survival strategy, just like breathing, is to hide as cleverly as it can behind civilians?

  4. @Raze 

    You have to site accurately. She said "... what the Jews did, that their families have been murdered, that have been raped and their civilians were kidnapped".

    Can you see the trauma and difficult emotions behind Israeli public speakers talks, or that you only capable to see them as "bad" or "rude"?

    How would you react if even 'only' 12 people in your village were murdered and kidnapped?

    Do you think you would not react militantly?

    Then you fool yourself.


  5. On 12.2.2024 at 11:04 PM, Danioover9000 said:

       Plenty of examples of maturity and immaturity here:


    I don't understand from the video on who she supports? I assume she tends to the democrats. The magic is found in the oscillation between left and right depending on the situation when the average is more close to the center.

    The hard core left is such a trap.

    And generally those are so boring years in music and she is so overrated. I miss the high quality music of the 00's.

  6. @Vrubel This is a waste of time. Most members here dont care about all the 100 times Israel tried to negotiate and believed the other side can be moderate and pragmatic and did many things to find a common ground.

    No. They will only care when Israel makes mistakes. They will cherry pick 1 overreaction and overlook 20 genuine trials done before that.

    The attacking on Israel is mostly psychological and spiritual and the real answer you will find in this world. Logic and detailes does not work.

  7. 48 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

    Like IDF is any better. There are now every day reports and cases of similar things being done by the IDF. Rape, torture, murder etc.

    If you think IDF is any less bloodthirsty and vengeful than Hamas at the moment you need some research to do.

    The evidence is there if you search for it.

    Seems like you can invent anything at this point.

    When you want the day to turn into night I can't do anything about it.

    Think for yourself and thats it.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

    There is no indoctrination. That is a huge misconception. It's not that Palestinians are brainwashed from a young age to hate Israel. They just genuinely for themselves see whats happening and choose to fight for their land in whatever way they want to resist. Nobody is making them do anything in the same way Hamas isn't indoctrinating Palestinian refugees to want to return to their land its just what they naturally want 

    It is an indoctrination.

    To want something is one thing, and to give a gun to a 5 year old child, teaching him he has to kill other people including his own people in some situations is another thing.

  9. 4 minutes ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

    The U.S would have done much worse if we were invased by Hamas. It's crazy how everyone is against Israel. Seems like a strong bias...

    And every other western country as well.

    Definitely there is an additional psychological layer to the attacks on Israel which is itself really the main root reason, even above the physical war which is the secondary reason.

  10. @Raze Israel isn't suppose to leave part of hamas active just like that US and Europe would not be satisfied if ISIS was stay active in some areas. The hypocrite game of making it all a problem Israel created is beyond laughable.

    There are many more component to this ancient hate including religious, theologious that would expressed anyway in a form of hamas and terror too even if Israel did everything right.

  11. @Raze 1. PLO has been treated good by Israel. I dont understand what you mean.

    Oslo agreement made the terror much worse by the way, and also the following agreements in the 90's were great and gave a lot of hope to the Palestinians.

    What was their answer to that? 2nd Intifada.

    2. Iran is the main israel's enemy. What are you talking about? Their regime (not the Iranians) wants to erase Israel from the map regardless of what Israel does or doesnt.