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Posts posted by Veggies

  1. 20 hours ago, love said:

    Hi! I am an 18-years old who's just graduated. And I have 4 free months till the start of university . I was wondering what could I do during that time. It has just started and I am getting bored. Yes, there are many things I want to do - read books, meditate, travel, but all of these activities just take a minimum part of my time. I am open to any suggestions which will help me spend my time in a productive and pleasant way. 

    You could spend all that time traveling, it is possible. become a itchhiker today


  2. Spring is great for all of us. Because of that, I posted this below in another thread...



    My story here is to say that LEO GURA translates into URAL EGO, it's an anagram.

    He is from the Ural region, a.k.a. Russia, and is egocentric in that he thinks a lot about egos. (Not an egomaniac, though.)

    Another possibility is that he refers with this name to us, the audience. We are but another brick, a LEGO, in the wall.

    U R a LEGO

  3. Ni hao,


    My story here is to say that LEO GURA translates into URAL EGO, it's an anagram.

    He is from the Ural region, a.k.a. Russia, and is egocentric in that he thinks a lot about egos. (Not an egomaniac, though.)


    Another possibility is that he refers with this name to us, the audience. We are but another brick, a LEGO, in the wall.

    U R a LEGO...


  4. On 11.6.2017 at 7:31 PM, Happy Livingston said:

    I cut all my toxic relations when after several openhearted advertisments the subject has been ignored and not improved. The first cut was made by my own choice seventeen years ago and with time it has become a golden rule for me. I never regretted it. I am completely free and independent. It also forces me to take complete responsability for all and every aspect of my life and my everyday journey towards cheerfulness. If I get in to trouble I only have myself to go to for support. Many people are afraid of this and cling on to others "just in case", I don't want to do that. Good luck/buona fortuna...or should I say: buon viaggio/have good journey;)


  5. 11 hours ago, Russell said:

    I dreamed of becoming an army man. Then a pro baseball player. Then a this and then a that. My latest passionate dream was to become a rapper and inspire millions of people to expand their consciousness whilst taking music to a whole nother level. Drugs influenced It, and drugs have quickly taken that passion away. After suffering from numerous relapses with crack and heroin, all of my dreams are just killed. Where the drive and passion was is now gone. I am now depressed, suicidal, and bitter. I watch Alan watts, Leo, koi, everything spiritually good on YouTube to try and wake up. It's as if drugs have put me to sleep. I was once a smart, good looking, loving human being who wanted to help others. Now I have no energy. I meditate every day, exercise, and eat right but my passion is gone, and all my friends at pursuing theirs. I am 19. 

    Maintain your good habits and over the years, something great will happen.



    I believe so.

  6. 2 hours ago, Snick said:

    Biggest obstacle is that you do need social skills in life, it's not only important to you, but to others as well. It smooths things out, it calms the social context with people with social skills! 

    However, they are build on lies, not lies in order to gain something from others, but lies in order to smooth and easy the social context! 

    Spiritual work is radical honesty in a way, which is good also. 

    But you can't work on both areas since they are polar opposites in respect to how you develop your persona! 

    That's a challenge right there! 

    Socialising in general has to do with a lot of compromising.

  7. On 9.6.2017 at 6:54 AM, Progress said:

    I do something without caring for what the end results is, the results but most of all the "work" is absolutely extraordinary. That or I utterly resist but usually for good reason- There was no reason for me to do it.

    Hey, @Progress. Before we discuss further, be kind and check your premises: You most certainly had a reason there.

    Otherwise you wouldn't have done it in the first place.

  8. Thanks Leo for making this topic. It services manybody.

    1. Bravery. How can I be braver? I was trying to jump into water from a high place. A friend of mine did, I couldn't. Perhaps because I'm not spiritual or think about gods. If I did, I could be as fearless as those Mideast soldiers.

    4. Family. How to stop thinking about a family you don't want to associate yourself with? Impossible. They're rude TV-watching hermits. "No one is a prophet in their own land." Jay-Z


    Veggies make me fart.