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Everything posted by Espaim

  1. It seems like you have a bunch of limiting beliefs and you're clinging to them despite people telling you otherwise. How many approaches have you made in total? Online doesn't count! Do you think every good looking guy has it easier than you? Do you think it's necessary to have a partner to feel happy? Can you count how many men you know who are "ugly" and have partners?
  2. Psychedelics can solve so so much misunderstanding it's incredible
  3. I always feel like I'm a monkey hahaha A nice start Good luck!
  4. @Artsu
  5. To be honest I only feel high on DMT. It's an instant ego death and there's some closed eye visuals but for me it's hard to inquire or do anything else. When I think about the trip afterwards it's hard to remember anything. I have seen some entities that healed me and some cool things though. When I combined it with weed I could do some inquiring and that was the strongest trip ever. I had some great insights into the nature of thoughts but I cannot remember anything
  6. Only if I found a source I can get the weirdest shit types of drugs but no 5-MeO @Nahm @StripedGiraffe
  7. Studying logic in high school and then trying to apply it to religion No doubt I went full atheistic after that Mind you I was the type of guy that read the Bible and prayed everyday.
  8. Depending on how you explain it people may get an astrology vibe from it and subconsciously just reject what you're saying. Also people don't like to think that they're not as evolved as they think they are. I just talk about it to my Green friends and even they aren't that interested. Trying to explain to Orange and below it's a pure waste of time. I suggest you start talking about ass, titties and money. That will get more eyeballs.
  9. Do what makes you the happiest. I do feel like I want to go partying and take some drugs but to be honest if I don't to that I won't regret a bit. I feel way happier doing hikes and meditating in the forest with my buddies than jumping to music around drunk people. There's no "wrong" way to live life. And no one said you can't do both. If you meditate everyday and go into a rave you'll enjoy the music much more than people who are mindless and not paying proper attention to the vibrations and nuances of the heavy bass. Also, you can absolutely go partying in your 30s if you want hahaha. Fuck your crab friends trying to bring you back to the bucket. Actually, these people are around stage orange probably. Try to find some people around Green and hang out with them. The green smoking Green people. Even better if you find yellow ones, but that's harder. What's in the fear in dying a virgin? Why should we have cool ass cars? Why do drugs? Carve your own path. Who guarantees they won't be the ones in 10-20 years saying "man if I were like you I would be so much better off"? From a fellow 20 years old Green/Yellow self-actualizing buddy
  10. Just adding: check your B12, Iron, Vitamin D, Thyroid hormones and maybe testosterone.
  11. I'd go around the problem and start thinking about general lifestyle before changing your core. Like other people said... Diet could make you unmotivated even if that's something you love. If you have gluten or lactose intolerance you'll feel bad no matter what you do if you eat bread or drink milk everyday. If you want to tackle the vision problem you can get the Life Purpose course or if you don't have that much money do the Dream Board. For better results do both.
  12. Yes for some people No for some people Some people's psyche work better if they have a grand vision to work towards. Other people are more scattered and just prefer to go with whatever appears. Choose your poison and go with it. You need to choose what you think will bring you the most happiness. Or not. In the end it doesn't matter. When you physical body you're identified with dies of clinical death you won't care of what you did during the time you were alive. Even if 99.9% of people need a grand vision to work with to be fulfilled you may aswell be in the 0,1%. There's nothing preventing this. Now choose what you want. Or don't. Of course, you can also merge both perspectives and create a third way.
  13. Yes This also happens with me in this order of frequency: See sounds See thoughts (both eyes closed and open) See touch Smell colors Feel others emotions as colors or bodily feelings To be honest this happens more frequently when I'm under effect of stimulants like Caffeine, Ritalin and Modafinil (mainly). I can also sense how distant people are of me just by their body heat. Like if someone is behind me.
  14. Wait for 10 years then I'll be able to help you For now you can do it alone with low dosages. LSD 40-70ug or mushrooms 1-2g.
  15. Funny thing is that I'm aware of taking a decision only after the decision is made I can't ever get the moment. It seems only before and after... And I'm imagining those two
  16. I can relate so much after 250ug today lol Just do it man you're the best No, actually you are literally God so you're literally the best and the worst and none at the same time!!
  17. There's no point. You could reframe it into "creating a life for yourself you would be happy with". How does that look now? Still, no point.
  18. @Demeter I'm not sure about that. It's probably just more sensitivity to the compounds. I'm happy either way
  19. Do you want to change that aspect of your personality?
  20. If he struggles with keeping it going then Leo's advice is sound. If he struggled with talking too much and annoying people then stopping and listening would be better advice I think.
  21. The logic is self-deception and self-bias It's very easy to trick oneself into thinking I am this or that or I do this or that or I like this or that while doing the exact opposite. Self image is a great part of survival. People won't admit parts of their psyche and the advice given will be warped towards protecting their biases. So it's better to ask people who aren't with their conceptual survival on the line.
  22. I don't know but if that's true just bask in your luck