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Everything posted by Espaim

  1. 0 tolerance. I smoke like 1 time per 1 or 2 months
  2. Definitely not safe for your sense of self But it's physically safe. In my experience, mixing substances increases the chance of bad trips though. If you're going to do it be careful.
  3. Eat it Use weed if you really want to get mindfucked
  4. It's a nice height to have in almost any place in the world. Don't worry you won't grow anymore probably. If you do you can also become a bodybuilder or an actor and it will be cool as fuck
  5. Yes, do it. I don't know how much you have researched but there are a lot of schedules you could try. That's a good one. 5/2, 1/2, everyday... just find what's better. I'd also recommend you research about the heart valves implication of microdosing mushrooms. I can't give you any data because I only microdosed LSD.
  6. I don't see it as dark man. For me it's all beautiful. Maybe if I'm feeling threatened I'll see shit as dark but when I'm feeling better it's all love. Trying to integrate that shit currently. It's hard work. Dying seems to be the best thing that psychedelics showed me so I'm happy if that's the case. When alive I live, when dead I die. No problem in both.
  7. You seem to be worried. If that's a rare occurence, no need to worry about. Just sleep when you can for as long as you are able to when you get sleepy. Sleep deprivation causes weird psychological symptoms that can distort your view of reality so chill as much as you can.
  8. I can't say they exist or not. I haven't seen anything though.
  9. I smoked DMT with two people already. Only one reported seeing all the cliché aliens and morphing and colors and the rest of us didn't. I see some morphing of auditory and visual stimuli depending on the dosage but if I smoke more I'd just pass out.
  10. IDK how Leo makes a living then???
  11. Go for it if that's what you think will have the best outcome for you. I would just be aware if that's not a excuse to not do the work of going out and such. No real problem in not having sex, relationships or dating if you don't want to.
  12. @Husseinisdoingfine Man it's very hard to read the titles of the books from the images you posted. Could you post the original link?
  13. Isn't that book biased towards neo-liberalism or libertarianism? When I was I libertarian I remember people suggested me to read that book but I never got into it
  14. Hmmm... I'm seeing a clear pattern here but due to my limited knowledge of psychology lingo I can't delineate what's exactly happening but this seems to have to do with you having a shadow on this matter. I don't know if you opened this thread to come to a resolution to your triggerings. Anyway, if you want to explore it you could use this technique: 3-2-1 shadow work
  15. If that were the case, what's the problem? Do you think of yourself as someone who takes responsibility for your actions? Do you justify what you do in any way? Do you ever try to get attention? Do you ever try to get people to do what you want? When answering, please cite examples. Be specific.
  16. Man IDK maybe this will be helpful If you get to the bottom line of organization it's sort of categorization + hierarquies If you want to organize your mind you can start breaking down your thoughts and grouping them together according to a pre-defined template. If the template doesn't accomodate the incoming info you can start modifying the underlying template so new information fits. If you are doubtful about where to put some piece of info I would just recommend to not overthink it. Just do whatever feels right. If that's not the case, follow the guidelines above. My system: I use OneNote as Leo suggested in one of his videos. I started with simple 3 categories. Resources, Goals and Diary. Then, as I was going further I found that I needed more categories to accomodate my spreadsheets and daily trackings, but this didn't really fit into my vision of what Diary is so I created "Tracking Tables".
  17. Oh boy that's a fucking inspiring video I admit! Don't know where from it came but it is helping me a lot!
  18. Pleases as an end in itself Pleases as a mean to get approval/validation
  19. Maybe. Is a stage orange person that is doing the measuring?
  20. Read this page thoroughly:
  21. Start as low as you can so that you're not bored nor anxious. This means 50-80ug. If you're confident go with 100-125ug. If y'all are not comfortable have someone to take a lower dose(50 ug less than the other 2 people, like 100ug, 100ug 50ug) or have a sober one to guide you people. If y'all are not comfortable at all then definitely someone should be sober.
  22. Shadow work 3-2-1 shadow work Love Love your loved ones Forgive their faults Accept them as they are Love your enemies Forgive their faults Forgive their wrongdoings to you Love yourself Forgive your mistakes All the times you were rude All the times you bullied All the times you hurt someone Forgive your shortcomings Your height, weight, hair, personality, diet... Hugging If you're into hardcore mode (this will actually be way easier than it seems) Love Hitler and your mom equally Watch or read about rapists, murderers, thefts, cult leaders, drug traffikers, pimps, addicts or anyone who did horrible things to you and love them as much as you love your family/friends/bff/(boy)(girl)friend Randomly tell people in your fb or whatsapp you love them