Sucuk Ekmek

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Posts posted by Sucuk Ekmek

  1. 48 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


    As a political leader you cannot let the death of 250 people influence the big picture of your defense policy. If Israel does not properly defend itself 1000s more civilians will be killed by Hamas in the future. So that is the higher priority.

     Your political leader is comedy, he is a political leader because he already let 1000 people die, doesn't matter which side anyways.

  2. 20 hours ago, PepperBlossoms said:


    I came across a book called The Jesus Hoax: How St. Paul's Cabal Fooled the World For Two Thousand Years and it had a theory for how the bible was made up to lead to the weakening and eventual collapse of the roman empire... something like rome was pretty powerful because of its knowledge/technology and the bible would weaken the integrity of rationality.  I need to look into the roman empire collapse some more and other theories for why the bible could have been made up. or not bother but it's kinda interesting but I also just get angry about religion.

    I guess I need to just have the "I don't know what is going on and may never know". 

    Then goes into the wonder if Christianity is part of the decline of the american empire and that the american empire will fall like rome where it had a massive military, christian take-over (roman catholic church), and money problems. but everything that falls eventually gets turned into something else.

    Rome could not allow christianity because the original gods were Rome, it's proof to rule, eventually christianity took over but Rome's core structure integrated to there. Nowdays the technology is about to take over all the religions and the states but the same structure will be there also. 

    Even today doesn't matter wherever you are all roads lead to Rome.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    .What we call mysticism is the openness to the ultimate reality that we are. This reality is not understandable. It is the total and unlimited depth of existence. It is beyond the mind, the mind cannot grasp it because the mind is within it. is, let's say, a product of reality, then it is impossible for it to grasp reality, the only way to grasp reality is to dissolve the mind.

    an opening experience is completely incomprehensible. It is more or less like this: what you are manifests and is depth without limit and that depth is total life. everything is there. You laugh for 10 minutes of pure happiness. What can you think about this? the moment you think about it it closes.

    If we want states of openness to what reality truly is, we must learn to completely detach ourselves from the mind. 

    I get it. I don't desire the state of openness to what reality is, I am gonna find it one way or the other. I desire the things that makes something great, so I can produce something significant. This is how I would like to operate my mind.

  4. 1 hour ago, Razard86 said:

    Technology is not the ultimate determined knowledge. In fact current technology functions without full knowledge of why it functions. For example wireless technology runs on superposition. Scientists (especially the Atheists) do not understand why superposition exists, (religion knows why) but there technology runs on the principle of superposition even though they can't explain it.

    I can explain it. Superposition is translogical, translogical is proof of God, proof of Infinity, proof that reality is not bound by time or space. 

    I don't underestimate my fellow human beings, but avarage tech consumer is not interested in God, superpostion or time and space, so I would skip the explanation.

    Of course the technology is not the ultimate determined knowledge, but this is how they sell it and how we buy it. As a technology maker if you want to take advantege  of the newest technology you better treat it like a mythical figure, it should be  above the so called ''human conciseness.'' So in that sense it's in the realm of ultimate determined knowledge. 

    My claim is; there is only one way out for the new incoming technologies and it's the deterministic universe model.In this model we can not separate human and machine from each other. 

  5. It is nice to have one in the palette.

    ATM alternative to religion(What I mean by religion is explaining the cosmos&self)  is the technology and scientism, which is a very centralized structure. Religion(s) are generally more diverse and open to understanding and interpreting. You take this things with a grain of salt as expected, but this is quite oposite for technology because it's the ultimate determined knowledge.

    In a board sense religions are still viable, because we can't educate&cultivate ourselves based on rationality, at least in mass scale.

    Religion lays the foundation model for us the biological beings the human.. then it's up to actor to determine the act. 

    In a sense religion invents the human like William Shakespeare did.

    Btw I don't subscribe to any religion but if we don't want to go back to good  old food chain circle we need to tell people what to do and don't. Religion is an education and we just don't have better system to offer.

  6. 27 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

    Do you think there are “enlightened” “forces” which know a lot about god/consciousness etc

    yet use their knowledge for “bad” like very powerful zen devils, herding masses and let them fall of cliffs for in their opinion “the greater good”

    I think what you asking is: Is it all relative? 

    I don't have an answer for that question, yet.

  7. Don't mind me but, I just think Hamas and Israel are the same entity. They both benefit from ongoing actions and this can't be true under normal circumstances.

    In any conflict it appears to be that  0,0001% is enough to decide the fate of whole  tribe, it's very easy to make one since we are moving towards less and less checks and balances.

    I guess it  sucks to be a citizen of a nation state, because what I see is this sitiuation is not unique and can happen anywhere&anytime and sadly most of us are not in that percentage to prevent these  dire situations.