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Everything posted by AlphaAbundance

  1. @The0Self Lol nobody wants enlightenment haha No, but I mean literally like there is no highest state/stage of consciousness, like its neverending. Help me understand the first part of your koan.
  2. I think they maybe merge? There is no final enlightenment. But I don't know
  3. Shaktipat. Test it out. Fuck the masculine path to enlightenment. Take the feminine path, just let the world give it to you
  4. @Applegarden Bullshit. Can I fly to the moon right now?
  5. This can be a tough decision with many options to choose from. Your at a important time in your life with many crossroads. However, you are not bounded to these three options. You have infinite options. There is bound to be a near-perfect, excellent option. Now let's get into it. There seem to be two major considerations here, children and career / purpose. Let's start with children. A lot of this, would be more research and developing confidence, certainty (in whether to have children or not have children, and at what time) First, an idea to consider. I would say Learning, discovering and having a life purpose (even if it's a draft, just an idea), working toward it for a while, then after pausing (or really slowing down) for children (the early years) and coming back to life purpose afterwards Is better than Having/raising children then saying "alright now let's get started on this life purpose stuff" There are some caveats. The older someone is, practically speaking, they may want to start having children sooner, so the second option might be more optimal (considering fertility and healthy childbirth). Another thing to consider is when would you not want to have children, when would be this whatever "limit" (considering fertility, healthy childbirth, energy, etc.) For my mom she had her first child at 27 and last child (as of right now haha) at 39 years old. This can be entirely different for different people. However the hard limit, at menopause, would be around 40s - 50s. With the average age in US being 51, according to the Mayo Clinic. It might be that during times of a child's early life, that life purpose will be slowed down for a while. This might even give you a break to think and contemplate on your life purpose. So another relevant thing to consider would be how many children do you want? (If you did end up having children, would it be just one?). The amount of children you would want to have, if you did have some would be crucial in this decision. If you would want to have multiple children, however many years apart (like maybe 9 months or 1 year or 2 year or 5 years or whatever amount of years) then having children earlier rather than later would be in your favor. It also may be (or probably is) the case that as a mother (traditionally and, even naturally, the caregiver) you have it more difficult, therefore immense time management and prioritization (at different times or phases of life) would be essential. Consider how and how much the father would be in play, helping with the caregiving. It would probably be best to research people (or to be frank, mothers) who have had children and life purpose aswell. Research, learn, contemplate, ponder this option, how and if balance can be achieved. Although, likely no one is 100% certain that they want to have kids. I would say, at minimum, be around 70% certain for making this major life decision. This would mean researching, pondering, contemplating and learning to have greater certainty in what you want (just as if someone who was ending high school but uncertain to go to college should research to solidify their certainty rather than letting life just pass by). It does sound that you aren't within the certainty range (70%~, keep a mind this is a number I pulled this out of nowhere) of having kids. However, still research, ponder to increase your certainty, confidence in whatever decision you choose. Another very important factor, is one you will have children with, the father. Consider how will this family you are starting with him be, whether you want him as the father of your children, etc. Having children, seems almost certainly, most of the time, best under a longterm relationship. (Although, I haven't done research about alternatives, I think it's safe to assume this is the case) Whether you want to have a long term commitment with the father is an important point. Also whether the father wants to have children is a factor to consider to, haha. Totally forgot about that. Consider, from what I have touched, the factors of To have or not have children? When to have children? Who to have children with? Do they want to have children? How many children to have? All these factors doesn't mean "oh I'm uncertain let me not do anything" but "I'm uncertain, let me figure out, with a certain level of certainty, what I want and let me pursue that". Reseach, ponder, contemplate, learn and figure out, discover what you want in terms of children. This is arguably as essential, or possibly even more important then life purpose (If you are having children). Kids are huge commitment but, it seems, they can also provide massive value to your life. Now for career / purpose (+ finances). It's important to note finances, career and passion/purpose don't have to be the same thing. Someone can be earning money through stock dividends and a part-time job while working toward a career in school, while figuring out and developing their purpose and passion on the side. While, this may not always be the case, it seems important to note. However, I would say, ideally someone's career would be the same as their passion/purpose. For finances, this could be a different story. Someone could be financially free or developing other forms of income while working in a less profitable purpose/passion. With that in mind, I would say continue to discover. Don't compartmentalize finances as a part of your career/employment. While career/employement can be a major part of your finances (and cashflow) it doesn't have to be. Although, as someone with (a soon to be) doctorate in theoretical physics you likely have an interest (or even passion) in the field and with the skills/value you can provide - you will have no trouble with finances. I would say, ideally it doesn't so you can 100% focus on purpose/passion and to hell with anything that isn't align with it. (This may be my own preference/opinion though). This would also mean financial freedom, which is something you might want to pursue. Furthermore, note that you aren't limited to those 2 options. Unlike children, where it's fewer options, with career and employement there are atleast hundreds, if not thousands of jobs and options out there. And considering all the paths, subpaths, combinations, nuances and unconsidereds options, it's like there are "infinite" options. I would make an extensive list of all the jobs, fields, locations, passions, purposes you can go into. Consider all the places you could go. Consider all the fields you can go into. Consider all the jobs you can pursue, whether it's private, government, academia, non-profit, etc. You may not find "infinite" practical options but it's way more than 2 options. If you haven't found an atleast decent option, you haven't considered enough options. What are all the potential jobs, careers, positions, fields, domains locations, passions, purposes, options? What are the motivations, the why for each option? Why would I, what would be the benefits of each option? Do you have to do post doc abroad? Where could you go? What locations could you do postdoc (or other jobs/positions for that matter)? What other careers/fields (other than IT/Data Analyst) can you go into? What skills do you have? (Theoritcal physics is a extremely reputable major especially as a doctorate, you probably have access to an abundance of fields) Possibly feel into, intuit but also examine, consider more "logically" how you would feel, what you would experience. Use both the emotion and the logical for a wise approach (And whatever else) Ask and figure out why you would do each decision. What are the motivations Exploration/ Self-Experimentation are key to discovering what you want to do. And as you mentioned you do have an idea of what you want, from previous experience. I would say take this further and actively experiment (or continue on, if you were already consciously experimenting before). Treat the next career/job you go into as active experimentation while also using prediction and what you currently know. A process utilizing your current knowledge to predict but also seeking further experimentation to clarify what you want. While likely less revealing, experimentation on the children option is possible aswell. In addition to talking to others (and researching and contemplation), you can hang around kids, work with kids. You can also psuedo-experiment by imagining, visualizing and contemplating deeply what it would be like, what all the implications, delights and ramifications of having children. But I digress In terms of career/purpose, for the options you have given, If you have a significant relationship with your partner, it may be challenging to go abroad. Consider, that unless this is known to be temporary and shortterm, this may put you on entirely different life paths and the relationship may not survive. This really depends, like on how long the relationship has been, if you have been long distance before, your partner, etc. (I don't know shit about your relationship so to be honest I can't even say shit but consider the ideas above.) You might want to heavily consider other options (like for the postdoc option, a postdoc where you are, nearer where you are, or somewhere he can go, etc.). Or, if this resonates at all, going along different paths if you know your path forward is abroad and he cannot come. Notice you can switch paths at any time (well practically, not at anytime but you know what I mean). If you don't like postdoc, you can go into industry. If you don't like industry you can go into postdoc. (However this doesnt apply to children haha). I consider this option of career/purpose to be extremely flexible, and uncommitting as opposed to the children option. That may be something that eases the decision. As for the paths you mentioned, if those are your main options, you can go for a postdoc (either abroad or not) or industry (whichever one you lean more toward) experiment with that, and if after a month it isn't the option you like, it seems, you can just as easily turn around and do the other. It seems, that you can do this for most any career/job option. From what I understand, my very limited knowledge, the therotical physics options are primarily research, government, academia and private sector. Consider which at of all these you would want to go in most. Also discover, further what exactly you want out of your life purpose. Research, study, experiment what you want your life purpose to be. With this limited time, you must make a decision, or the decision to put the decision on hold (like take the option with most flexibility). A lot of the factors you mentioned like caring/analytical balance (both empathy, people-focused skills and analytical skills), connection, interaction with passionate people and variety are factors that can be in a plethora of domains and fields. This can be considered a good thing, as that means you have alot of freedom in what you choose. This can also mean, you should narrow down the fields/domains you would be most interested in (which it seems would be physics / therotical physics but it may not be this, and doesn't have to be). You mentioned some more specific pointers like whether you would want to go into science, whether you would want to go into people-focused / therapeutic type field. Furthermore, your biggest struggle of isolation (depression, inability to connect, loneliness, etc.), consider whether you want to work surrounding that. Also realize you don't have to do work surrounding or associated with that. You also mentioned something that interests you, pushing the limits of human knowledge, the beauty of abstract of ideas. From my very limited knowledge of you, here is some random purpose ideas to consider Expanding the collective minds and science to the next level, opening up people's perspectives to consciousness or different ideas, from within the framework of science, dismantling the flaws of science and science itself from the inside, evolving science to the next level, supercharging, super-evolving science to have centuries of evolution in the next decades, ideas, pursuits similar to Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Max Planck, bringing the full implications of quantum mechanics and different theoretical physics to light, bringing practical applications to the ideas of theoretical physics, increasing human knowledge, advancements in theoretical physics, physics, science, knowledge to improve society, the world, everything, Those are just random ideas to consider. Your purpose doesn't have to have anything to do with that (as I likely don't have to tell you) Try to truly discover what you would want to go into (or experiment with). That life purpose, or idea/draft of your purpose, would inform your next step in terms of career/purpose. With children, you can really only predict/assess and develop confidence/certainty in whatever you want. With career/purpose, in addition to prediction/assessment, you can experiment, consistently tailor and fine tweak your purpose and path until you find what is best, excellent and optimal. Therefore, it may be best to focus on and highly consider the children option before career/purpose. However, everything I said are just ideas and speculation as I barely know anything about you. I do think it may be possible to find a sort of "objectively" best decision but this would be based on impersonal knowledge (what most humans desire, what is best for most people, what certain truths are, what happiness is, what the good life is, all in general) and personal knowledge (knowing your preferences, desires, experiences, thoughts, insights, self-understanding). It seems, most of the time people can't have enough of the personal knowledge that it would be unwise to claim a best decision. That is why everything I said is suggestions but based on what I would say, from my imperfect knowledge, are impersonal truths. Consider them as ideas, potentialities and suggestions. However, there is a path forward. It consist of research and learning, intuition and contemplation and (sometimes) exploration and experimentation into what is best.
  6. I feel uninterested in putting in constant effort just to live. However, effort seems to be a fact of life. One must put in effort to achieve physiological needs, safety needs, etc. While in current times, one has to work for money to buy food, clothing, shelter, utilities, etc, in the past, one had to hunt and gather for food (basically there was always effort to live). And it seems that effort, when not coming from a place of passion or interest, is simply suffering. There appears to be (like many/all things) a spectrum consisting of enjoyable effort (like flow, video games, hobbies, etc.) <-----> suffering effort (like chores, work, taking out the trash) Anyway, basically all my life I have been suffering from the effort I've had to put in school. While in earlier grade school it wasn't that much effort, around mid high school, and right now in college, it's like the effort significantly increased. While before I was living financially dependent on parents, as that wanes I now have to start to support myself. This means I basically have to go to college and later have a job (i.e likely with sufferable effort of a dull, hard, and uninteresting nature). And this suffering seems unlikely to change in my life going forward as I am not that interested/passionate in any of the fields that have well-paying jobs. Furthermore, even if there was a career or job in a passionate field there would still be a heavy percentage of bullshit (dull, menial, chore-ish sufferable effort). So basically sufferable effort seems inevitable. So some of the options I have are here SLAVERY Wage Slavery Homelessness, Insecure Basic Needs Obviously, not as bad as real slavery but it still doesn't meet the necessary thresholds. I don't know but suspect this is a common issue (consistent sufferable effort), it's not really depression (although it can cause it), self-esteem issues, or any of that. It's just simply suffering from having to drudge, menial, chore-full, laborious, boring, uninteresting work. It may be an inclination toward laziness or entitlement from a non-poor, first-world lifestyle. Nonetheless, the fact remains that I am suffering from having to put in boring/menial/uninteresting effort (to sustain my basic needs) in college right now and in a job in the future. It's not that I can't do the boring, pointless, stupid, sufferable effort, I have been working "hard" (pretty relative) at a magnet high school and to get a somewhat prestigious scholarship at a decent/okay university (Actually, maybe I can't anymore. I just basically missed a whole week's worth of assignments cause I don't think I can do it anymore). I've lost a lot of stage orange motivation after I realized it was all subjective, meaningless bullshit. (It's like I completely missed stage blue willpower and discipline, haha) To put it plainly: I HATE WORK. I FUCKING HATE WORK. ITS SO FUCKING STUPID AND HARD AND DUMB. However, it seems there are some solutions: (PURSUIT OF) FREEDOM Pursue Early Financial Freedom (FIRE) and do whatever you want Create a Business / Work Self-Employed (and maybe even as an employee if the stars align) where you are making money doing what you want The first option works to eliminate most of the sufferable effort (in sustaining your basic needs) by acquiring financial freedom early. This path likely means a lot of effort upfront (counterintuitive haha), some enjoyable effort (such as the meaning in knowing you are making progress to long-term freedom) but a whole of sufferable effort. The second option works to eliminate most of the sufferable effort (in sustaining your basic needs) by creating sources of income that derive from enjoyable sources of effort. I doubt anyone will find jobs that will allow you to do 100% (or even 60%) what you want but maybe this is possible as an entrepreneur. Other than having a windfall (or something of that nature), these options seem like the only reliable option for this major problem of consistent suffering from effort. Although there is one last option I haven't covered. DEATH Let go of need to live End your life These seem to be suboptimal options but I don't know if consistent suffering in college and work, having a slow death as a wage slave, is better than the fast option of just letting go of life. Right now, I don't think I will ever do anything to take my life due to some reasons concerning aesthetics (haha if you know, you know) and maximizing all options (just in case, the other option is always there, you know?) but still if I continue to suffer through this effort who knows what will happen. As of right now, it seems I will strive for the freedom options and if it doesn't happen within a reasonable time period I may follow the flowchart to the death options. However, even with the freedom option, there seems to be a lot of sufferable effort and uncertainty. Death really doesn't seem that bad considering the alternatives. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Please share your thoughts (and any feedback on the post/writing). I may try again with a shorter post if nobody reads this. Tl;Dr I fucking hate work. I'm too lazy to do anything. I think I might drop my scholarship, drop college, and drop the urge to live as well. When the options are effort for freedom, the effort of slavery, and the easiness of death, what should one do? Please share your thoughts and insights. Some questions to consider are For those who don't want to work to live, is death the only path? How do you have a purely effortless, if not low effort yet still rewarding and optimal life? If one is unable to put in the effort or any effort to survive should they kill themselves? If pursuing freedom is uncertain and a lot of suffering of effort, should one just choose death? If someone fails at pursuing freedom, should they just end it all? What is the ranking of the paths of slavery, freedom, and death? Are there other choices? Are there other paths/options? Is this a common issue or just laziness/entitlement in not wanting to work? What are your perspectives? What is best for people in general? What should I do? What is best for me to do?
  7. Yeah, though Infinity isn't all sunshine and rainbows There can be infinite paradises for infinite eternities... or the exact opposite...
  8. @Thestarguitarist14 How are you surviving without work? @JonasVE12What? Sounds insightful but could you fix the third sentence so it can be understood, but from what I do understand: How does one automatically vibrate or resonate with more fulfilling pursuits/activities? What determines higher fulfillment? What do you mean by "more fulfilling"? How do consciousness, higher consciousness, and awareness related to your life purpose?
  9. I have a mensa level IQ. I'm smart asf. Please give me validation and approval.
  10. @Brittany Yeah and Donald Trump can enter nondual awareness
  11. Does anyone have evidence? Where is the double-blind empirical study?
  12. RECAP Problem, challenge, obstacle Feeling depressed, suicidal, negative thinking of sufferable effort (Ego stories and games?) Having to suffer through work, grind, assignments in college Having to suffer through sufferable effort in general (throughout my history and life, although this may be a common problem) The "actual" (?) problem of Sufferable effort How do you solve sufferable effort? Solutions (Direct Methods) Outlook, perspective, optimism Consider your perspectives aren't necessarily the highest perspective Eliminate (or be careful of) nihilistic, pessimistic points of views, beliefs (on effort, sufferable effort, life, etc.) Incorporate/understand positive, optimistic, differing perspectives, points of view (on effort, sufferable effort, life, etc.) Be careful of the ego's stories Stop, eliminate, be careful of victim mentality, Don't be close-minded, don't give up, always try to find a solution, be a problem-solver, be a fighter, be a creator Don't overcomplicate it, Don't ruminate to much Pondering, contemplation, journaling Ask yourself question, question your beliefs, perspectives, interpretation Try to enjoy your current work, see what aspects you love Make the best of current work, effort, try to enjoy current effort/work Consider using supplements/drugs, consider using music, high energy music This can be ineffective if it is high level, high difficulty, a certain level difficulty of intellectual work Take breaks Work in teams and groups Consider, explore other types of work, ways to acquire basic needs Consider Part-Time work, minimalistic lifestyle, low-expense minimalistic lifestyle Choose a job (college or manner of creating money for basic needs) that is less stressful and suited to your needs Consider a trade Take a break, try something different, a physical job where you can have high energy with drugs/supplements and music Financial Freedom / Financial Independence Reduce expenses/liabilities (affordable housing, pay down debts) Create additional sources of income Find ways to be efficient Find ways to create efficient value, create immense value while being efficient, ultra-efficient Pursue what you love, find your passion, high-level interests If you love what you do, you won't feel like its work Make a living doing what you love, with enjoyable effort Awakening/Enlightenment, Dis-identify from the mind, Liberation from the mind It is speaking on your behalf and causing untold misery Self-experimentation Experiment with the solutions offered, experiment with your own solutions, experiment with solutions, experiment Acceptance, Understanding That work, effort, the sufferable effort is an inevitable part of life Know that life is a shitty deal, life is a shitty deal for not just me but everyone, understand/accept that perspective, "Just deal with it" Stop being a bitch, stop being a pussy (Indirect Methods / Worthy Endeavors / Solutions to other, related problems) Seek help Engage in therapy Using your mind to change your perspective is futile for some people (especially for those who live in their head), you need to engage your emotions strongly as well Engage in energy work Understand meaning Question, ponder, contemplate, learn, research, think about, etc. meaning Be careful for meanings surrounding meaning Eliminate video games, sex/masturbation (maybe just limit sex?~), alcohol, too much sugar, too much food indulgence, consuming too much media (especially social media), too much recreational drugs (weed included), too much partying/gossiping Eliminate all lower consciousness activities All this shit numbs you and lowers motivation levels Focus on your health, neurotransmitters, eliminate, replace, fix badly functioning neurotransmitters Focus on experiencing joy Find ways to enjoy life Engage in fun activities Ideas/Perspectives Death may not be an option (due to reincarnation, having to restart, karma, etc.) Consider "sufferable", unpleasant after-death experiences due to suicide Consider taking suicide off the cards It may override your higher purpose Find and focus on your higher purpose People who live to old age often comment that the time passes crazy fast anyway This is how it is, welcome to the human world. You don't have many options. You either own a business or have a job. In both, you need to work. Most people know life is hard, people with the highest levels of self-love are not willing to passively accept common outcomes Pursue what you love, don't overcomplicate Love is the magic ingredient that makes work not feel like work. You only call it "work" when you don't love what you're doing, Consider that modern life may expect to much intellectual work from us Consider that physical work can be therapeutic It can be healthy, exercise See the benefits, see the positive You may just take a break from your work and come back, take a break and work on physical work then come back Some forms of financial agency/security/independence are liberating though it is easier said than done Finances can be hard to get right if there is no external source of support ?~~~ (Victim mentality?~) Surviving on part-time work might be a more achievable goal Not working may cause mental issues, not working may be suboptimal There may be a certain kind of lethargy caused by a lack of positive engagement with people and challenges If you are involved in the right goals, it may not be an issue Your mind frame controls you, you look at reality in one way, while not being conscious that reality is how you see it Your mind creates the problems in interpreting the world See the deceptive nature of your thoughts, Do not trust your thoughts That’s the beauty of advanced personal development and spirituality, that’s why I watch videos You will understand how reframing can solve the problem, only when you realize how your current framing has created the problem in the first place Its not always about re-framing, sometimes its about practice, past-experience, skill, strategy Have a positive mindset, think like naruto, think like anime characters, never give up (but I think still investigate, it can't all just be baseless) The effort you put in depends on your creativity, level of creativity Consider that you are in depression, that this is depression Possibly start to fear "meaninglessness" Go back to stage orange, lower level, previous perspective and see how I would see myself from there ?~~ My country has the most opportunities for whatever work I want to be doing, my country has the best ratio of self-made? people across the world I seem to be complacent and I am spoiled by my country and the conditions I was born in It can be challenging growing up with privelege because you are given a lot of things that other's work their whole lives for, and you see the emptiness in them and other pursuits You may lack motivation because your life is too comfortable right now Why does one lack motivation if their life is to comfortable? Isn't the lack of motivation a problem which is uncomfortable? Isn't the lack of results a problem which is uncomfortable? Life may take on more meaning if someone depends on you, such as a pet, child or student Why might this be meaningful? Awaken, enlighten, More spirit in your life means more presence, joy and lightness Awakening will let you sink into effortlessness, awakening is ultimate laziness With awakening, there isn't anyone owning the pain/suffering, which is a quantum leap Consider whether you should awaken, go down the awakening route Know it is an option if all else fails Only truthful activities remain when one awakens Directed energy to sustain activity dissipates if there is no point, purpose, it is non-truthful activity, a non-truthful activity, All activities done on behalf of a sperate self will eventually fall away as one treads along the path What these activities are in your particular case is something you'll discover as you go Further Questions / Challenges What is effort? What is sufferable effort? What is enjoyable effort? What is sufferable vs enjoyable effort? Is sufferable effort inevitable? Is sufferable 'emotional labor' inevitable? Is there are solution to this problem? Is their a way to eliminate this problem completely? Is suffering inevitable? Can you actually solve the problem of "having to put effort in life"? How do you handle, deal with sufferable effort while you working on solutions for it? How do you deal with having to grind in college (How do you deal with the suffering from sufferable effort? (boring, uninteresting, grueling, sufferable effort/effortful homework, assignments, zoom calls, etc.?) How do you handle suffering? Do you just sit and suffer (or fight and suffer)? Do you have to suffer? Is suffering inevitable? Is the sufferable effort of life worth it? Is the sufferable effort to eliminate sufferable effort worth it? Do you have to do sufferable effort in order to eliminate sufferable effort? What is the point/purpose of it all? Is that question voided, based on false assumptions? What are the perspectives, outlooks, viewpoints surrounding this? Is there something I am missing? Is the idea, perception, feeling of doing, effort an illusion? What level (or progress) of awakening does one have to be to realize this? (Is this full awakening?) does one have to be fully awakened to realize this? How do you love what you are doing? How do you create a love for what you are doing? Can we just see the world however we want? Can we create whatever framing we want? Can we interpret the world however we want? Why do anything? Why is it important to challenge yourself? Why is it important to grow? Isn't this sense of accomplishment based of false meaning and untenable? What is personal truth? What is subjective truth? Isn't meaning just bullshit? Isn't all meaning just bullshit? What is meaning? How does one understand meaning completely? Is having no meaning bad? Is meaning-less bad? What is the point/meaning of meaninglessness? What are the implications of meaninglessness? Is meaninglessness a bad thing? What is meant by meaninglessness? Is all meaning untenable? Can you still hold meaning even if all meaning is untenable? How can you enjoy meaning if all meaning is untenable? If all meaning is untenable what the hell? Feel free to answer all or a few of the questions above. Feel free to share your perspective, ideas, comments.
  13. @Epikur Ok, I see, so when you take supplements/drugs and/or listen to music it can help alleviate the suffering of the task, make it more pleasant or otherwise improve the experience. And this is might not work when it comes to intellectual work (or high difficulty intellectual work) What therapeutic effects (or overall benefits) does physical work have? Insightful. I wouldn't necessarily be able to quit college (I would probably lose my scholarship (I should confirm just in case this isn't true) and have a long path back to similar opportunities) but this is definitely worthy of consideration. @Meta-Man Ok, I see. What if you are unable to make a living doing something you love (or love sufficiently/fully, like at least 60% threshold)? What do you do in the meantime while you are working out a solution? (Like how do you deal with work while you are unawakened, not doing something you like and have to work to live) Do you just suffer? Ok, I see What is meant by truthful activity? What replaces activities done on behalf of a separate self? Do they just go and die (like mahasamadhi or something else)? Does one work (or do activities) for humanity (or the globe, or everything)? Why do they work (or do activities) for (whatever it is)? Ok, How do I discover these activities? Ok, In what way is no ego identification (or no ego) with the suffering better? Does it mean that the suffering ceases (or nullify)? Is it that the enjoyment/pleasure/peace from higher stages of consciousness cancels out the suffering? Is it that detachment from the suffering allows it to not be suffering (or "suffering") anymore? What is felt or experienced (or whatever it is)? What can it be described as? Can it be described as enjoyment/pleasure or is it something else? Can it be described as the elimination of suffering (or at peace with suffering)
  14. Yeah privileged with being in USA and non-poor. I'm not rich or anything Lol, I wouldn't be in college grinding if that was the case. But yeah I feel uninterested in grinding for stage orange motivations and really anything for that matter. Just hitting basic survival needs seems decent for right now while I figure things out. The main problem I was focusing on was this issue of unpleasant effort. Like working hard and grinding when you don't feel interested or enjoyment while doing so and you actually feel suffering. Like this emotional labor, or mental/emotional/physical type labor. What is the solution to suffering effort? Can it be completely solved? By becoming infinitely powerful everything would become effortless, I would be able to do anything I want and understand everything. It would infinite freedom and infinite understanding and the elimination of suffering without having to go down the enlightenment path. This is off-topic but: What is the point/purpose/benefit/reason for challenging yourself? What is the point/purpose/benefit/reason for growth? Isn't all sense of accomplishment an illusion/bullshit? What is the point/purpose/benefit/reason for teaching others? It's actually the exact opposite, I lack motivation because my life feels too uncomfortable right now. I have been suffering through the effort I have to put in through high school and now college (whether it is my thoughts/imagination (like some have suggested) or my actual feelings/sensations/experiences). Life is uncomfortable, it's not easy anymore and I feel uninterested, sad, and depressed thinking of having to put in consistent effort just to live. Granted the effort I have put in and have to put in for school (and in the future work) may not be as great as some others have had to but whether through laziness. lack of motivation, not seeing the purpose or some other way I feel some sort of suffering connected to the effort of having to grind and work in school. What is meaning? What do you mean by this meaning? (It seems so flimsy and purposeless) Why would I care if I had a pet, child or student? (Would it be some sort of compassion or connection based motivation? Isn't even that built upon the thought-constructed meaning and ultimately purposeless?)
  15. @smurf88 Ok so I should consider investing in / improving my health. I can see how this negative outlook and perspective might be health-related. And that if I improve my outlook the suffering could reduce. What are some manners in which my outlook could be improved? What are some perspectives that could change my outlook? Do I just actively change it? Try to think optimistically and positively about the situation? Also, I must seek to enjoy life more so I can see that this suffering/effort is worth it. What (should I / is best to) pursue? What enjoyment should I pursue? What is enjoyment? What is enjoyable? Ok, thank you. These options really expanded my horizons. I could look into living a more minimalistic and low expense lifestyle (like living in van + freelancing, living in lower-cost areas, reduce expenses heavily). I could also look into trade school as the work might be more enjoyable and there is still lots of earning potential. I think I will ponder these ideas. Ok, I see. I hadn't really considered this idea of self-sustaining minimalism. I think I may have some little bits of attachment to material wealth, materialism. Thanks
  16. @Epikur What do you mean by "life doesn't have meaning but it can make sense"? Sounds like tons of fun. What would be the benefits/purpose of this? (Fun? Energy levels?) It seems like a valuable endeavor however how does it connect to the problem of suffering from effort, having to work to live? Oh I see, are you saying like this might help to deal with the emotions or like "get my mind off" or give me some breathing room when considering this problem? @Meta-Man I see so your suggesting awakening is the solution to this predicament. That effortlessness, presence, joy, wonder, and lightness is what I want. To bad if I awaken I won't be going along for the journey lmao Is there any other solution but awakening? (If they exist what are they?) I feel confused thinking about some points regarding awakening eliminating suffering and efforting. Will it actually feel effortless to do homework, mow the lawn (or do other forms of work)? Will someone actually feel no suffering if having a migraine, getting stabbed (and other sorts of experiences/feelings that cause suffering in lower stages of consciousness)?
  17. Interesting How would therapy help? Would everything become effortless after a few session haha That's true that a solution would need thinking as well as emotions, to be fully holistic. Ok, I will consider therapy and energy work. That is also a good pointer to self-experiment all the solutions proposed. I half-understand meaning as completely subjective, relative, and whatever you want it to be. Basically, life has no objective meaning. I would like to understand meaning better. What would be so important or meaningful about servicing others? Why would I want to help others transcend this harsh world? (I have some motivation on helping others but it is very weak and fragile - like everything is meaningless (or "objectively" meaningless) what's the point? you know?)
  18. Ok, interesting, please elaborate on my framing, beliefs creating the situation. It seems that something like mowing the lawn, doing homework (and other forms of effort) is akin to actual (rather than thought/imagination) sensations like migraines and physical pain. It feels as if actual effort is being taken place, that there is some form of doing Ok How To Stop Being A Victim - The #1 Reason You Are Stuck In Life Take responsibility not necessarily blame for everything in your life Who is responsible for your quality of life? Take responsibility for all stuff, even stuff you think is out of your control - Success Easy to take responsbility for Failure Emotions Accidents Circumstances Relationships All Other - How you respond to situations is in your control? - Growth, don't plateau or decay Aim for exponential growth - Victim I'm a little bitch who can't do anything Fighter Reality is harsh, dog eat dog, constant conflict Creator Everything can be accepted or improved upon At Peace Simply existing, everything is just happening with no control Creative energy is flowing through you Responsibility vs. Blaming Responsbility is not blaming/control You have control on Your thinking Your interpretation Your reaction Your actions Your feelings Responsbility is about response Either I will create the circumstances in life I want OR I will fail at creating the circumstances in life I want But I will create the happiness I want ---> Paradigm shift Brain is good at stories, excuses, complaining, whining and blaming To keep you from going out of comfort zone to pursue greater Self-deception, self-sabotage, manipulation You have to trust yourself a lot but also have to not trust yourself at all Excuses always seem to be real, real life Epiphany, realization that you don't have to be a victim No more victim thinking Take control of every area of life Academics Health Career/Finances Romance/Sex Any problem you can decide to take it on as a challenge You control everything Realize and take responsbility "I can take on the challenge" Its fearful because you realize you have to put in work, put in a lot of work, to start thinking radically different Your level of personal development has to be able to overcome certain level problems It takes a large amount of emotional labor and challenge Hard massive action, you have to take massive action It doesn't work for you because your not taking massive action Have role models so you can realize how much of a pussy you are "I only got one life and I have to make it work"?~ Say you know what, fuck the ego "I want results in my life, I want happiness" Take massive action Every angle, direction to find an solution Find some way for it to happen, some way to cope at i Identify this negative self-talk, victim self-talk (and that’s where you need to take massive action in) Not only about working hard but also about working smart (find new techniques or new strategy) Victim phrases "I cant" "Its impossible" "its to hard" "Life is unfair" "I must" "I need to" "I have to" "I should" "I've never done that" Time to learn, that’s why you have a brain "What if I fail" Try again, massive action is required because there will be massive failure "Its (____)'s fault" "I've already tried that" Take massive fucking action and it will be work for you, you need to have persistence, sometimes you need to try 100 times, 1000 times before it works "You massively overestimate how long you have tried stuff" "Never" "Always" "I'll try" "Maybe, I think" "I'm not good enough" "I'm not capable" "Its to much effort" "It just won't work in this situation" "There's not enough time" "I don't have enough money" "______ is holding me back" "That’s all great for young people, but its to late for me" "Its too late" Its never to late "My life situation is such that I can't do it" "Its easy for you" "But how" Do research, role models, books, study, videos, process of trial and error, massive fucking action Until then you have to trust yourself - Full creative authority The quality of your life is only determined by you, your thoughts and your actions - Even if you are a victim, act like a victim, its still your responsbility Its just whether you realize and take control that its your responsbility or try to ignore it How To Stop Being A Victim - Part 2 - What All Victims Fail To Understand - Health Fitness Diet Money Situation Relationships Marriage Children Career Business - A victim thinks the external world is a greater obstacle to him then he is to himself You are the only obstacle Its your mind that is the obstacle If you are lacking any results that could be reasonably attained within reality, your mind is the obstacle, you are the problem If you are a victim, you don't believe me - Levels of understanding Surface Intermediate, Secondary Really Deep Level, Recognize as principle - They don't see all the ramifications, see the possible of self-deception, bullshit and self-sabotage Your own mind is deceiving you - Don't worry about the "external world" Boss holding you back Enemies Business competitors Economy Wife Genetics Not beautiful Upbringing Not confident, etc. Worry about the following Mental filters Attitude Limiting beliefs Judgements Unquestioned assumptions about reality Lack of introspection Visualization Images you run through mind Monkey mind, how it chatters on and on without stop or control Model of reality Emotions and reactions Your thoughts and beliefs about reality Your morality, good and evil Habits that you cultivate or lack their of Self talk, how its out of Consciousness, awareness, how little mindfulness you have Ego, affects of ego to people, "outer world" and to yourself Don't spend to much time worrying about physics rather than psychology - Reality is a projection of your internal world Reality is imagination/thought If you are a victim, part of your internal world or Pyschology You think how you think about the world isn't that insignificant "I have real problems to deal with" - True vs. False Beliefs This is beautifully deceptive, your not going to take time to look at thoughts, beliefs, not going to do introspection Your problems are created by the mind, problems are not things that exist in the external world Problems are features of the mind Its you who attributes meanings to situations in the external world All these things are parameters of your mind, how you hold yourself relative to reality There is no problem without the mind The problem is actively created, sustained and created, mind burns calories Problem is like a creature living in your head It seems like your problems are "outside" but they are all imagination/thought, the mind You have to see ramifications, grasp what is being said Until you recognize you are creating these problems, then you won't be able to let it go These is foundation, preliminary to self-actualization Life will see hostile, unfair, depressing and cruel either in all of life or this specific area Your unconscious, and resisting becoming conscious This is beginning, preliminary, foundational work It becomes impossible, almost impossible for anyone to help you Every avenue of a solution that comes forth will be denied by your mind Your mind is searching for solutions in the wrong place Imagine for a minute that the inner world is all that matters in this life Working on the external world would be useless Stop gullibly believing your mind Your mind is not your friend The self is a tricky bastard Your mind will frame control you Your mind frames everything in life, every situation in life Sets the foundation, parameters, reference point People frame control you Marketings use it to associate things, frame control you They want to make the $100 seem like it isn't really a lot Sleazy marketing technique Look into belief creation, look into belief creation that you go through Humble yourself As soon as you grasp, you will take all this seriously Pyschology, philosophy, contemplation ,meditation ,mindfulness, nonduality, intuition, wisdom and truth The most burning issues, you will become a student to these things Only then can you get the value from the videos You will lose all the value, meat of the video Exercise Select one area in life where you are victim Write all justifications for why you can't change in this area, why its impossible, why its not your fault Identify how the problem identifies seems like an external problem Identify how the problem is actually an internal problem Watch out for justifying the external problem How am I creating the obstacle What am I avoiding by creating this obstacle? What must I believe to be a victim? - Maybe you agree everything in theory is but in practice, when applying to your life you think it is something different, something special - All those problems are victim mentality, all these problems are internal and solvable, they have solutions Stop being arrogant - All problems are interconnected All problems are internal, mind, Pyschology I do see how a lot of the negative experience, suffering was created through thought stories, amplified thought stories. Help me understand how my current framing has created the problem. How do I eliminate this? Is there any way for me to reframe and make everything effortless? (Make homework effortless and pleasant. Make chores effortless and pleasant, etc.) Also, it seems like there is something else than simple thoughts, imagination and beliefs on the situation. Let me know if I am deluded but when mowing the lawn or doing homework it seems there is an actual physical or mental sensation, that is in actuality rather than thought/imagination). Like the straining of doing the tasks is an actual sensation that is unpleasant. This seems even more clear with physical tasks like running, etc. Is the issue of suffering from emotional/mental labor and "sufferable" effort something that can be solved? Can you make everything effortless? Can you make the sensation and experience of effort disappear? How do you not suffer when doing work, labor (uninteresting, dull, boring, "pointless", non-enjoyable, menial sorts of "sufferable" effort)? Or further, how do you not suffer when feeling bored or having actual physical pain or migraines?
  19. I see. I meant in terms of having to work to live. I meant that if I stop college right now with no other options and marketable skills/credentials I am basically fucked to a life of low skilled labor or grinding. So basically if I don't become successful in freedom (financial freedom or passionate "work) soon then I would be best to stay in college as non-college wage slavery is worse than college wage slavery. Ok, I see, thank you. I would say my options for (striving for) freedom include Financial Freedom focused (eliminating need for sufferable work) Grinding in a career high-paying employment (career, job, profession) until I make enough to live off investments/dividends(⭐) Grinding in business (or high-profit venture(s)) to generate passive (or massive) income then living off that business income or investments/dividends (⭐⭐) While the first option would likely take longer than the second option, it is a pretty "safe" road and likely the fallback road for me (that is why I am in college). The second option is a better reward but would be a lot of hard work and uncertainty. I think I can pull off the second option and honestly if I can't with my abilities that means I don't deserve to live. Enjoyable effort/work focused (replacing sufferable effort with enjoyable effort) Grinding/creating/finding employment (career, job, profession) or self-employment (free-lancing, some forms of consulting, etc.) I enjoy, am passionate and interested about at acceptable levels (honestly 90-100% but it can be 60-80% temporarily) These options don't seem to be likely considering it seems I dislike, won't enjoy most jobs, well most high/sufficiently paying jobs. And the jobs I do have some sort of enjoyment would be nowhere near the needed 60% threshold of enjoyment. If others actually find a way to enjoy their employment and self-employment I need to learn from them or understand how we are different. Grinding/creating/finding business (project, venture, or some form of entrepreneurship) I enjoy, am passionate, and interested about at acceptable levels (honestly 90-100%, but it can 60-80% temporarily) (⭐) This option seems decent, I just need to find something I would enjoy doing at acceptable percentages of time and is profitable. So basically, there are the options of focusing on financial freedom, focusing on enjoyable work, or some form of both. I am thinking it is ideal to maximize both profit and enjoyment (while leaning toward profit because as soon as it reaches financial independence levels I am free to do whatever I want). More analysis, contemplation, and pondering is needed but yeah Thank you, I want to be able to understand meaning more. Do you have any more of those golden questions? Or any ressources? (Should I rewatch Leo's meaning video?) Ok, I see, so this all may be narrative, thoughts, beliefs, and not the actual case or experience of the matter. And yes the freedom option is available, that is what I want. How do I change my beliefs about life being work and struggle? Are my beliefs and perspectives about surrounding what I consider effort, suffering, and sufferable effort what is causing the negative feelings and suffering around effort? When feeling dreadful, "afraid" before the effort? When feeling negative, "choreful", "toiling", "dull", "forced" during the effort? Is there any non-belief, non-thought based component to the suffering when exerting? I love efficiency and effort-minimization. These ideas are helpful. I will pursue efficiency maximization in my life. I hope to create these sorts of systems to bring freedom into my life. Please continue, what are some other "efficiency systems" I could create in my life? I think everyone should be free. It would best if everyone was free, everyone wouldn't have to worry about basic needs and money. A life of pure abundance. AlphaAbundance A passion of mine is to acquire infinite power and share it. Thank you. I truly am great haha. I see, so these little truths and awakenings are also essential. Interesting. Wow, inspirational. I see so in addition to reframing there is also practice/experience. Your beliefs create your reality. Experience/practice reduces effort. Increasing skills move it to the subconscious mind and it becomes easy. There are always other opportunities, a different way. Never give up. I wish you had continued haha. Motivational. I'll probably come back to this post. Thank you.
  20. @Hello from Russia Ok, I'll consider those factors. However, I do doubt it's primarily those dopamine, over-stimulation type factors. I rarely partake in them, especially with parents forcing my quarantine. I recently even quit Fortnite. I just think my motivations were wiped out. Like there is no point. Like I see zero points for anything except for basic needs (physiological and safety needs), development, consciousness, understanding, and some other similar pursuits. It's like all meaning was wiped away lmao
  21. @DreamScape Ok, I see. Some questions answered and more questions arise What do you mean, by what Leo teaches? ( Raising consciousness? Leaving the reincarnation cycle? ) What happens when you aren't in the body? I'm still confused. There is no ego outside the body, Isn't it gone? Please elaborate @Proserpina ?