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Everything posted by Arman

  1. Added benefit here: mushrooms kits and the spores are legal in a lot of places in the world. In Australia for example, psilocybin is illegal but the spores aren't because they don't contain the active compound - as long as you are expressing no intent of cultivation for consumption (aka: for research purposes). (this was my own research from a few years ago, any readers should do their own updated research) It's wise not to order spores & a growing kit together.
  2. I think so, yeah. 4g is quite a bit. You don't know for sure how much potency was lost. There are more mushrooms in the world and you'll have plenty of opportunities in the future. Even a 2g dosage can be fun/rewarding/useful so try to let go of your fear of loss. 4g of mushrooms is not just twice as strong as 2g necessarily. As dosage increases, potency of effect is exponential. Sometimes all it can take is 0.5 to 1g more to have a several fold 'stronger' experience. 2g might be light and mellow, 4g might be a complete mindfuck. Try to always maintain reserve and caution when dealing with dosage.
  3. Even if they're legal, good luck trying to convince the authorities of that if they're intercepted. If it comes in a vial, powder or blotter then it'll probably be confiscated all the same.
  4. Take one look at this man during a work-out and then try to tell me he isn't a master of fitness. I dare you.
  5. Ya you're very right. It's something I've become aware of. Have always struggled with being needlessly verbose and keeping things concise. The original post is a year old, these days I try to edit down a lot more. I appreciate it.
  6. @Gavalanche Thanks for sharing Funnily enough i had an experience that mirrors yours a few years ago now. I was already worryingly ungrounded at the time due to misuse of a system of kriya yoga I was practicing. Energy work seems to have compounding and delayed effects that can occasionally blindside you. I took an analogue ayuahasca and it was severe to say the very least. Like you, the following weeks and months was quite a nightmare and it took some time before my brain chemistry and energetic body healed itself. I agree that most energetic and spiritual practices seemed only to make things much worse. In my case it was really a few years before I could even meditate again without becoming moderately unbalanced for a few days. Kinda funny that we both share a similar experience. It was really an awful time and I didn't know what had happened to me or what to do about it. I only had one friend online who was into spirituality and I was clueless to the vast scope of this stuff so I just kinda entered hermit mode for a good while until the healing did itself. Eating well, exercise, and being very careful with taking on new practices - that's all I recommend. Prayer and any alternate healing are also recommended, if you're into that. Regardless of how messed up you feel, trust me that the body and mind are excellent at restoring function and then some. You'll be okay man. Focus on the things you enjoy in life.
  7. Lol that's just mean. His english is not a problem. It is more than fine. It is talking in abstractions and expecting others to fall into some kind of frame of realization that may be the stubborn issue. Faceless, you are unknowingly being condescending to the people you communicate with. You've taken on the role of the mystic trying to awake people to your realization but there is no humility. To state an opposing perspective and say 'it is fact, end of story' is not productive and it is abrasive to a conversation. You're assuming that just because someone is not seeing eye to eye that they just don't get it. Naturally this breeds resentment in people. It is the subtle satisfaction to reinforcing your belief system while simultaneously convincing yourself that it is somehow above other thoughts and beliefs. The Buddha and mystics are like this. They are vague, they respond to questions with more questions and if someone doesn't understand, then truly, they are not ready. The problem comes when this stuff is being imitated rather than truly embodied.
  8. This is really rewarding advice if taken on. Set specific goals and tasks (that have practical meaning to you) and set out to achieve them. You'll know specifically what you need to learn and as you apply that knowledge quickly, you will learn and expand on that subject in an embodied and satisfying way.
  9. There's a presumption we carry that the mind is a troublesome battlefield and that achieving stillness or freedom from the inner voice is something to be fought tooth and nail for. The story goes that we should meditate for hours on end and maybe you'll have 2% more silence within... In actuality the mind is 99% silent at all times, but we're hypnotized by the 1%. The voice is like a small audio speaker in a huge hall and we're pressing our ear up against the speaker and wondering why there's so much noise in this place. You wouldn't be ale to hear the thoughts if it wasn't for the tremendous pervading silence that all thoughts arise in. It's already mostly quiet. Would you be content if you could get your mind 99% quiet? Try meditating with the assumption that the vastness of silence and spaciousness that you'd like is already there and present. The voice coming up is just the 1%. Just by that simple realization, suddenly the hypnosis fades and the heaviness drops, and you don't even need to calm the 1% voice that you were focused on before. It's like a gentle chirping of a bird, and when the fixation and importance of it are dropped then the need to control it fades too.
  10. Nah blogs are still very powerful. They haven't faded away and they're not going to any time soon. A good portion of people still learn and absorb primarily through reading. What form of content you focus on should come down to what you're more comfortable and skilled at - whether it's written, audio or video. Are you trying to create a brand/niche/online-business or trying to actively creative maximum reach? Do all of them + the blog. Sound overwhelming? It's not necessarily what ya think:
  11. Could just be your reticular activation system being trained from your imposed importance/meaning like what moonlight is saying. who knows. I remember a few years back when I was a little more airy fairy about spirituality than I am now, I was seeing 1111 everywhere. To this day whenever I see it on my phone or on a youtube video it still registers, but back then I was seeing it at maybe 15-20x the frequency as now to the point where it was getting really weird. Was my soul or my angels trying to communicate to me? Who knows, I don't know what it amounted to in the end. I'm not particularly fond of vague omens. I have a mobile phone, if the universe wants to send me a message, it can call me. +1
  12. I bet his consciousness game is gonna be so tight he'll be able to explode a mans heart from a hundred miles away using his mind powers alone
  13. hi, i am a professional interneter and a master of my craft and you are under arrest for lieing on the interwebs girls haven't looked like that since 2007 myspace
  14. Last time you went to an event with friends, do you recall how many people you spotted and judged for being alone?
  15. hah, very typical of Iran I guess... when I was there I saw a guy who had gotten so much plastic surgery that he somehow looked prettier than most girls I've seen. He was like an anime character... really bizarre. Most of the time excessive surgery tends to have the opposite effect and make one look unpleasant I think. My suggestion if you are feeling patient and interested is to check out the first two chapters of the "Reality Transurfing" book series (you can find free audiobooks of these chapters online. Here's the beginning two chapters + rest of the book) by Vadim Zealand. The second chapter is the relevant one here but you may want to listen to the first for some context. He teaches a kind of 'create your own reality' law of attraction sort of thing, but that's not why I'm linking, rather, his information about what he calls 'pendulums' is what is invaluable and fascinating. 'Pendulums' are his word for the energy patterns that we are all hooked into and their dynamics. Once you kind of wrap your head around a few basic ideas it becomes really easy to identify pendulum structures (beliefs, people, cultures, emotional patterns, fashion trends, behaviors) that take away your energy. It equips you for how to say 'no' without causing harm or creating backlash, and also how to choose your own way. His writing is great because it comes from a different cultural perspective and doesn't have the wishy washy feel good stuff of a lot of new-age material. I think you'd really like it. I have personally found it to be invaluable from a practical standpoint of identifying and disengaging from things in my life that aren't supporting me.
  16. As difficult as it is to accept, these things do serve us if we allow them to. And it is difficult to fight against the strong currents that are taking you to happiness and well-being. The more you struggle against where the water obviously wants you to go, the more unnecessary suffering. Bad trips can be really rough, but it's important not to hold on to them, take them too seriously or try to 'figure them out'. Sometimes the psyche just goes through these dramatic polarizations and you get an intense and obtuse experience of density and awfulness that have been lying dormant within. You may have gotten a sense that none of what you were experiencing was new, that it was something hiding inside you all along. You're trying to find someone to 'cast light on the experience' but only you can do that for yourself, and it isn't going to be done through intellectualizing about it. It would be useful to simply decide that this too will serve you, even you don't yet know how. If you're feeling depressed, empty and exhausted, don't try too hard to figure that out either. Homeostasis is your friend here. Your mind, body and mood will stabilize itself over some time and you'll feel good again. Sooner than you probably think, you'll feel great. I wouldn't worry.
  17. sippin' on snake venom and rubbing some sacred statues #justguruthings
  18. Leo's gonna come back after with a new video My Even Most Deepest Insane Insight Yet "So you ever like, think about how like, the colour blue is blue? and then, like, someone else might call it blue too, right? but how do you know they're seeing the same blue that you're seeing? what if, and stay with me here because this is extremely nuanced, what if THEIR blue is YOUR green???? know what I mean? What if we're calling them by the same name but actually seeing different colours? If you're not ready to grasp this then please don't even try. I'm leaving you with that. Also I'm cancelling"
  19. @Rilles that was great, thanks for sharing.
  20. Don't know if this is he most WOKE song, but it's definitely heavily spiritually influenced, or at least biblical. I like the cryptic esoteric lyrics rip guru edit: oh yeah... this name was Guru. that's gotta be worth something.
  21. This video is made to be watched while tripping. By the wizard himself... With the right dose, it is designed to split you open like a fucking coconut