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Posts posted by Peo

  1. I have been doing a lot of self inqiry lately and just detaching from my experience. I notice that all of my experience is changing and that is not me, but i'm also aware that i'm still pressent there even if the experience is changing.  This I is not really there, but im aware of it. This I is just completely formless, empty. Am i just bullshiting my self here or am i onto to something here. What if this is just a feeling that the true self is aware of. I dosent really feel like feeling tho because it is not a normal feeling it is not really there either. It is really hard to explain. 

    If anyone have gone pretty far on this path to enlightenment, can someone tell me if im just deluded here and i'm just bullshiting here and i need to keep looking

  2. 3 hours ago, Esoteric said:

    How do you get food?

    Hunt for rabbit or go and fish. You can go to nearby shop and get food to survive

    3 hours ago, Esoteric said:

    How to deal with the coldness?

    Start a fire 

    3 hours ago, Esoteric said:

    Where do you go to the toilet?

    You can pee outside and poop outside where people dont see you. You can use grass to take away the poop in you butt

  3. The only problem for me is that whenever i try to ask who is aware of my visual field my mind saids it is a sensation in my eyes. When i ask who is aware of that again my mind says now it is the sensation in the back of my head. When i then ask who is aware of that again my mind says it is my chest. Then i ask who is aware of that again and my mind this time says it is the I thought that is aware. Finally ask my self who is aware of that again then it goes full circleI, back to my eyes again. I'm going on an endless chase on who is aware.

    I'm sorry for my english is bad.

  4. I think is better to do it 1 hour in stead of mediating 30 min twice a day. Once your meditation gets into the 40-60 minutes your meditation gets much deeper. For me personally in the 40-60 minutes my mind is much more silent and i can even have some non-dual experience, but its only happened to me two times.

  5. I have been trying to find out how to comunicate non duality to my friends and my family, but i dont know how. They are asking me questions that i dont know how to answer. I cant just say you dont exist and that i'm literally my own family. I cant speak to them about the emptiness. They will just not be able to listen to me. Non-duality is difficult to comunicate to other people. I have tried to comunicate this to my family, but they just say it is theory and just philosophy. My family just drag me down. They wont let me just do a 30 dayes retreat without a reason.

    So how do i comunicate this to my family and my friends?