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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. some dad jokes for yall What does an enlightened cow say? MU what kind of phone does the buddha have? A no-selphone what does the budda eat for breakfast? An OMMMlet What kind of headphones does the budda use? Beats by Z.E.N
  2. These people are too coherent and emotionally stable to represent the average trump voter imo lol
  3. His routine, jokes and delivery SO ON POINT.
  4. Some average infield for yall. I think the guy at 0:52 signed up straight up for Elliot Hulses workshop LOL Different guy here, more authentic Enjoy
  5. @Tim R I understand, but it's a quality problem I'd say. Identifying what is " high conciousness " and move towards that, and what is " low consciousness " and mostly stay away from it . There are so much more worse traps.
  6. @Tim R you kind of are overlooking relativity and piling everything together through a more "absolute" lense. Relativity is real in a sense , and a very useful way for us to comunicate and make distinctions. If you want to go that route, then you your name isn't real, and things dont really actually have names either, we just have socially agreed that we make these sounds to refer such objects / emotions / qualities, etc. It would be saying that banging your head against the wall is as good or as bad as drinking water or reading books, which in the absolute sense may be true, but in the more egoic and dualistic world that we live in is just absurd. Obviously, in the world of relativity, a person is taller than another, one has more money that another, one has a dick and another one has two boobs, etc. Yes, in the end everything is " MU " , but that would be a small non-duallity. Actual non-duallity is so non-dual that it includes duallity and non-duallity. Learning = making distinctions, don't throw everything in the same bag
  7. I found this video quite insightful.
  8. Imo crypto is in the dark ages. I was buying some nootroopics online and they discount you money if you pay with crypto. I had 0 clue about it, so I spent like 4 hours learning basic information just for me not being able to purchase, fees and payment complications, sketchy sites, irl documentation, etc. Im not the smartest tech guy buy i dont see a boomer learning to manage this. So maybe in the future it will be polished up.
  9. @StateOfMind yes but you definately can explain what your quesion is better. You didn't realy try to specify what you are unclear about. My suggestion would be to clarify to yourself what the question exactly is and then give a longer explanation of what is it that you are exactly trying to understand.
  10. @captainamerica obama stealing bob the builder's slogan. So unoriginal. ( only zoomers will know )
  11. @Someone here from personal experience, they are as real as real life. Only thing I experience them finishing and being less coherent and consistant. And " real life " at least from this level of consciousness seems to be more steady and lineal. I've had out of body experiences so realistic that they snapped me out of the materialistic paradigm in a blink. have a read if you want
  12. @Average Investor I kind of regret not having discovered lentils when i was in my teens. Cheap, convenient, nutritious and could have bulked easier
  13. @StateOfMind nope. It's embeded in the human nature. Check out Maslows hierarchy of needs and contemplate how it reflects your life. If you observe your actual experience without distractions, it's literally this way. You sh1t, eat, drink, breathe. You strive for a home, some friends, some sexual intimacy, a career, a meaning in life, then creative expression, contribution and self actualization and possibly self-transcendence. You can use this model to ground you every time you feel you are disconnected from the process of developing yourself, as in " okay, what is the most " urgent " thing to be working at for my precise situation and circumstances at life? Ofc every life is nuanced and different, but there is an overarching similarity in the psychology of human being's needs. And if you don't belive me, test it for yourself. Stop doing everything. stop going to school, stop going to work, stop working out, stop reading, stop eating healthy. The fact is that you will still be alive, and breathing. And boredoom will kick in, and you will get drawn towards certain activities, in a certain order / priority. See how you evolve over the years back climbing Maslow's Pyramid. Edit : it would be also usefull if you explained yourself better when asking such questions
  14. @Average Investor yup same here. I'm amazed that peanut butter, flax seeds, sesame seeds / tahini, egg whites and BRAZIL NUTS make me bloat, swell my throat make my stomach hurt and give me brain fog. And I've been eating these for years without noticing before.
  15. i was scared of scrolling down thought it was ricardo
  16. nice narrative and self fulfilling prophecy, gotta try that one out
  17. @Captain_Diabetes everything depends of WHY are doing it, as with everything. Are you running away from feeling conditioned and judged by your current location? Sometimes moving may fix the issue. Others, it sticks with you untill your inner game is handled. Wherever you go, there you are. Are you filling the void inside, distracting yourself from emptiness by getting stimulated and occupied going from here to there? Are you getting away from a toxic environment? Are you wasting your resources? Are you doing it to flex on social media? Ofc there are many positives that you can think of yourself
  18. Last time he went missing covid happened. This time he goes missing and we got a borderline civil war in America. Coincidence? DONT THINK SO.
  19. I think conspiracy theories also have a lot to do with the need to make sense of the world. Just in the same way cavemen may have thought of thunders as god's fury for disrespecting mother earth. As a way of reducing fear , having a feeling of security and sense of familiarity over what is going on. Thinking you know something kind of blocks you of thinking more about it, right? It would be a very fundamental need in Maslow's hierarchy, at the same level as physical safety, shelter and so on.
  20. I think if inmortality was a thing, these people would come up with the most thrilling screenplays with the best and most unexpected plot twists ever. Damn. Also, people don't want the truth. They want to be right. Or feel they know the truth, or feel they are right.
  21. Teenage boys very often show huge ammounts of toxic primitive masculinity. Theft, bullying, fights , throwing rocks, torturing animals, etc.