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Posts posted by Hellspeed

  1. The best way for a yogi life is to find a place in the countryside or nature. 

    Following another system of spiritual groups will only diminish your growth. 

    Take the example of Gautama if you are really ready for this. 

    The breath will guide you faster in an alone situation.   


    If you feel that you need people around, then you are not prepared.

    I don't know.   

  2. Hahaha... 

    Awakening and Enlightenment is not something you want, trust me. Is more tedious and painful than winning Mr. Olympia. 

    It does not take much effort to see reality as it is, drugs maybe will do it, or high stages of meditation. The point is reaching all that and maintaining a balance all time. It is an eternal growth, as evolution is.  

  3. Enlightenment is more than realizing absolute truth. Any uncharted territory in the body/mind, the being will translate that into Pain. Going into that Pain (the greatest opportunity), after that, the agony will translate into something very different. Pain is the greatest guide, why? Because the conscious mind did not explore the full body, due to social indoctrination. 

    As shown in movies, in a higher state of being there is no more "remorse". Meaning, one will become one with the Great Change we see all around. The pain people talk about is just a condition in the general mass, a mindset.