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Posts posted by Shadowraix

  1. 26 minutes ago, fabriciom said:

    Wanted to see what all the fuss was about.


    Ego showed its head a couple of times through ,the video. 

    The video does not matter what matters is that you might be taken for.

    I have no knowledge on what you define as ego or how you came to that conclusion. I can't actually make any considerations if what you are saying could be valuable for me. So this thread ultimately will lead to a dead end I think. A warning with no indicator of where it is or what it is.

  2. 3 minutes ago, fabriciom said:

    I have done a lot drugs all my life.

    I know why its not the way.

    You know why its not the way, or why its not the way for you?

    Person A takes a drug and has an awful even horrifying time.

    Person B takes the same drug and has such an amazing time their life is opened and changed for the better.  

    Can person A denounce person B's experience and/or vice versa?

    Wouldn't this result in a your mileage may vary answer?

  3. 7 hours ago, Key Elements said:

    A "monogamous" person who is married, for example, is not chained in handcuffs like a criminal. This person is also capable of going out and sleeping with many and then lie about it to his/her spouse.

    You still have financial ramifications and social ramifications of such acts though.

    "Choose A and you'll be homeless, choose B and you'll be comfortable" kind of deal it seems like to me.

    Legal benefits aside, it almost seems like marriage serves this purpose of keeping you in line when you might be on the brink of giving up. Materialist things you don't want to lose.

  4. One big problem of the Bible as many know is verifying if whats in the Bible is the full and completely uncensored version of it. Which as others has pointed out, its contents has been cherry picked.

    You can find nonduality interpretations in the Bible easy. In fact you can in most religions and even ancient philosophies. Egyptians and Greek were big pursuers of the nondual path. 

    Its all the same thing just explained in different ways with different abstractions etc from my perspective. Then when the source author is no longer around all you have is interpretation through YOUR lens and not the authors lens.

    You'll go around in circles doing that. It seems awfully flawed to need to read a book to find God and then basically be indoctrinated into the most popular religion of that area as well as the teachers interpretation of the teaching.

    This is all outward seeking and not inward seeking. 

    All the suffering I see due to religion to me seems to come from following that religion with no inward seeking. Its a closed locked down box that refuses to realize its more than a box.

    Beware to not use religion as an opening for the ego to project itself onto the world.

  5. On 9/7/2018 at 1:59 AM, Misagh said:

    The best effect drugs can create in you when it comes to enlightenment is entangling you from your thoughts. This is specially true for the dissociative family of drugs. It is still required for the aspirant to have enough discrimination to be able to identify truth and illusion. For example, Ketamine or DXM might create a whole spectrum of 'images' in your third-eye. Those images by themselves are mere illusions. They have no value when it comes to self-realization. The true value is in the drug creating this strong sense of detachment from those images and your other thoughts. All one has to do in that moment, is to realize their true nature as that untouchable observer. This whole other business with "entities" and "auras" etc. are distractions at best. Usually it is the ego who is interested in those kind of stuff because it wants to be mystical/holy etc. As Sri Ramana said: the real siddhi is self-realization. The rest is maya. 

    I've always looked at the whole chakra/aura stuff as an abstraction to help people understand some fundamental concepts. But these days such things are taken literally.

  6. Did you notice ego or what you perceive to be ego?

    Looking at something through exclusively your lens can be misleading.

    Also, what video, what part? What do you define as ego?

    I also am curious on your intents of this post. It looks like a shitpost given its lack of detail. I don't see anything constructive here, but I think that can change.

  7. One of the funny things about nihilism is people often apply a negative meaning to meaninglessness.

    As you transition to green, make sure to do what you can to avoid moralization, otherwise it might cause you a lot of inner turmoil from my experience.

    A lot of inner conflict for me was projecting my ideal reality onto reality itself and getting upset when they don't align.

    Reality is what it is, and you must accept that. Your desires will tell you what you want of the world. Advocate for change all you want, you may or may not be successful, we'll find out.

    Keep your mind on the stars but your eyes on your feet. It all might be meaningless and/or an illusion but that doesn't change it will feel real and meaningful for you. There is an absolute truth but also the relative truth.

  8. On 9/27/2018 at 3:35 PM, Salcedoop said:

    Anytime someone tries to "build " something on the premiss of tearing others down, I can understand where they're coming from, but they're not really building anything for themselves are they? they seem like scavengers to me.. I'm sure you can get good at it, have a point, be right even, but my point is: if something really is bad, it doesn't need random critiques to kill it, it will eventually die on it's own. It may do so from lack of attention, it may do so because it won't hold up. 

    While I generally do agree and see the point, people tend to be very expressive to how they feel and the things other people say. So on one side seeing video rebuttals can help open new perspectives. That is if you are watching the videos to learn and then make an evaluated decision on your own for your own improvement vs to just attach and defame somebody. The spreading of information and ideas is one of our great points as social creatures. The more edge case scenarios we have like this the more we can build a more robust model on the type of world we want to advocate for. Very few people are willing to lead.

    I used to be very argumentative like them in my early high school years because my sense of raw nitpicky logic developed faster. It was a big ego trip to feel like you won an argument with superior debating skills. I can imagine a lot of people get the same off this stuff.

  9. On 9/19/2018 at 0:34 PM, Mikael89 said:

    Maybe an indication of how spiral dynamics is nonsense?

    Notice how pretty much none of the "most enlightened ones" talk about spiral dynamics; another indication.

    I have never liked spiral dynamics, not at all. Seems like only unenlightened people love to talk about spiral dynamics. I'm not going to touch that crap.

    Spiral dynamics is useful.

    The key is to just not build some ideological attachment to it.

    If you're using SD to attack, you're likely gonna go down a negative path.

    If you're using SD to understand and integrate/improve then I can see a lot of benefit there.

    You can remove SD entirely when talking about anybody and still point out the same flaws you did using SD.

  10. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    All knowledge in the relative domain is probablisitic and fallible.

    It is not about being sure, it is about taking the best seeming course despite incomplete information.

    Get used to taking action on incomplete information. If new, better information surfaces you can adjust course.

    Well said, I was going to say something along the lines of that. Try the recommended advice, find out what part of it works, what doesn't then adjust until you find the right balance for your body.

    You gotta start somewhere and I would think a well supported average of what is best is a good starting line.

  11. I'm sure you already know the basics to tripping. Good comfortable environment etc etc

    You really can only do so much to prepare for such an experience. The rest comes up to you submitting to it.

    Although I do want to note that dosages for profound experiences will vary widely among people. I've seen people say 400ug knocks them into another world yet ive had 500ug and could walk and talk. I was never put into my place until 1mg of lsd to which I was taught the intense mind shattering aspect of the substance.

    So always make sure you have some gauge on how things scale for you as you go up in dose else you'll be caught with your pants down (metaphorically)

  12. This is a tricky thing because I would call the human brain the most varying organ among all humans. As you grow and shape and develop all the unique experiences come together and starts molding you.

    Some people struggle to let go. Others do it freely. My first psychedelic was LSD and my progression was something like 100ug 8 times, 200ug 1x, 500ug 1x, 1000ug 1x, 800ug 1x, 700ug 1x, 1500ug 1x etc

    Massive jumps in doses and I handled all of them relatively fine. 1mg had me stuck on the floor and freak a bit but I just breathed and was able to relax and submit. For other people this kind of progression could result in a total psychotic break. Or maybe you have a profound experience you are just not ready to handle which can cause similar results. Or maybe you are prone to underlying mental illnesses that a psych will accelerate its development.

    Physically, most traditional psychedelics (I won't speak entirely for RCs, mixed bag) are safe. There is the HPPD risk people talk about. I found 1 single study in China that said LSD caused some form of photoreceptor damage, but its a single questionable study. Mental effects will vary wide and high and it mostly plays out to YOU doing the research and you knowing yourself to decide if you want this experience knowing the risks. 

    Assuming best case scenario, yes, psychedelics are AMAZING tools for this kind of work.

    Its always good to make sure to note that cgkid is talking about why he would never do them again due to his past experiences with them. Your mileage may vary.

  13. Drugs are tools.

    They can be positively and/or negatively beneficial.

    Black and white thinking on this kind of thing will severely mislead you.

    Most psychedelics discourage addiction from many factors like tolerance the overall exhaustion post trip and generally mindfuckyness of it. 

    Doing a drug doesn't make it a "problem"

    People just often give higher value to sobriety mindstates by default. Even outside the realm of 5-MeO and how Leo describes it, it can do a lot for introspection.

    Also psychedelics were prominent in MANY cultures. A lot of stories can be traced back to drug use. I really wouldn't be surprised of Jesus achieved some realizations from drug use. Its not necessary to achieve it, but it will help you build a foundation to build upon quickly.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Emerald said:

    More-so the terms for all the gender delineations exist for the use of people that are in the gray areas, and not so much other people who aren't non-binary like you and me. In the non-binary communities, these terms actually mean something of substance to them and aide them in getting to know themselves better. So, to use a blanket term, would not serve this same purpose, as the value of the term lies in the specificity of the definition. 

    But most people who are non-binary don't require that people address them with these identities or even really know a lot about them. They usually use they/them/their pronouns, which is how they mostly prefer to be addressed. And it's a safe bet to use these terms for trans-people as well. I guess there might be some people who get fancy and prefer that people use some really uncommon pronouns like xir, xim, or all those other ones. But I've never met or seen anyone who preferred those to they/them/their which are a lot closer to common uses of the English language. 

    You know, I have always found it very weird that our language is very gender based. When I took my German course in high school I was baffled that inanimate objects had a gender assigned to them as well which just served to increase the language complexity. I remember talking to a friend who had met/researched some tribe that used living/nonliving in place of gender which at least to me makes more sense.

    Is it possible these people are so heavily caught up in gender and such references as identity on the sole idea our society and especially language is so caught up in differentiating people by gender/sex down to how you talk to them? I wonder where we would be at if it wasn't so heavily gender based.


  15. On 9/27/2018 at 2:27 AM, Serotoninluv said:

    Says who? The emergence of genders is not restricted within previous human constructs of gender. 

    Old models of gender do not get to set rules that restrict the parameters of new emerging models of gender.

    Horse carraige drivers did not get to set the rules on how emerging automobiles would be manufactured. 


    I meant in terms of society as a whole.

    If people don't want to break this tether they'll never get rid of such a narrow construct.

    If they do, then you can acknowledge unlimited genders. I think with this people fear language getting too complex.

  16. Consciousness is just a word used for the most fundamental substance of everything. Notice when you go breaking down what something is you end up with energy in science. Slowly things break down until whats left? Nothing! For a fundamental substance to exist it must be able to take on the form of anything which is also nothing! Which it only is itself. Everything you are, consciousness has to be by extension. You are a manifested form of consciousness! An unknowable and undefinable substance! You won't be able to wrap your head around it entirely. You're using 2nd order to try and understand 1st order.

    The Kyballion (Teachings of hermetic philosophy) tries to explain this concept by calling it one big mind. Like your mind but much more infinite and powerful. You are a derivative of this all powerful mind. You can imagine a person in your head who thinks they are experiencing a physical reality. That person you imagine, you are in it, but it is far from you. It is merely a subset of you. If everything is some big mental creation then of course its illusory. Software without hardware.

    So when you die, its merely consciousness just manifesting in another form. Are you a human or something just perceiving the human experience unaware of what you actually are? 

  17. Think of it this way.

    Consider the early days of the universe when life was just being formed. Do you think life since the get go could think?

    I would say not. So being comes before thought.

    Consciousness in the context of the mind is usually equated to self awareness. In a lot of nondual perspectives is used in the perspective of the most fundamental form of everything in which everything derives from. So your self awareness derives from consciousness itself. The thing that is doing the grasping is the exact thing you need to get.

  18. On 8/18/2018 at 11:13 PM, Mikael89 said:

    It's just a belief in this forum that the experiences which psychedelics create are more real than this sober, normal reality. And maybe that belief is right, impossible to know.

    If there is anything I can say about psychedelics that seems to be mutually agreed upon among many is that it at least strips societal conditioning. Ideas one holds on how things should be or should act. To question even the most standard things in society like attire etc. Makes you realize you were a robot the entire time.

    Its only until you have such a realization that the real work can begin. Psychedelics don't mean much if you can't implement what you learned in sobriety.

  19. You aren't the cause of their suffering. They cause their own suffering. By trying to project their own image of how you should be onto you instead of accepting the reality of who you actually are.

    If you want to maintain relations then personally I would just be neutral about everything. If they try to protest then ask them to let you spread your wings. That if their path truly is the right path for you, then you'll find such a path.