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Posts posted by Shadowraix

  1. 8 minutes ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

    We are all interconnected, but saying that I'm literally you and you're literally me is a fallacy. We are own consciousness having a conversation with each other, not a single consciousness looking throughout both of us.

    Its a single consciousness. You are experiencing what its like to be everything. A rock, me, you, Leo. To be you means to not be me, you see, which is why you don't have access to me.

    But when distinctions collapse you just have one infinite singularity. And that is you. Your ego is what creates this illusory boundary between you and other

    You and me talking to each other is one thing talking to itself.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

    When you look within, you learn about yourself. However interpreting your experiences as revealing things about reality is a fallacy and that's how you get religion, which certainly doesn't have a nice history. But I do appreciate your reply, thank you.

    Except you are everything. I am you. You are me. You are the rock, the sky, the Earth, everything.

    The ego is a pesky thing that can make the self inquiry process tricky as you've pointed out.

  3. I'm sure you are aware of such a method. Where a programmer would talk his code out to a rubber duck to find out flaws in it.

    I often use my girlfriend as my rubber ducky and i'll start explaining to her my new realizations and so on and often times in my explanations i'll just go on and explain some new realization or aspect that ties into it that I didn't even know until that very moment of explaining it. Simply trying to take my understanding and explain in my own words I have found to be a great help in my self inquiry process.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

    Can you explain the "materialist paradigm." Also, I find that the community's views on psychedelics is dangerous. I have nothing against responsible psychedelic use, but they are DANGEROUS substances and viewing them as making you "enlightened" is dangerous and cultish.

    They are great tools for having profound realizations, but people jump in here and think the community is just like "yeah go drop some acid you'll be good" thats not the case at all. there's always been promotion of doing your research before doing a drug.

    "Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that all things, including mental aspects and consciousness, are results of material interactions."

    Basically the assertion that reality is physical.


    8 minutes ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

    Also, "Leo would shit on science." that sounds like a BAD thing, as it asserts that Leo apparently thinks he's above what science has discovered through peer-reviewed research. Can you elaborate on that?

    He has criticisms of mainstream science and what not but he has never just shit on science as some useless thing.

  5. 22 hours ago, Quantum_fluctuations said:

    y (Am I not? How is it possible? I see everything through eyes of this body, feel sensations inside it.)

    Why would you assume that? Just because you are having this kind of experience does mean thats all you are. 

    To say you are human requires to make a distinction that doesn't actually exist.

    22 hours ago, Quantum_fluctuations said:

    He resists 'what is' because he can't deal with 'what is'. Its just not good enough. Its plain bad. He isn't upto size of his peers and would always be seen by others as short as first characterization. And it doesn't make sense from 1st person POV how would a person who accepts 'what is' can act in any meaningful way. Every one has to define what he is good for him and what's not. (I am willing to be wrong here, that's why I'm asking) How would he live his life after accepting everything as 'what is'. How would he decide what to do?

    You act based on desire. Nothing you do is wrong or right. You can wish for the world to be a certain way and certainly advocate for it but you must surrender to whatever the result is. You may succeed you may not. You can have a career and build a meaningful life if you desire to. Or you can be homeless scavenging or whatever on the streets. That works too.

    One of the things about this kind of work is it changes how you see the world. For example you no longer see yourself as just the human body but as everything. That alone will change how you treat the world you interact with. The end result will be total surrender but you can still do what you want. I can try to pick up the hot girl at the mall. Success or failure, I accept and move on.

  6. Is Leo enlightened?

    Depends on how you define enlightenment. Is enlightenment the end result or is being enlightened simply a profound realization?

    All Leo is doing is sharing what he has learned on his journey. Its like someone on level 2 asking a level 10 how to get to level 3 when the max level is infinity.

    Only way to try and find out if it works is to apply it the advice and knowledge. ;)

  7. On 9/27/2018 at 7:21 PM, XYZ said:

    Now here is what I am afraid of: If I were to let go of the ego, really transcend the false division between "myself" and everything else, I would wake up the next day, and there would be no reason to get out of bed. Nothing exists, nothing matters, the illusion of this body could just lie there until it died. Why bother doing anything if there is nothing to do and nobody to do it? Is ego actually a necessity for life to continue at all, and by contrast, true ego death would mean actual death? Where is the sweet spot between purposefulness and beingness?

    There was never a reason to begin with.

    One of the things you actually seem to be doing is tying a negative meaning to nihilism.

    Why bother doing anything? The only answer to that is because you want to.

    Keep your mind on the stars but your eyes to your feet. 

    At the end of the day meaning is self created from your own desires.

    Realizing that I am more than my ego allows me to see everything as myself, all there is is me. And this is a influencing factor that drives my desires. God (or you/me/all) created this and its exactly why we are caught up in our own creation.

  8. 15 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

    @Shadowraix  You are probably right, but damn, if you say that, you just deepen his depression, because he wants to stay there now. He doesnt see the situation out of the box, your words have absolutely different effect on him.

    This whole forum will probably end up having a negative outcome for someone this down in the pit.

    It ends up as mental masturbation with no real progress.

    This kind of work will require swallowing many bitter pills. 

  9. @Arkandeus

    Suffering is self created.

    Its not that people are trying to invalidate his pain they are trying to get him to face his pain. When you accept yourself as some nearly static thing, you are shoving all of the problems on genetics. "Oh, guess I just got the bad card out of the gene pool" its redirecting the blame onto something else to avoid it.

    Many people have been through the same kind of mentality as him and have overcame it. It takes a lot of deep inner change to recognize your own bullshit. 

    People avoid facing the pain head on when its too difficult for them to handle. You either get so sick of it you get your shit together and make a change. You ram it into your subconscious or you simply give up and suffer until death.

    Only Mikael can make that decision. Its obvious no amount of advice will work right now.

    To accept advice means to acknowledge your willingness and potential to change. 

  10. 21 hours ago, Key Elements said:

    You know what, if you're even considering marrying someone, you got to really talk about it before it happens. Research. It's no joke. Even if you're a polyamorous, and you're thinking of marrying your primary partner, do you think they don't talk about these things? Of course they do. They do discuss about their other partners and whether or not they're going to swing in their actual relationships. Why would they not?

    The ppl who do not know themselves or what they want out of their actual relationship or what they want out of life, will not even bother to talk about it. They'll just go with the flow and accept whatever, only to end up leaving because they didn't know better and put the blame on someone else.

    Have you heard of prenuptial agreement? Some ppl consider that...


    I agree. The implications of marriage are pretty serious and need to be talked about.

    Personally I accept the dynamic that I may love my SO for the rest of my life or I may want to move on down the road. Divorce is a costly thing in of itself. So I really don't ever plan on getting married. Don't feel a need to get law involved.

  11. My first time taking MDMA I had this realization about love have no real restriction to a single person. I also saw these intimate agreements with labels to be these invisible strings that bind people together. People are often cautious about the forming and breaking of these strings enough for them to not really be truly open and honest about how they feel. One of the things to me that felt the most natural is to get rid of such strings. You just hang out with and enjoy people as you and said person wants. Come and go as you want. Connect to the degree you want. We always try to fit your connection to someone with labels like a 'friend' or a 'girlfriend' etc but it can be more nuanced than that.

    So maybe it is you seek this sort of free flow path with building connections with others? Some may call it polyamory, others may call it that + open relationship, but I find the lack of such labels allows one to be more authentic to how they are feeling/ 

  12. 9 hours ago, Emanyalpsid said:

    Woop there comes another argument. Yes you become what you believe, thanks for the example.

    Consciousness outside the context of the human brain is your believe. Feed it with an argument.

    Yes we all create the words to label our reality, or infinite consciousness, or whatever you want to call it. But that doesn't mean you created it. Can you create anything you want? No! You just experience it! Nothing more. You can name it everything you want. But that you think you are god or you experience absolute infinity and there is nothing beyond that, are only thoughts in your mind, therefore solipsism. You only experience it, maybe with less ego or more ego, but there is nothing beyond experiencing. And guess what there are other people experiencing. Whaaat no shit, this can not be. You are all appearances in my consciousness, else my believe would fall apart. 

    That is why it is so hard to get through to believers, as they become their beliefs. You will have to admit to yourself that you might have been wrong. But you believe in the truth, so you see why this is so difficult? Reality goes against your beliefs, you have left reality to start believing. So to come back to reality, by letting go of your believe in the truth, by admitting you were wrong, is very difficult for the narcissist ego (god) you have become.

    But you will have to face reality someday. Still, no one volunteers to get hit on the head with a baseball bat to see what prevails; consciousness or the brain... I guess you are not so convinced of your beliefs after all.    

    If a fundamental substance exists, it is you and me and everything. I am all of it. Not just this tiny ego identity. And this substance is what is called God which is where you get "I am God" from. Siding with something doesn't mean you are attached to it. These concepts are only tools for my self improvement.

    Being comes before thought. Nobody will fully be able to understand the truth. But you are it. I am well aware how illusory thought it.

    You make a lot of assumptions.

    You only separate being the truth from you through thought and distinction ;) 


  13. Weed is interesting. All the strains in my area I always end up very stimulated. Like my leg will have an involuntary spasm or quick tightening of the muscles for a second. The weed peak for me is a bit rough but the come down I feel so relaxed and everything is more entertaining. I regularly get auditory and visual hallucinations from it. I took one hit on a DXM afterglow once, and it felt comparable to my 500ug+200mg candyflip in many areas. Out of this world headspace, everything was spinning etc.

    Such a versatile drug.

  14. 1 hour ago, Nondescript said:

    I am reading my Bible this morning,  like I do often and there is a message to me on the first page I turn to. 

    Hebrews 13:8-9 NLT
    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. [9] So do not be attracted by strange, new ideas. 

    Keep following that path. So hard you pass the inflection point of theism. You will find the answer then. :) 

  15. 2 hours ago, Emanyalpsid said:

    This comment summarizes it all very well. But I guess someone will come up with another argument to defend their beliefs. You believe in the truth. The truth is a believe. You believe in the truth. The truth is a believe. You believe in the truth. The  truth is a believe. You make up arguments to defend your believe. The believe is in your mind. Therefore you need arguments to defend it. You believe in the truth. The truth is a believe. 

    Maybe now someone will see through it.


    Firstly, that comment makes a huge misconception about consciousness. Consciousness in context of the human brain is often equivalent of self awareness.

    To say everything is consciousness is just a word given to the most fundamental building blocks of the world. See consciousness in context of the brain is a layered concept ontop of the building block, as everything is. Its both solipsism and not solipsism depending in what context you consider it.

    You can't know the truth, but you can be it ;) 

  16. 2 hours ago, Tetcher said:

    Finally people on this forum that say it worked for them, okay you had some nice trips and insights but to what extent did it really transform your life or experience of life ? Do you have to sustain it with regular trips ? Try one year without it and tell us where you are in life.

    Complete 180 in terms of overall thinking structure. Currently working on the application to supplement it. Meditation and healthier eating etc.

    All the insights I have had due to a substance, I am able to retain into sobriety. At that point it becomes up to me to inquire about the insight and apply it for it to become valuable. Its like telling someone why they aren't succeeding in something as much as they want to. It may make sense but it only truly becomes valuable if you apply it. Else, you'll forget it and go back into your usual ways improving much more slowly.

    You don't need some sort of trip schedule. When you have it you have it. But it is possible to have multiple insights through multiple trips.

    2 hours ago, Tetcher said:

    I have to give @fabriciom credit here. Promoting such drugs to mass seems irresponsible, many people will lose their balance. Martin Ball wrote in his book that at one point he wasn't able to come back, very easy to freak out and go somewhere from where you won't come back. Sure for people for whom this worked they may think that's the way.

    Only if you tell people to take a drug without research what so ever. Promoting a drug as a tool for this kind of work doesn't inherently imply everybody should take it. or is ready for it at their current state.

    2 hours ago, Tetcher said:

    Remember that when you will be dead you won't be able to consume psychedelics.


    I won't need psychedelics when I am dead. 

  17. 1 hour ago, fabriciom said:

    All this is just so wrong.

    1. The answer is not in your mind.

    2. The answer is not in your mind.

    3. The answer is not in your mind.

    People won't understand you or your perspective if you just give weak statements to everything.

    Saying you notice ego in a video and leaving it at that doesn't get people anywhere. It leaves people wondering what point you're trying to get across only to speculate.