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Posts posted by tenta

  1. On 5/14/2020 at 11:58 AM, Leo Gura said:

    Like I keep telling you guys, spirituality is a hardwired talent for most spiritual people.

    The most advanced spiritual people did not get there through practicing meditation or self-inquiry. They were born with it.

    That's one of the dirty secrets of gurus and sages that they never tell you because they want you coming to their workshops and thinking you can be like them when in fact you never will be like them because you lack the basic hardwiring.

    Why do you think so many people are unspiritual? It's because they function at the level of animals. That is their level of hardwiring.


  2. 14 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

    Leo has talked about a concept called radical 100% responsibility, and that is why you should vote.

    If some bad person get elected to office, that's not your fault, but your responsibility, take responsibility for what goes on in society by voting


    Google, idk? make sure you know the dates

    By voting? I've already pointed out how that action doesn't change the result.

    If you're one out of millions voting for something, you won't make a difference, but you will if you're for example 1 out of 3.

  3. 17 hours ago, DivineSoda said:

    Huh? You mean the exception is if you're voting for someone unpopular basically? I think you had an extra 'not' in there. 

    Voting is there to give us the illusion that we have choice/control. That went out the door decades ago. 

    No matter who's in office, we still continue the same evil shit all around the world. It's criminal beyond belief. No other way to put it.

    In such a system, your non vote speaks louder than your typical "lesser of two evils" vote. Or as @tenta suggested, at least vote for someone unique. 

    If the pool of voters is small, that's clearly what I was saying.

  4. "You desire to LIVE "according to Nature"? Oh, you noble Stoics, what fraud of words! Imagine to yourselves a being like Nature, boundlessly extravagant, boundlessly indifferent, without purpose or consideration, without pity or justice, at once fruitful and barren and uncertain: imagine to yourselves INDIFFERENCE as a power—how COULD you live in accordance with such indifference? To live—is not that just endeavouring to be otherwise than this Nature? Is not living valuing, preferring, being unjust, being limited, endeavouring to be different? And granted that your imperative, "living according to Nature," means actually the same as "living according to life"—how could you do DIFFERENTLY?"

  5. On 5/16/2020 at 1:24 PM, Max_V said:

    You sound like you mainly watched him back in the day, and not recently. His views change a lot.

    Although I agree that I sense some part of him liking dunking on people

    Not really, he has debated and tried to argue against progressives much more than conservatives in recent times and was agreeing with some guy who was mocking Bernie's heart attack. Feels miss-placed to argue that much against people who want medicare for all, which would save lives, on the specifics.

  6. 3 hours ago, Amit said:

    @UnconsciousHuman  Bye Bye, You could have just left without this post. Now that you have posted this, Some of them might be able to persuade you that the forum is actually okay, and you are the problem. that will, in turn, make you come back again, FOMO. 

    It's not like he's been using the forum for only a day, he knows what it's like.

    But you are here to bicker.

  7. 2 hours ago, dkamenev said:

    That's a cute denial, however keep in mind that as a consumer whatever you consume - you promote.

    Also even if you by yourself won't change everything, you are still either part of the problem or part of the solution.

    I'm not vegan not the way, but I do try to be mindful of how I spend my money and limit animal product intake.

    The problem is the meat industry and millions of people buy meat, what have you accomplished by going vegan? You haven't solved the problem, that's for sure.