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Posts posted by Javfly33


    8 hours ago, Ishanga said:

    a normal person looking at how the method of training works would think it is foolish and not useful, but they just can't see since they are not involved or educated on it, in martial arts Tai Chi is very advanced in this case, one of the most advanced Martial Arts on Earth, but it takes years and years of dedicated daily practice to gain mastery of it, its the same with Yoga Asanas, if you dedicate your time too it, then what may seem like a Miracle to many will be your everyday experience and ability!!

    Well said, can not add more to that!!


    7 hours ago, aurum said:

    Asanas do not make you any more likely to download spiritual insights than just sitting comfortably or taking a walk. In fact, all those asanas can easily just become a distraction from contemplating.

    Not sure what your intention is with your post. Is not like I am writing this out of a wild guess or speculation.

    You say "I would argue your claims are way too strong." but simply is too late. It happens in my experience already. Is not something I fantasize about.



    Asanas are largely a western, modern development and NOT part of yoga as a traditional practice. 

    I never said the Yoga i do is ancient or new. There are indian and tantric scriptures that date back to XI, but i definetely can not tell you if the certain asanas I do, are that old or not. My wild guess is that they were simply discovered by a Guru and transmitted it until my Guru. As I said, Yoga is not created is discovered.

    The Asanas are already there, before humans even existed, because they are pure symmettry for the Absolute and deep states of non-duality. 

    Btw, if they are 'largley' a western thing. Where is the other part of the 'largely' that are not a western thing? 



    But having done many hours of asana yoga myself and been around yogis doing the same, I would argue your claims are way too strong.

    This does not make any sense. You have been with Yogis but yet you say Hatha Yoga is not traditional nor it works. Then how come there are Yogis doing them? Why they are doing in the first place?

    Why they are doing a failed Yoga? 

    Do you even know what is a Yogui dude? Is not a guy in western california drinking matcha lattes and wearing organic cotton clothes. That doesn´t count. 😂



    on top of assuming it will make you enlightened.

    See, this is why i already had an intuition of why you made the post. I kind saw you from 500 miles ahead after reading 3 paragraphs. 

    Seems you have a bit of projecting going on there. 

    Although replying to your question, I never said i was enlightened nor i won´t ever probably say such a thing. 


    13 hours ago, Davino said:

    @Javfly33 I wrote this post on symmetry some time ago in case you may want to read it:


    @Davino That´s crazy man, how come i also thought of a diamond while writing this topic 😱

  2. On 30/5/2024 at 6:52 PM, davecraw said:

    Thus isn't no one God?

    Yeap, In a way thats why i dont totally like to say all of that thing about "You are God". 

    Because imo saying to someone is God implies that the other one IS not God. Lol.

    14 hours ago, What Am I said:

    If it's even possible for the phenomenon to be understood from our relative perspective using some kind of advanced science, it'd probably be like a caveman trying to comprehend a computer. The logical framework just isn't there. And it may be paradoxical and beyond logic entirely, and can only be experienced.

    I dont know why It has to be so complex. 

    Where other beings are happening? Right here, in this very Life 

    Is not in another Life. You might not see me but if you Walk enough you Will see me, Im in the same Reality as You.

    Now...if this Reality isnt a physical one and there is not a self in the first place, then there isnt any separate beings . Just "God".

  3. 1 hour ago, James123 said:

    Be careful with these guys, do not depend on one, check out many people, many tradition, and mixed up that what will be best for you. 

    A Guru is someone that is not entangled at all in the dream. You can attach Yourself to It, then when you are at the top you can drop It. There is no issue. Is not like is a relationship or something like that. 

    The problem is if they are fake. If they are fake your whole Life will be ruined Lol.

    Basically the whole Guru path is a Big Bet. If It goes good is great, if It goes bad It goes very bad.


  4. Congrats man, i applaud that hard work, i can understand when you say sometimes It felt like torture but you kept going. Thats a key aspect too, this kind of results do not come easy but they are def worth It

    Btw, You did not learn one, two or three you learned 9 LOL you went Deep on It.

    Ive done It for 1.30-2.00 years, Only 2 proceses by now but definetely very very Happy with results. 

    I agree with the group thinking/guru worshipping, etc... but i Guess is inevitable taking into account It has grown to a million-following foundation. 

    Very Happy for you man! Keep It going (not that you need motivation at this point) and good luck with Samyama ive heard is as intense as It gets. Sure is worth It.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ayham said:

    Kriya yoga (not sadhguru version, which is only similar in name) has only one Asana, which is mahamudra, there are some kriya practicioners that only do this but a few hundred times (rare but still)

    I see, thanks for sharing. I´ve tried mahamudra when doing kundalini yoga and is definetely potent. 

    2 hours ago, bazera said:

    @Javfly33 How much time do you think is necessary to more or less achieve what you describe? Like a year or two?

    Also, when I do asanas, my mind is very distracted. As I understand, awareness is critical during the process. Am I right?

    I have been doing it for 2 years more or less every day (maybe a month of two i stopped), but More important than time is to have a certain attitude / intensity to it.

    That is why is important (although i don´t think neccesary) to receive it from a School/Tradition/Guru/Enlightened Teacher. 

    Ideally when it is taught to you certain energy (similar to shaktipat) will be transmitted to you in that moment, which you will use as a 'fuel' to make the practice fire up.

    For example, the Yoga or Shamavhi I do know has nothing to do with the one i did 2 years ago when i started.

    Right now I sit everyday and it is like a Bomb. I sit and it just all goes silent, still. But i had to built up like that through these 2 years, i have made it up like that, i have thrown myself in it completely.

    Overall, It is important if you start you take it as a alive spiritual process, not just like an exercise you just do everyday. Do not do it mechanically. Treat like is something that is alive. Like a seed that slowly grows into something of a magnitude you can not envision right now. 

    This will be much more important than time or how much time do you do it. Of course time is important to understand how it works, but overall what i said is crucial for it to truly give results. 

    If not it will still give some physical benefits of course, which a lot of people that do Yoga just do it for that. 

  6. 50 minutes ago, koops said:

    Very intersting post.

    When you say you did an asana +1000 times... in which context?

    In classes with a teacher?

    At home with youtube videos?

    Or just at home by yourself when you get to a certian level?


    Do you usually do a full class, or just one particular asana for a long time?

    At home. I learned shamavhi which is a kriya initation. 

    I have to do 3 asanas before a Kriya process. Since i guess i have done that Kriya with asanas about 500 times, and the cat stretch is done 3 times, 500 x 3 = 1500

    One of those asanas is cat strech. If not i would not have done it so many times LoL. 

    But there are really crazy dudes out there. One guy in the 20s use to do surya kriya (sun salutation) 3 hours straight non stop every morning. Now go do numbers if you do that every day for 5 years. Lmao. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Davino said:

    Yes and not all psychedelics do it. This level of yogic proficiency only happens to me on LSD.

    I feel exactly the same. My cat sometimes does yoga poses ahhaha


    Yeah probably in mushrooms doesn't happen.


    I can imagine which one It does LoL


    45 minutes ago, Ayham said:

    @Javfly33 do you have any recommendations for Hatha yoga sources?

    I learned from a teacher of isha foundation of sadhguru, can reccomend.

    They have a lot of teachers around the world and they impart programs in most popular cities if you want to take a look

  8. 3 hours ago, James123 said:

    Joking and Loving never does brother. I love you. 

    B| 🙏

    3 hours ago, Dodo said:

    Thread shows the dangers of people using psychedelics and not being ready for it. Who said you are mature enough for the truth? Your ego is running away with the truth, like it has just robbed the bank.

    Nice one LoL. 

    Is so weird this topics man. And I don´t want to be harsh on the OP because I myself sometimes also fall into those ego traps.

    The Being that we are, is completely Free, is ultimate Freedom. Putting on oneself statements such as 'I am stuck in a dream' is just not right, is not being truthful to Oneself. 

    Although, the OP is free to do what It wants, as any of us. 

    But is important to ask oneself in the path, Does one want freedom or does one want bondage?

    If one wants bondage, there´s a lot of things out there to anchor oneself too. But if one is on this path, is supposed because One is seeking the Liberation. 5-MeO is a step on the staircase, which tells me, someone is looking for freedom. When I see that person is putting itself the bondage again, I call him out. 

    But is for pure compassion, because I am in the path too. I don´t want anyone to set itself to any chain, as beautiful, godly, or attractive it might seem. 

  9. Ive been going to gym for 1 year, ive built some muscle but nothing crazy, maybe just a bit above average. Still, when I recently went through 4-5 days of eating no more than 1500cal and eating almost no protein at all, I felt so fucking weak.

    Before when I didn´t do strength training, when I go through days or weeks of eating little, I would feel more or less fine,

    But this last time really felt as it impacted my productivity and energy. Also my arms started to kinda of feel uncomfortable, not sure if because of lacking protein or because of through a whole week of not exercising.

    It seems like muscle tissue really consumes energy from the body. I clearly have seen it this last time.

    Having muscle tissue might have their benefits but I can clearly see that long term, it just requires too much 'fuel'.

    Honestly, if I myself that I have only a bit of muscle clearly saw the disadvantages this days, people that really have muscle I can only imagine when they go through vacation or when they just can not eat their normal intake they must feel like utter shit. 

    This only makes me think in the palelotical times muscle bodies couldn´t be popular. Is not adaptive at all. If you can´t eat for 3 days you won't be able to fucking move of so weak you feel because muscles take so much of the fuel that you give to the body. They are like vampires. 

    Meanwhile the thin guys could go on hunting with no problem im sure....

  10. 15 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

    Javfly, no matter how much you meditate or do yoga there are still legit limitations on you, you can’t turn your hand into a claw, no matter how many psychedelics or yoga you do. 

    legit limitations on you

    The point is I´m literally Consciousness creating a human hand. 

    If Consciousness wanted absolutely could turn it into a claw. Is just doesn´t want. And the ego self (thoughts) have no power or control on what Consciousness creates.

    So things go exactly as Real Me wants. 

    There is NO SUCH THING as Consciousness + Human Self. 

    There is Consciousness + ( Human body + thoughts. ) This Two DO NOT form a self. 

    What you guys miss is that even while having a body the consciousness is not limited at all at any moment. 

    Get this straight: When I take a piss, in that moment Consciousness is also absolutely unlimited. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Davino said:

    @Javfly33 Have you tried LSD+Yoga?

    My most profound yogic experiences have been while on LSD. It's so intense that I usually spend hours doing spontaneous yoga non stop. I really resonte with the symmetry component, it feels like balancing my body with the universal order of things.

    I think i´ve tried one time but i was too high to do it for much time lol. But i can understand you had good experiences with it, since LSD activates the energy body in a big way so it can be a way to 'shorten the gap' at the beggining. 

    Because the most challenging stuff is that. When one starts one thinks is doing a merely physical exercise and not much happens. Is only when one starts to be more receptive to certain subtler parts of your body that things get interesting.

    To build yourself to that level of perception and activation like the one of a psychedelic that it takes a lot of practice, although in the end is how you are supposed to do it because is more balanced and complete. 


    I understood yoga while in one of those sessions, the actual source of yoga from where all the techniques are born. There is a spontaneous intelligence in the body that aligns itself with the cosmos. It actually creates the most intrincate specific movements and asanas for self-alignment. It's actually fascinating.

    Yes, in a way Yoga was already 'there' before any human 'invented it' or transmit it. 

    I like to say Yoga was never invented, but rather discovered. The symetry is already there from the beggining of creation.

    That´s why in theory if you take a psychedelic and get somewhat conscious in a certain way, you can start doing an asana that exists but that you never saw or read anywhere before. 


    I really liked this video from the longest lineage of hatha yoga still alive. It was a lecture from the master to sober up everyone in the room, I thought you might like it.

    I´ll check it out thanks. 

  12. 5 hours ago, TheGod said:


    Go do 5MeO-DMT at least 10 times, reach the level I'm talking about and come back to have a conversation with me here.

    For now, you have no idea what God is. 

    I already done it. Last time I plugged 55mg. Almost (physically) died. 

    I know what the state of consciousness of 5-MeO Is. 

    Not saying is not useful, i can definetely vote for the antidepressing and a sense of spaceness and freedom the following days after a dose too.

    Im just warning, thinking 5-MeO is the 'truth' (or by any means any substance) or that you can get some kind of ultimate conclusion from it, is a deep mistake. 

    One that you will pay years of lose time and not real growth if you fall into it. 


    If you don´t want to listen to me, fine. Just see how deep are those conclusions and mental ideas taking you.

    Are they making your life better or increasing your perception in any way? Are you more joyful? Life is more profound?

    Whatever. You guys keep doing 'your thing'. 

    You know... The wheel of samsara is big. Some people´s cycles are about failed marriages, others are about doing psychedelics and thinking they got it all. When in reality they are doing circles as anyone else.

    Wheels of Samsara.jpg

    5-MeO can create openings at at some point they can literally save your life.

    Don´t think though, is not another thing within the cycle. 

    You said yourself:

    "I'm dreaming constantly without stopping."

    The point of Spirituality is to stop the cycle. True You is outside the Circle. But since you are too identified with things, now you want to keep dreaming more dreams. What to do. 

    What can I say? If you like dreaming so much i won´t stop you. You right. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, TheGod said:

    Hhahahahha finally I found someone who shares my view on being. 
    Being is boring as fuck for God.

    oh my oh my....what am I reading. 

    A lot of psychedelics, but little taste of the Ultimate. Because if not you wouldn´t be writing those words....


    There is nothing to do in that state and everything looses the meaning. God loves drama so much and there is no drama in being. 

    Being You. Which is better than being not-you (identification). 


    and there is no drama in being. 

    There is just empty blissful freedom. Which blows out the water anything that you have tasted in life. All that you know about life including psychedelics is identification, not true You.

    'Being is boring' is also a thought/identification @TheGod @James123


    If you get a taste of the Ultimate Being you are, you wouldn´t be writing this words. 

  14. 14 hours ago, TheGod said:

    Will there ever be a point in my experience where I will actually stop dreaming? 

    I'm dreaming constantly without stopping. I had an experience on 5MeO-DMT where I fully woke up and then decided to go back giving away my power. I don't remember 99% of that trip. But I clearly remember I realized my immortality, my pure goodness and that nothing bad has ever happened (but if you ask me to explain on that I won't be able to, because I don't remember shit). I also remember that I was shocked with the fact that I'm the actual fucking God. But the thing that freaked me out the most is the paradox of things happening but not actually happening. I was counscious of myself appearing and re-appearing as some form or an object, but at the same time I was aware that nothing was happening. 

    @TheGod That's the purpose of the spiritual path.  

    Liberation, Mukti. 

    To truly Awaken from the dream. 

    As much as I recognise the power of 5-MeO-DMT, that is STILL dreaming/mind.

    5-MeO-DMT happens within the dream. Is just another appearance. True You is not even there.

    There is a beyond where you truly go above ANY identification.

    Do not identify with anything, not even God, Dreaming, Immortality, or anything that happens on psychedelics. Nothing!!


  15. 11 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    . Desires will not come from lack but they will be powerful. look at sadhguru for example, his desire to do what he does is unstoppable

    Yes, I think that is the key. 

    Acting a desire but because you have a certain power-perception within you and it makes sense to do it.

    Not desiring from a sense of lack, like a beggar, weak, ...etc I made that mistake in the past and I won´t do it again. Reality punishes you when you act like that. I have verified it too many times. 


    22 hours ago, Someone here said:

    It's impossible to prove an objective external world outside of your imagination due to the nature of conscious experience only having the ability to exist as experience. Consciousness is all you have to prove a world. So you are always using consciousness as the actual substance of inquiry and you cannot step outside of consciousness to verify is something outside of consciousness. 

    Who said that there is stuff outside consciousness? 

  16. I am beggining to suspect how Yoga works, particularly pure physical Hatha Yoga. (Not talking about energy process such as kriyas, but merely what is called as 'Asanas'.)

    What is Yoga. Well, you have to do a lot to start understanding it. I have done some Asanas more than 1000 times.

    For example, I suspect Cat Stretch I´ve done it about 1200-1300 times. Maybe 1500 times. I´m not sure. So Is not like I´m talking from nothing. 

    It seems exaggerated but understanding really what Yoga is does take some time. 
    At first I believed the intention of Asanas was to clear and calm the mind in order for a higher perception or consciousness to happen, but that is a very basic understanding. 

    After some time a whole new possibility opens up. Something much much much more profound of what you thought at the beggining Yoga was. 

    When doing an Asana properly, the belief or feeling of individuality is dissolved (yeah, that goes for all of you solipsistic dudes out there).

    Why it dissolves is not because it does something to the brain. 

    Is because physically and energetically you are putting your body in such a way that is completely in synchrony and symmetry with Reality. 

    Is not that you unite yourself with Reality. Is that the body merges and dissolves right there.

    It was already 'dissolved' in the first place. You were already in Unity or 'One' with reality in the first place. But, the usual asymmetry of the human system, which in part is necessary for the process of survival (let´s remember, survival is about you vs me), makes it like you are not.. 

    So it is created a sense of individuality through the life of a human. And most humans never break or dissolve this sense of individuality.

    Notice im saying 'sense'. Individuality is not a reality. Is not a fact. It is just a sense, a compression that is formed. But if you align the body and the whole system in such a way, this sense of individuality or separation gets completely seen through and dissolved. 

    From holding Asanas a lot of information can enter you. Just like with a Psychedelic.

    For example, you can 'download' information in the sense that the whole Reality is just like a mirror. A Infinite Diamond Mirror. 

    This is kind of impossible to explain, so let´s leave that as a motivator for people to start a Hatha Yoga practice. 

    One day you will understand things that no book can transmit you. Neither I am because words are dual. Only through a direct experience of symmetry you can understand.

    This will not only make your life more profound, it will give you an understanding of non duality, unity, God, etc... that it will be very sticky. It won´t be just like a state of consciousness that you can lose. It is a certain information that makes all the pieces 'fit'. 

    Is not intellectual information, is something else, is much more...real. More clear. Is like you get direct connection to the hard drive of infinity, and you download it into your mind. 

    The Universe is symmetry, perfect balance. For you grasp it, you have to make yourself completely symmetric and balanced within you. Then all is accessible for you. Because you are it.

    Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 19.23.09.png

    I´ll meet you at the Bliss that we are. 

  17. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    . You're stuck in a dream.

    Said the Dreamer to the Creator.


    Not sure if you are really conscious of Who you are.

    The Creator is never stucked in his Creation(the "Dream" as you say), It can Only think it is.

    You ought to tell me that I am stucked or limited when i myself was the one Who created limits and the rules of this Dream? Hahaha.

    The body i am using might be limited, but i myself certainly ain't. 

  18. 3 hours ago, Yali said:

    haha, tell that to a goat. @Javfly33

    A goat wont be willing to explore consciousness simply because is not evolved to even think of an Ice Cream or getting a job at McDonald's, let alone thinking about the higuest possibilties.

    Leo and you have a simple defect in your thinking. And is that you think Consciousness is limited or compressed into anything. Is not.

    Consciousness is Absolutely unbounded and unlimited at all times, including Goats. But Goats do not have an evolved system to be receptive to any kind of Consciousness activation more than the basic one to support a body and mind.


    2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    No it isn't.

    No human is highly conscious.

    You are NOT in control of your level of consciousness. It's not up to you. You're stuck in a dream.

    Oh Leo, Leo... You dissappoint me brother.

    You have to open a bit of possibility.

    If not you Will think you have gotten to the end and you havent scratched the 5% of what is possible in a human body.

    Which would be a pity. Because the possibility is there but you are too convinced that humans are about limitation, when is actually the opposite. 

    If you have a goat body as @Yali says, It wouldnt be a problem for you to be satisfied with the limitations of It. 

    But having a human body and not exploring the possibilities is...well, like not reving up the Ferrari more than 2500rpm.

  19. 1 minute ago, Yali said:

    @Javfly33 consciousness places limits on itself through genetic DNA. that's why you're human. 

    Im not a human. Consciousness is creating a human body. I am consciousness and all the power of consciousness is available for that one which is willing. (precisely because you are not a human organism or biological thing).

    I don´t know what you guys are smoking but surely some of you guys have some weird as fuck beliefs about how Consciousness works. 

  20. 2 hours ago, Manusia said:

    Hahaha, I thought it would be easy for me. Especially in my kratom, I bought the premium one.. so the OD effects are mighty.

    overdosing on kratom is terrible, of course it can´t kill you like other opiates so that's it great. But the nausea and drowsiness that produces is hell.