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Posts posted by smurf88

  1. On 7/24/2020 at 7:58 PM, Chumbimba said:

    Every day I wake up miserable because of my job. Call center 9-5

    I want to go back to school and get my CS and Psychology degrees but I don't want to take more student loan debt and I have to provide for myself throughout college. I want my soul back and am lost. Does anybody have ideas about what I should do?

    You could start a business, go to school to get a better job, or keep working your job and minimize living expenses, saving as much money as you can. The way the system is designed, there aren't many other options. Everything takes work, so you might as well choose what kind of work you want to do the most.

  2. Some more good health hacks:

    Rebounding - The most efficient form of exercise I've ever done. Extremely low impact, yet does an excellent job building all the soft tissues in your body including muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones. You can spend just 15 minutes doing an easy health bounce, yet the oxygenated, uplifted feeling you get afterwards is similar to what you get from a more intense workout.
    The alternating g-forces of rebounding help move your lymphatic fluid throughout your body. Since humans do not have a central lymph pump, it is essential for everyone to do SOME form of exercise, and this is the most convenient/accessible form available - simply spreading out a few 1-minute sessions throughout the day can yield great benefits.

    RSO - An amazing form of cannabis extract. Typically a full spectrum extract of several high-quality THC-rich indica strains with potent medicinal properties. This has given me some of the best sleep I've ever had, and very interesting psychedelic-like trips.

    Digestive enzymes - Vital supplement especially as you get older. Makes the body's job of breaking down food far easier, leaving you with more energy to do your daily tasks.
    A basic enzyme supplement with protease, papain, bromelain and lactase does the trick for daily use. If you want to take it to the next level, pancreatic enzymes with betain HCL are the most powerful I've used. Having had issues with certain foods in the past, now I can eat pretty much anything, and these enzymes tear right through it.

  3. 8 hours ago, Preety_India said:


    To all the people who chime in with Sam Harris and talk about logic, rationality and statistics, here's a good riddle for y'all, use your logic now. 



    I would suggest running the equation again using the number of UNARMED criminals rather than armed ones.
    When you include armed criminals, it's a lot harder to differentiate whether the officer acted out of self-defense or not. Still, I don't think the movement is about raw numbers. It's about the total lack of accountability in the cases that do happen, as well as worse treatment in general, and on those grounds I completely agree that something has to be done.

  4. 8 hours ago, RawJudah said:

    I just wanna know if there really is a shut-off date for life at age 30.

    If you take good care of your body, meaning exercise, meditation, a healthy diet, and maybe some adaptogens, then there is no shut-off at 30. Depending on how seriously you take this, you can still feel like you're 20 when you reach 30.

  5. On 6/12/2020 at 3:07 PM, EnlightenmentBlog said:

    Why are you posting the same question again. Do you expect people to encourage you to buy the pc and play the game? In a self-actualization forum?

    I think that letting someone indulge in something to excess can be considered a valid strategy.

    It's like when a parent lets their child smoke as many cigarettes as they want, until they get physically sick and never smoke another one.

    And if he's asking this question again, it's clear that nothing is gonna stop him. My personal policy is that if I think of something I want 3 times, or if my interest lasts for over a week, then I do it. Otherwise it will just keep coming up.

    This is essentially how I quit gaming over the course of a few years. I did it often in my teenage years to the point where I finally realized that playing games all day is psychologically no easier or more pleasant than working all day.

  6. On 6/2/2020 at 2:18 PM, Calcifer said:

    Leonardo Da Vinci The Biography - by Walter Isaacson is amazing. After reading it, it´s like you have a 3D model of Leonardo´s character. I don´t know how to describe it, maybe I am just an obsessed Da Vinci fan. xD But this book demystifies Leonardo´s character and his genius, you see how his genius originated and how it unfolds over his lifetime and especially you get a sense of the costs and problems he faced because he chose to architect his way of doing things the way he did. (In the end all great achievements originate in the arrangement of habits and mindsets and in this book you get a glimpse into the architecture of Leonardo`s mind)
    I can only recommend it especially if you like Da Vinci. ^_^

    Everything by Walter Isaacson is great. I read his Steve Jobs and Benjamin Franklin books without having much prior knowledge, and they were awesome.

  7. 6 hours ago, Lyubov said:

    That knee on his neck cut off blood flow and is actually an incredibly dangerous thing to do to another person. It's basically a lethal submission move to put someone in a choke hold in martial arts. I can't even imagine the full force of someone's weight... I have no clue where that cop learned to do that. I wonder if they were even trained to do that. I think they mostly just don't give a fuck and value black lives less. 

    It is considered a legitimate hold for police to use, but it really shouldn't be.

    In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there is a position called knee-on-belly, which is exactly what it sounds like. To be on the receiving end is extremely uncomfortable, even if the opponent weighs 130lbs - all of the weight is concentrated on a single point. Your main instinct is to get the hell out from under it (which, depending on your escape, gives the opponent various opportunities for attack). It is basically what you do to someone if you want to put a hurting on them.

    If anyone in a BJJ class were to do a "knee-on-neck," they would be kicked out of class and told never to come back. Maybe even sued.

    There are many ways to hold someone down that don't involve putting their lives in danger. If a suspect is handcuffed, you can literally just sit on their back in mount position and they wouldn't be able to do anything. So one solution is to make martial arts training mandatory for police. When there are so many nonlethal options available, there is no reason to use holds that could kill people.

  8. I think it’s mostly to do with your health practices. I have noticed that on days when I haven’t had enough sleep, or eat something unhealthy, it’s way easier to fall into internet binges. But on most days when I do everything right, I have no problem getting work done.

    There can be other factors at play as well. For instance, I have found that the weather as well as air quality can impact your mind. On cloud/rainy (low atmospheric pressure) days, your mental clarity is often impacted, making it easier to slack off. Breathing practices or anti-inflammatory herbs can be helpful for that.

    And poor air quality will ruin your mental clarity as well as sleep quality. An air filter is a great investment for that.

    Overall, as long as you're productive at least 85-90% of the time, there's nothing to worry about. If lower than that, there's room for improvement.

  9. 3 hours ago, The observer said:

    Love is bias. If you love something, that means you want it to be some certain way(s) and not any other way(s). And it's relative. It changes according to your pov. For example, manure is food for trees, not humans. Trees might love it, but humans don't. No one can love their children and want them dead. That's nonsensical.

    Being does not require acceptance. Accept being, or deny it. It'll still be.

    You’re missing something, for sure. There is a relative love and a universal, absolute, indiscriminate love. If you haven’t fallen in love with a steering wheel or a desk, you haven’t identified it yet. You may want to check out the book Emptiness Dancing by Adyashanti, he describes it very well. No drugs necessary.

  10. On 5/13/2020 at 11:25 AM, nowimhere said:

    Would you say that the Gotu is good for meditation?

    For sure. Gotu Kola was actually used by ancient Yogis to help their meditation sessions. It chills you out and makes your mind very clear. Plus, as mentioned before it's excellent for circulation, which is a godsend if you have varicose veins.
    I have found that 1-2 teaspoons of ground powder is a good dose.

    The great thing about herbs is that they're inexpensive, easy to find online and for the most part safe (though you always want to try out a small amount first to see how you react).

  11. Dude, don't spend $5k on a PC. Build your own PC and save thousands of dollars. Then put the rest of the money into investments.

    Yes, you are sleep walking. You still don't realize the value of money. Reading a book on investments and taking action right now, before it's too late, is the difference between being a wage slave in 15 years and being free.

    If you want to invest in another skill, you can do that too. But there isn't a skill on earth that costs $5k just to learn.

  12. 11 hours ago, pluto said:

    CBD should not be getting you high, that product must of had THC in it. CBD is not psychoactive, at most it will make you feel very calm and slightly sleepy. CBD helps create a balance of emotions and mental irruptions. It has a nice balancing effect on the body/mind but very subtle.

    Ease anxiety, depression, ptsd, insomnia and aids in relaxation and deep sleep. Its interesting because CBD enhances and prolongs REM sleep while THC suppresses it. You must find PURE CBD product and start dosing small and work your way up until you find the sweet spot.

    I personally find 15 mg the sweet spot.

    Anything that reduces anxiety and depression is by definition psychoactive, no?

    I think the "non-psychoactive" claim is an attempt to distance itself from cannabis so that it can be kept legal. But I guarantee you that if you take as much of it as you can, you will get super high (though not the same full-spectrum high you get from actually smoking weed).

    I think that actually may be the problem, I was probably megadosing it.

  13. On 1/22/2020 at 1:22 PM, pluto said:

    Cacao, Shilajit, Tulsi, Gotu Kola, Lions Mane, Chaga Mushroom, CBD, Ashwagandha, Psilocybin.. all of these are excellent nootropics but Cacao triumphs them all.

    A nice dose of high quality raw cacao with some raw honey and maybe shilajit is one of the best wired-feelings you can get which is also very healthy for you. I would try to keep cacao as raw as possible for maximum benefits.

    Maybe add microdose of Psilocybin to really get to a special level but not always needed 2x a week is enough.

    If you had to pick one and save money :P


    That's a great list. Gotu kola is an especially cool one, gave me lots of interesting transcendent experiences.

    Out of curiosity, how do you use CBD? I've experimented with it in the past, found that it just got me extremely high lol. After using it for days I started to lose mental clarity.

  14. Personally, I have taken 10,000 to 20,000 IU D3 a day with no issues. You have to take vitamin K2 and Magnesium along with it to prevent side effects (see: Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox).

    Much of the knowledge on D3 out there is outdated, people have taken 60,000 IU daily for months with no side effects (although I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, always exercise caution and track your levels with blood tests).

    Relevant study:

  15. Lion's Mane extract - Probably my favorite nootropic. It's a subtle effect, but the best way to describe it is that it increases neuroplasticity. If you want to change something about your habits, to solve a hard problem / learn a new skill, or make your mind more flexible and fluid, this is a great agent to help you with that.
    Fruiting body extracts (e.g. Realmushrooms) are said to be better than mycelial extracts (e.g. Host Defense).

    Rhodiola extract - Another one of my favorites. The mood lift is very powerful, and using this intermittently for months, I have experienced no side effects. Really a miracle, since it has been shown to help people with major depressive disorder.

    Gotu Kola powder - Very interesting herb, seems to facilitate spiritual growth. On many occasions when I'm taking this, I would feel like I'm outside my body, getting blasted infinitely into outer space (Essentially the experience of infinity that Leo talks about). You naturally get the urge to hold onto something. But when you let go, it feels great.
    Or I would gain a visceral awareness of how consciousness is not located within the head - rather, the head and entire body are located within consciousness, which has no center.
    As a side benefit, the herb is a general health tonic which boosts skin health and microcirculation.

    Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) powder - Great neuroprotective herb. Gives you a light sense of euphoria in a natural, healthful way.

    Turmeric w/ black pepper - Awesome anti-inflammatory benefits. Gives you a relaxing sense of well-being. I make my own capsules with a pill press to save some money.

    Sunflower Lecithin - Favorite source of choline. Literal brain-building material, and it tastes good too. Don't take on an empty stomach.

    Raw Cacao powder - All the health benefits of chocolate without the sugar. Has a complex array of effects that are simultaneously relaxing and stimulating. A tablespoon a day is a good dosage, I wouldn't overdo it because of the high oxalate content.

    Vitamin D3/K2/Magnesium - Huge combo for a multitude of health and fitness benefits. Check out "Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox" for everything you need to know.

    The place where I like to get most of these herbs/substances is Starwest Botanicals. All great quality, organic, and inexpensive if you buy in bulk.  If you want other specifics, just let me know.


    Raw Organic Garlic - Great immune system booster. Aids in recovery from exercise and gives you an energy boost when you're feeling worn down. I take 2-4 cloves a day - chew one at a time and quickly chase with water to mitigate the burn.

    Raw Unpasteurized Honey -  Contains tons of enzymes, vitamins/minerals and antioxidants. A true "living food."  Alongside cacao, it's a great alternative to unhealthy processed foods. Still, due to the sugar content be sure to swish your mouth out with water after eating in order to keep your teeth healthy.

  16. 19 hours ago, JonasVE12 said:

    I'm thinking about something lately. I used to smoke weed regularly. Especially sativa strains. For me, sativa strains put me in an experience that is much more vivid. I experience things much more deeply. In puts me in connection with my feeling . I'm much more thought dominant for the most part. Sometimes I miss the feeling aspect of this human experience and weed really gives me that. It makes it so I experience friendships and intimate relationships much more intense. Not only relationships, but everything in general.

    I also become insanely creative and become very good at contemplating in the moment. I become very good at seeing truth in things. I become very good at connecting things. My focus, motivation, and productivity increases. I become very good at staying in tune with my vision. This helps me to stop procrastinate.

    When I'm sober, I'm a peaceful person. I don't suffer from much negativity. I do live in this permanent foggy state though. Not much clarity. I just have this contrast from the experiences with weed I had, and I miss those states. Fun and excitement are high values for me, and I think everyone values them. when I smoke weed I find them in almost all corners of life. everything becomes so vivid and interesting. 

    Why would I not want to be high all the time?

    What would be the arguments against that?

    Life is indeed a dream where you need to live your personal truth, and I can live my values much more when I'm high, Why would I not want to be high all the time?

    creativity, clarity, contemplation, fun, excitement and vision are important values for me, and weed greatly enhances them in my life

    most arguments I can think of are ideological. Maybe the cost would be an argument. Also possible implications on health? 

    I don't think you need an argument for that one. The best way to find out is to try it. Weed, when vaporized or eaten, is almost harmless to health. It's the effect it has on the mind that can be a plus or a negative. It opens some doors, and closes others.

    I personally don't find the effects worthwhile when used daily, but you would need to experience that first in order to know that.

  17. 21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    So then by this logic you should wipe your ass with your hands. Sure, you could use TP, but what have you sacrificed? Why are you deluding yourself out of desperation? Why don't you patiently wash the shit off your hands each time? This will toughen you up. It will make you a read man. What kind of Buddha are you if you cannot stand a bit of shit between your fingernails? Only a desperate and greedy person would seek a better way. It's bound to backfire. This is antithetical to being human. God wants you to wipe you ass with your hangs like the Buddha did. My guru wiped his ass with his hands therefore so should everyone else. For sure your knowledge of your ass will be tainted if you don't get the full experience of wiping it with your hands. You will not understand the ins and outs of ass-wiping fully. Your technique will be bad. The gods will be displeased and not give you blessings. The gods gave you two hands for a reason, one to eat your food and the other to wipe your ass.

    I'm having some trouble integrating this teaching. Video on the topic soon?

  18. 7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    What you fail to appreciate is that God CANNOT fulfill your wish because God has no form. It can only come through a vehicle, and this can always be denied.

    By it's very nature God cannot force itself on a person in denial because the one denying God is God!

    God explained this to you in the book. Yet you missed this important point.

    God IS a closed circle. If you do not realize that God is talking through you, you're shit out of luck. Because you denied yourself, because you are God.

    If God appeared in a glowing white robe and beard on the White House lawn tomorrow, and procliamed, "HEAR ME HUMANS! I AM YOUR GOD!" Most people would laugh, denying it, and some would even try to kill it and subject the corpse to scientific testing, at which point they would conclude: "this was just an ordinary human with some brain defects."

    So it is imposisble for God to reveal itself to humans because humans are too stupid and closedminded to understand God.

    This seems like a cop out. And yet it's precisely true. Because you are God denying you are God. If you don't get that you're God. That's it. You're fucked. Even God cannot help you now. This is the definition of devilry: you have cut yourself off from God by your own ignorance.

    The truth is that God speaks to and through everything, but you must have enough wisdom to see it. And neither science nor skepticism nor proof is wisdom.

    I guess I understand the theory. I'm really just concerned about the practical implications.

    One of the main messages of the book is that choices based on love will bring good things into your life, and choices based on fear will do the opposite. But in reality, it doesn't seem to play out this way.
    For instance, take Pippa Bacca, who was murdered while hitch-hiking to promote world peace and to show that you can place trust in the kindness of others.
    She was following her deepest Godly instinct - to spread love, was she not?

    Or what about schizophrenics, who in the worst cases believe they are being told by God to commit atrocities?

    If God itself involves not just love but also fear, skepticism, and self-denial, maybe there's nothing wrong with any of those things?
    And I understand the point that people should lead by example in order to positively impact the world, but what about the existence of people who cannot be rehabilitated?
    I am not convinced that confronting them with open arms rather than listening to your God-given fear would do anything to stop them.

  19. On 9/16/2019 at 6:50 PM, whoareyou said:

    Have you actually examined this statement carefully enough? 

    I would say it's a classic example of your ego ego sneaking in the backdoor during your trip, thinking that it's "channeling" god.

    Because you were not conscious of this, you now have built a false belief through your ego's narrative, thinking it was a legitimate direct experience.


    That's the problem with books like Conversations with God imo. It's an unverifiable and self-referencing belief system.
    What is their explanation for why God doesn't just present himself veritably, rather than as thoughts in your mind?

    Because you would cast it off as a hallucination! It's the perfect way to close the circle and cast aside doubts that any of it is real.

  20. 1 hour ago, Ferdi Le said:

    @Leo Gura

    Has your attitude changed towards "Sperm Wars" and "The Red Queen"?

    You gave both books 5 stars I think, but they seem to be quite contrary to what you wrote today

    From my understanding this post is geared towards people who cherrypick negative studies and use them as excuses not to take action. Of course millions of years of evolution have led to particular mating patterns between the sexes. But a struggling man does not need that sort of information yet, what they need first is to fix their mindset.