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Posts posted by Aakash

  1. I believe the stigma surrounding the word love is often confusing. Love is just a word, with an assosicated meaning of feeling , whether its unconditional or conditional is totally dependant on your state of consciousness. Therefore love can be classified as consciousness however for educational purposes it can be denounced as love to entail it in a feature of oneness. so consciousness and love are synonymous. 

    But you must investigate further. 

  2. I admitted total defeat to my mind and let go of everything, because I'm trying to fight for myself against myself to prove to myself that myself is the real one, whether or not it was true in the first place if myself was the true myself or the false myself ?!?!?/????????  

    Total defeat, even the rock didn't see this one coming ladies and gentleman! i bet he'd be the most heart broken </3

  3. 7 minutes ago, winterknight said:

    If one pursues the “who am I” inquiry to the end, the idea of “staying there” will itself not make any sense.

    I see; once nothing and something duality breaks down, all thats left is ; is or now. The complete present moment. Its neither yours nor mine. 

    you end up exactly at the same place

    "i think therefore i am" or "the present moment" or "are you aware right now" or "basically, everything is an illusion" ,

    There is no way to experience or have perception of something that is not real in the first place. That is reality. 

    But the only thing that you can be sure of; is there is ONE. 

    that is enlightenment realising you are infintaley one , as well as infinitately nothing 

    ~ absolute infinity~


  4. Enlightenment is when you rid yourself of every delusion YOU created for yourself in the first place. In the west where we are; it is harder. You have created more delusion for yourself than in the east. Where life could potentially be a lot more simpler. A life where all your metaphysical questions are answered is a long long path, in fact even a life time for some. It takes people their whole lives to answer the question who am i, what am i, what is reality. Let alone what is an ant colony like and actually play to find out what itself is in the bigger self sense. The 10th OX herding picture is therefore very far off an awakened person. it could take years, decades and even centuries for some people to become enlightened. 

    it depends how serious you are, it depends how conscious you are, it has many deceits awaiting for you and trickeries. 

    The highest 'enlightened being' with all thier metaphysical questions answered, who has lived an abundant life , to his greatest wish thereafter lives a life of simplicity because they have no desire. to live in an alternative manner. At the highest level .... there are no words to describe this ultimate TRUTH however, one thing is for sure, the two steps before this final step must be paradoxical. to bring about the strange loop. 

  5. @Leo Gura But thinking that everything is only an illusion is a conceptual ideology and coming to the answer i am infinity. YOU have to actually go and look yourself at the illusions and break it, otherwise you will not actually know what it is in its fullest. that is finding out who you are. But of course, it's both a strange loop and a paradox because you always arrive at pure awareness when doing a practice and so therefore you must eventually for get all practises. Precisely because you can not know who or what you are. you can only be the thing that YOU are. there's no such thing as an enlightened person therefore. There is only play and this is the returning to the market place. As leo stated in his video, descending to the lowest ranks in society and performing a miracle, the miracle is not a miracle to YOU however, it is a miracle to them. To YOU there was no miracle.