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Posts posted by DMM710

  1. 12 hours ago, 5thPablo said:

    Whenever you go grab a coffee or something ask for 10% off and be absolutely serious about it. Tim Ferris mentioned doing this religiously when he was on the Gary V podcast.


    11 hours ago, 5thPablo said:

    Also, don’t just say hi to strangers, high-five them! :D

    Yes! This is the kind of thing I’m looking for. Thank you! 

    10 hours ago, Joshi3 said:

    Why not make it a challenge to ask out 5 girls or guys a day. regardless if you want to get with them just secure their number. I feel like that would break anyone's comfort zone.

    Yea I’m gonna work up to that eventually. That’s kind of the end goal. Today I just stopped a few random girls and asked them a stupid question about a water bottle filling station on campus. One of those times was 2 girls walking together which was fuckin scary. 


    Oh another one I’ve done a few times is pointing at a person driving in the opposite direction. Their reaction is usually pretty amusing.


    Also I don’t really know what to say to cashiers tbh. I usually just say “how’s your day goin?” Which gets “good how’s yours” and I’ll say some random thing on my mind or whatever. Is there a more open ended question I can ask them?

  2. So observing and being non reactive is what I’m going for? When I hear someone say “let it go” I usually think of actually letting it go, like... Removing  it from my attention so it no longer occupies my mind. He said things like “returning to how you felt before it arose” or imagining the thing not effecting you. That’s sort of how things play out when they don’t effect me, right? If some dude sneezes - I notice it, and it immediately leaves my mind. I don’t consciously accept it and all that. My mind just naturally lets it go without my input. It arises, and clears from my thoughts, which is sort of what I’m doing I thought. 

  3. Basically I want to get over my social anxiety. I want to make friends and date. I’ve been pushing myself to work every day (instead of just the weekends) it’s usually very uncomfortable for the first 3-4 hours but then I get really comfortable and socializing becomes effortless. 

    Every day it’s the same thing though. I get there, I’m awkward for a while, I get in my head a lot, then eventually I feel confident and social.

    I usually meditate before work, I’ve tried affirmations on my way to work, word association exercises... idk what to do. How can I maintain that feeling I get at the end of the night? It’s been 3-4 weeks and it’s still the same. I don’t feel like I’ve made a lot of progress.

  4. I'm usually pretty good for like 10 minutes. After that point I start getting antsy and worried that I'm not doing it correctly. I've also switched between different meditation methods 1,000,000 times. I always feel like I'm not doing it right, which makes me think there's some better technique I should be doing. Could that be the issue? Maybe i'm just not giving a single technique enough time to master it? Also what technique do you guys find the most effective?


  5. If the teachings on are mostly yellow now, why would Leo assume the majority of his audience is orange? I would think the average person here is mostly green with a little bit of risidual orange and maybe some yellow?

    If you’ve watched all of Leo’s videos after mid 2015, or most of them, I think you’d have a hard time remaining mostly orange.

  6. 7 minutes ago, lmfao said:

    @Leo Gura I agree with the essence of what you're saying your video Leo (I've only seen 30mins so far) , but I don't understand why it is that you think that the universe being "infinitely intelligent" (I'm using this term as a way of indicating that I'm referencing your view on intelligence) somehow points away from materialism being true. 

    Materialism is the view that all of reality is a massive intricate system of energy configurations through space and time (all though space and time are not absolute things in a scientific view of things). 

    You ask us to consider how it is possible that energy moving randomly around can create intelligence, and you're referring  the type of intelligence that average humans are familiar with. You're asking how is it possible for balls bouncing around in a box to produce intelligence.

    But do you not think it is possible for matter/energy configurations in the universe to be responsible for human intelligence? Even if intelligence is a fundamental property to reality, that doesn't mean that every day human intelligence can't be the expression of matter/energy. I mean sure, you might ask "what's behind matter/energy", but even so I think you're "wrong" to think that this conception of infinite intelligence means that materialism is irreconcible with everyday human intelligence. Even if there's something "intelligent" which goes deeper than matter/energy, it doesn't mean that matter/energy are definitely not possible expressions of intelligence


    What is creating the matter/energy configurations though?

  7. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Space Just to be clear, I believe it's possible to go deeper with meditation/yoga than with psychedelics.

    It just requires exceptional talent and enormous amounts of grinding work. We're talking 10,000+ hours of it, done in large consecutive chunks.

    Read Om Swami's accounts of how hard he meditates, for example. It's an insane, super-human feat he does. It's just not realistic for most people. This is the kind of stuff only monks have time to do. This is like Olympic level meditation.

    The reason I talk about psychedelics is because they offer ordinary people a glimpse of what a 40 year enlightened master or full-time monk experiences.

    Imagine if you could take a pill and experience what it is like to play golf at Tiger Wood's level, or to play the piano at Mozart's level, or play chess at Gary Kasparov's level. That would be awesome, and highly useful to normal people.

    Well, psychedelics are just that.

    For example, I've had insights on 5-MeO that Shinzen Young has yet to have, and he's like 80 years old and has been teaching this stuff for 50 years. I can see that Shinzen is not fully enlightened. This would be totally impossible for me to see without 5-MeO. I've talked to students of his who have been practicing with him for 10-15 years, and they are still not enlightened, or even close.

    (BTW, nothing against Shinzen. I think he's a great teacher.)

    It's almost impossible to convey how deep the rabbit hole goes.

    But when you don’t have another person’s first person experience to compare it to, how can you know for sure that what you’re feeling would be similar?

    Also how can we know for sure that insights we have while tripping are true? They may feel true, but when it’s something as powerful as 5-meo; is it not possible that it might be able to create things that are true, or feel true?

    After all, how can we really know what a substance is capable of doing, and what’s it’s not capable of doing? Why would it not be possible?

    I’m not saying it’s definitively wrong or anything, I’m just saying that it may be possible that it’s not just a substance that points out truths that were already there. 

  8. If you’re going to do it just be absolutely sure you’re feeling good that day. Physically and mentally. Even subtle physical discomfort gets amped waaaay the hell up. Be in a good mood, and maybe have someone there or on call if you’re concerned.

    Also you should start small.  I did 2 grams twice, and it felt completely manageable. I would get insights into my life, but it didn’t feel wild and out of control like my 3.5 trip.  I had a negative thought come up once, but was able to ground myself immediately.

    Just be careful man. At the end of the day, it’s a risk. No one can tell you how your trip is going to go. I thought I had a really strong foundation and took a lot of precautions, but mushrooms (more than other substances from what I understand) can be unpredictable. 

  9. 42 minutes ago, Arkandeus said:

    do not make a habit to listen to suffering, listen to joy, excitement, peace and abundance

    listen to your good feelings, listen to what you want to hear

    we radiate, we are at peace and in joy, in love and light we surf

    I’m good usually. I have anxiety (which has definitely gotten better) but I haven’t been depressed at all in months. When I was tripping balls it felt like there was no way to ground myself the way I can normally. 


    3 hours ago, TheSomeBody said:

    from my experience, dont get to conclution too fast, take your time, read and listen alot about those substensese and read about yoga .
    it took me like 3 month to understand what happend to me. it is very tricky 

    I have. I’ve watched a bunch of documentaries, read trip reports, started small. It was just a rough experience. If I do ever decide to go back (probably not for a long time.) I’ll be more prepared. I do plan on experimenting with microdosing though. 

    Overall there were no lasting effects from the trip other than more motivation to change myself. I actually feel great, like I have a sense of direction. What happened doesn’t bother me at all.

  10. 1 hour ago, Slade said:

    Woah that’s awesome haha 

    So you actually walked away with more motivation to fix the problems in your life like social anxiety and such? 

    Do you feel like the experience fixed anything for you automatically or just gave you the awareness so now you can fix it yourself? 

    It's hard to say this early, but I exercised and have set an intention to fix my sleep schedule tonight. I also feel so much more appreciation for being alive.


    1 hour ago, TheSomeBody said:

    i had experienced  suicide thoughts on my trip, it happends because your awarness get bigger and you understand how unimportant you are in the world , you always think that you are the best and important but the reality is that u are nothing. if you are nothing you think that you are worthless and it is better to kill yourself because of social norms. at least it happened for me because of that reason...

    you are just dealing with reality, nothing bad happened. it is actualy you key to develop yourself




    Na, for me it made me realize a root problem in my life. I avoid things that are uncomfortable, it's why I'm so isolated and don't often set out to do the things try to do. In this case I was stuck in a situation, and there was no way out. My normal tendency when something is uncomfortable is to get away from it. This was more about physical pain, and a storm in my mind. It just felt really brutal, and I was reaching for some way out. So in this case, I would rather have been DEAD than deal with something that was uncomfortable. That combined with that vulnerability experience makes me really fuckin motivated to face my fears.