The Don

How Meditation Changed Me Completely

5 posts in this topic

Hello guys.

I wanted to start this topic because I need your opinions for no good reason. I'm kidding. :D

I've been meditating for three months now. Every single day. Just in the last month alone I've noticed huge growth.

I don't have so many negative thoughts, not anymore  and I'm MORE aware of things around me. I feel like I'm starting to understand what is consciousness.

That's great because at first I thought I'll never get better and better at meditation. I sleep better and I have more mental clarity. And many other positive benefits.

But when I sleep, I have bad dreams that I remember when I'm waking up in the morning. Before my meditation habit I couldn't remember my dreams.

Almost every time my dreams are bad. Ugly experiences. What does that mean?

I'm telling you this because I bought a Magic Mushrooms kit and I want a Psychedelic experience BUT I don't want to have a negative one.

And I'm thinking about my bad dreams as a reflection of my subconscious mind. Will that mean I'll have a negative experience while trying Magic Mushrooms?

Thank you.

@Leo Gura



Me on the road less traveled.

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Nope. They are not always the same type. Many of them are very cloudy and negative. Some of them are scary.

Me on the road less traveled.

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If you’re going to do it just be absolutely sure you’re feeling good that day. Physically and mentally. Even subtle physical discomfort gets amped waaaay the hell up. Be in a good mood, and maybe have someone there or on call if you’re concerned.

Also you should start small.  I did 2 grams twice, and it felt completely manageable. I would get insights into my life, but it didn’t feel wild and out of control like my 3.5 trip.  I had a negative thought come up once, but was able to ground myself immediately.

Just be careful man. At the end of the day, it’s a risk. No one can tell you how your trip is going to go. I thought I had a really strong foundation and took a lot of precautions, but mushrooms (more than other substances from what I understand) can be unpredictable. 

Edited by DMM710

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@The Don Best guess is the scary dreams are the fear of a bad trip. In hindsight, there are no bad trips. You’ll get what you need, and hopefully some of what you want. So there’s no pointing thinking about it, or sweating it...or losing any sleep. If your disposition and attitude are similar to how they come accross on the forum, I think you’re going to enjoy it. Start small. 



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