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Posts posted by Cocolove

  1. I've spent the last 3 months researching colleges and with how these schools are as far a price and reputation for doctoral work or getting a job, I don't think it's worth it. If you want to study transpersonal psychology, which is great, I think you're better off doing it on your own whether or not you go to college. 

    CIIS for example is 22k. 

    Let me know what you find or think. I'm in a similar pinch as you and am not sure of myself at all.

  2. @Leo Gura

    Could you elaborate on jesus not being human? 

    Isn't the highest form of awakening realizing there is no difference between the ordinary world and enlightenment. Such that the goal isn't to be in a state where you are constantly g0d and never on autopilot, but to not see a difference in the two? As Daniel Ingram says mindfullness always waxes and wanes.

    @Ella yea what you said

  3. @Leo Gura Could you elaborate on why you think the stages you've reached are beyond what most are capable of. I mean the people on this forum are far more conscious that average people, and what if they did the same amount of work you did, or double. It's not like you were accessing higher states of consciousness than others before you started the work. Yes, you have gone deeper than lots of other teachers, faster too, but what if we are using your methods?

  4. For the past couple of years I have listened to music very rarely because I was under the impression that it's low consciousness, just a distraction, essentially a drug.

    Also, I've had from what I understand from bioenergetics to be an emotional blockage. For a year or two I didn't cry once. In the last year or two, after I started meditating and doing bioenergetics and shamanic breathing, I've cried every few months. It always feels like a huge emotional release and relief. It's happened randomly, one time was from listening to a song, one was because I was under a bunch of pressure. Last night it happened again from listening to music.

    I found some artist I really like like a week ago and have since listened to their 20 or so songs a lot, I thought they were really good so I just said fuck it. Last night I was going to bed soon and I just laid on my couch and played two of those songs with a sad vibe, and I felt like crying but then the usual strained resistance came up. I realized I wasn't crying because I wanted to, and just tried to let go. Then I burst into sobbing for 10 minutes straight. It felt like all my emotions from the past few years came up and I feel so much clearer now.

    So do you guys think music can be helpful in this regard? As a therapeutic tool.

    Also does anyone have any advice for my situation with not being able to cry, beyond what I'm already doing.



    Take Leo for example, he is certainly changing the world positively and has time to meditate, do retreats, not overwork. 

    Also keep in mind the type of projects Elon is taking on. They are extremely technologically ambitious. Changing the world in this way could be more demanding than other ways like politics or spirituality.