Jason Actualization

It Worked

7 posts in this topic

In July of 2009, at 15 years of age, I was diagnosed with a rare, chronic inflammatory condition of my esophagus called eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). At the time, frankly, I was relieved, thinking the mystery of the myriad choking episodes that had left me unable to speak and barely able to breathe for up to an hour at a time, had been solved. Little did I know at the time that this diagnosis was merely a sequence of sounds pointing to a set of symptoms that stemmed from a deeper, underlying problem that was never explained to me.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, I would experience hundreds more of these food impaction episodes throughout my late teens and early 20s, prior to crossing paths with an Australian savant who presented me with door number 3, and the map to lead me to and through. This map, unlike that disseminated by my well-intended allergist and gastroenterologist, was not comprised of pharmaceuticals for which I was not deficient (yet would later on dispense countless thousands of throughout a half of a decade long career as a pharmacist). Rather, it was an elegant dissemination of self-derived dietary and supplementation advice, the likes of which I have unprecedented reverence for to this day.

As a 21 year old pharmacy student intercepting this information and contending with the downstream cognitive dissonance, I could not then fathom the ramifications that this would have down the road, namely the eventual divorce from a career that I had devoted over 10 years of my life to.

The nutrition, supplementation, and training information that I was given invoked a parallel appreciation akin to that which I had rapidly developed for Leo and his work, when this Australian mentor of mine inadvertently steered me his way. My mentor Luke advised me to meditate daily, prompting me to search on YouTube, in 2015, for whatever the hell meditation was, leading me to actualized.org. Not dissimilar to actualized.org, now nearly 10 years later, my appreciation for this information continues to grow as I am reminded of the true gold mine that it is.

Having food completely impact my esophagus, and worse yet, the mere prospect of this occurring in mixed company, and the affiliated anxiety, is no longer something I have to contend with the consequences of. EoE, along with my many environmental allergies and asthma, are no longer factors for me, and the hero's journey that I went on to acquire this holy grail, started the day that I took full ownership and accountability for everything that touched by tongue, teeth and lips.

On January 13th, 2014, I had my allergist, Scott, write a medical note excusing me from my college university's dining meal plan, which I would have been otherwise obligated to adhere to. This marked the beginning of an arduous adventure of trials and tribulations, the likes of which molded me into the man I am today.

My message is simple my friend: the way to fix your physiology and find freedom is by putting food first, and as Hippocrates ostensibly said, let food be thy medicine. The culmination of my time as an autoimmune disease patient, a pharmacy student, as a pharmacist, and also as a reasonably intelligent human being who has sought to observe and understand the world, what I've realized is that you have two basic choices: you can pay the farmer for good health on the front end, or pay the pharmacy on the backend in an attempt to buy back your health.

I am not anti establishment, anti pharma, anti anything frankly. As a 15 year old, I just wanted to fix my physiology so I could have the best possible experience of life possible, and I wish the same for you.

Pharmaceuticals have an important place in society, most notably in the context of acute, life-threatening conditions such as severe infections and anaphylaxis. The problem is that, prior to birth control, the notion of a drug for which you never come off, was completely foreign. Most modern pharmaceuticals are doing something approximating the placing of duct tape over the indicator light on the dashboard of a vehicle, i.e., they are masking symptoms which are precisely incentivizing us to not explore the underlying cause.

The cure hides where the cause resides, never forget that.

During an ice hockey game as a junior in high school, I was speared in the throat and in attempting to brace my fall, I broke my left fibula. The crutches that I was given to help me ambulate the following months, while an important stepping stone, were merely an intermediate, transient step to take. Seemingly paradoxically, if I were using those same crutches today, they would actually cripple me, because I would not have rehabbed my leg properly to restrengthen it. Similarly, most prescriptions invariably become the problem themselves, because the actual etiology of one's problems is neither discussed, nor addressed.

There is a remarkably powerful scene from the third Harry Potter movie that moves me every time. It's the point in the movie that Harry Potter realizes that his deceased father, James, is not coming to save him. Harry's dad, in spite of him insisting Hermione to the contrary, was never going to cast the Patronus to save Harry and his godfather Sirius. It was once Harry realized that nobody was coming to save them, that he approached the edge of the pond, and casted an unparalleled Patronus charm that devastated the dementors, leading to their diffusion.

At age 21, I had to stop outsourcing my own health to others. While vital to garner insights from others, doctors included, at the end of the day, nobody else had to navigate with and interface life via this body but me. At the end of the day, there was only one vote left, and it was my own, and therein I realized I was the ultimate arbiter for the quality of my life, nobody else.

Effectively, I was airborne, flying a Boeing 747, trying to navigate the conditions up ahead. In so doing, I had contact with local air traffic controllers (my allergist, gastroenterologist, mom and dad, sister, friends, my newfound mentor, etc.) but when it was all said and done, I was the pilot responsible for landing the plane, and the only one who would suffer had I not done so effectively and crashed.

In the end, I landed the plane, and you can too.

EoE Before and After.png

Allergist Letter.jpeg2009.png

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Mea culpa if this gets personal, but do you have a girlfriend?

How is your social life?


If you dont understand, you're not twisted enough.

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11 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Mea culpa if this gets personal, but do you have a girlfriend?

How is your social life?


I'm an open book brother.

In my mid 20s I dated and lived with a woman 9 years my senior, and her son, for 3 years. I loved them both tremendously, but to my everlasting dismay, I lost touch with my core purpose as a man during my time with them.

During this relationship, I continued working as a consultant pharmacist, effectively sinking my time and effort into something that didn't ultimately fulfill me. Here I was, holding the holy grail of letting food be thy medicine, as I'm dispensing pharmaceuticals, the overwhelming majority of which, are entirely futile sans Frankenfoods. In the end, my relationship and career were both my greatest barriers to finding my true life calling, and achieving integrity with such.

Leaving this relationship was the most difficult experience of my life to grapple with emotionally, rivalling various ego annihilating breakthroughs on 5-MeO and DMT.

For the past several years I have been seeing women more openly. One of my mentors teaches an interesting model to maintain low drama, non-monogamous relationships, and I've implemented many such concepts therein, as I relate greatly to this teacher who is an INTJ like myself.

In short, my social life is currently on maintenance mode, at the threshold level needed to satisfy my desire for intimacy and feminine energy, but my focus is on finances because I don't want to put the cart before the horse.1.jpg2.jpeg3.png4.png

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@Jason Actualization It's great ! I'm asking this question because for my part my insomnia and any stress have broken my ability to make new acquaintances.
Not only in terms of physical availability but also and above all psychological, it's like being naturally under Cyamemazine lol.

I assumed that it would also be complicated with this kind of chronic pathologies.

7 hours ago, Jason Actualization said:


I don't want to drag you down with your possible regrets eheh, but she's a pretty woman, you're lucky.

If you dont understand, you're not twisted enough.

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intresting read, good on you :) just came across your Youtube vid, and will check out some of the other vids,

btw that transformation gym pic above ´´hes so handsome whats his nameee´´ loool

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Congrats man, inspiring journey 

wishing you continued health & happiness and that as well as fulfilling your mission, you can fulfil yourself on a spiritual, emotional & interpersonal level 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Hey, Jason, thanks for the share.

I am on a similar yourney to find out what and when to eat for the best possible results, because health is the #1 thing to be fixed in life.

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