
Iran Attacks Iraqi Kurdistan With Missiles

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For me personally, I feel that Iraqi Kurdistan will seize to exist very soon as the Iranian-backed militias starting to advance to it's capitol Erbil, likely meeting very weak resistance from Kurdish forces.

Fucking Kurdish leader's reaction to the latest attacks wasn't putting together a military show, but just stating to Iran: "Our patience has limits"... I mean xD

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@Nabd yeah yeah.

You seem to know everything buddy.. As if you were sitting with Iranians when they decided to attack. You seem to know very little about power dynamics too.. 

If i was Iranian, I would try to finish this silly entity that's Iraqi Kurdistan right anyways. There's no better time than now because it is invasion season in the world if you hadn't noticed. It is now or never


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58 minutes ago, Mesopotamian said:

@Nabd yeah yeah.

You seem to know everything buddy.. As if you were sitting with Iranians when they decided to attack. You seem to know very little about power dynamics too.. 

If i was Iranian, I would try to finish this silly entity that's Iraqi Kurdistan right anyways. There's no better time than now because it is invasion season in the world if you hadn't noticed. It is now or never


True it is invasion season

Turkey launches airstrikes against Kurdish militants in Iraq and Syria | World DNA | WION

Edited by Epikur

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1 hour ago, Nabd said:

Iran can't attack US or Israel not now nor ever. They are literally installed in Iran by US so they will never wage war against US. So Kurds will take the beating for now to save face for getting bombed in Syria hundreds of times before.

The US doesn't give a fuck about Kurds though these days. The sentiment that kurds are allies is dying. 

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this is a nice documentary about kurds in iraq vs iranian government 



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12 hours ago, Nabd said:

Just yesterday they deployed some thousand soldiers into SDF territory. This is like the 3rd batch of soldiers lately even before Gaza war not to mention equipment and building a military airport in SDF territory.

Kurds are extremely important for US to pressure Turkey into submission.

For me this seems only like Kurds have been used as sort of mercenaries though. For me, that's no difference than when USA was trying to build Afghanistan state or army.. 

I recall Trump was asked about Kurds, and he gave a compliment in his days, but Biden, I haven't heard him say the word 'Kurds' as far as I know. On the conttrary, news that Iraqi Kurdistan officials were pleading the US to support them with their struggle against BAghdad, but they're met with silence. 

It seems that you're arguing from a military place only, however when time comes, the US can let go of it's insignificant allies. 

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Again the macro is:

The US sphere of influence pulling back to be more isolationist (very gradually). Expect to see more regional struggles for control as it happens.

Edited by BlueOak

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6 hours ago, Nabd said:

US will do whatever is necessary to secure its long term goals of maintaining hegemony in the region. If this means pulling out of Kurdish areas then they will do that because there is no moral standard, just business.

But I don't see them pulling out anytime soon. Iran barking reinforced US hegemony in the region and all Iran can do is firing scud missiles on civilians in Kurdistan claiming its Mossad office.

In this regard, I would say you're very very informed. However, the thing is that Kurds are corrupt also, so very corrupt, and Erbil is not a livable city.

Examples, Poverty is rising and inequality too, and Kurdistan is been turned into mafia-like business 

Kurdish government doesn't regulate even the traffic, and they want to maximize the ticket numbers because they want to make tons money out of that. Hiding the traffic radars between bushes, so that it "hunts" the speeding cars, and make thousands of tickets per day, and they also grant driving licenses without tests sometimes. 

People in Erbil this winter have very limited power from the government, and they have to rely on backup public generators, and in the city there are hundreds of generator powering it's neighborhoods. Which makes the city air very polluted with smoke from hundreds of generators.

The businessman who was killed was one of those who are building high rises, sucking power from the already scarce , and then also installing more giant backup generator.

Government is corrupt and one last example, is when they said they're giving a deadline for vehicles that emits smokes, and after that, they're going to fine their owners if not fixed! So fining everything and just making money out of everything. 

Also no regulation for life whatsoever, you can have a loud motorcycle, and get away with it, no one will stop you. So therefore I feel the US can't back such a corrupt government, not for a long duration. 

Kurds leaders are stupid also! highly ultra corrupt! they have business with Iran and Turkey! even though those two states are bombarding them, but do they even close borders or do anything of a significance? 

Kurdistan presidents are just stupid! they're meeting today with American ambassador who visited them instead of taking shelter in a bunker after yesterday's attack! Like I haven't seen such stupid leadership since a long time! They truly can't even take a stance because they're corrupt!

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10 hours ago, Nabd said:

To me it seems like Kurdistan Iraq was trying to be like Dubai, a mega corrupt place for the rich.

That's very true, and so many people want to compete with Dubai, and fueled by  egos of idiots like the ones who was killed. The have some high rises complexes and they think this is all what it would take to become like Dubai


However, this is just even a small part of the city, and it's ruled by iron fist, nothing like what's in Dubai. 

But if you come to Dubai at least you can see some tangible organizing in life. You would rarely see a car emits tons of smoke, and no backup generators all over the city too. So however you might be thinking, corruption is on a whole different level in Kurdistan. 

Also it's interesting that Pakistan has attacked sites in Iran, while Erbil people are weeping and announcing 3 days mourning for the fucking corrupt businessman! 


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