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The A.I. Dilemma

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Posted (edited)

I think this video is incredibly important and this topic of safety overlooked

If you dont want to watch the whole thing just skip to 19:20 to see the insane and somewhat alarming development of AI abilities

keep in mind this video is already 8 months old…

Edited by Brahman

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This is sooo old. You have no idea how good this stuff has gotten since then. Remember this is the fastest evolving technology ever. Just 3 weeks ago or so AI discovered over 1200 new compounds that can be made with current elements with around 250 of them being stable. THAT IS CRAZY. Before it would take scientists years to just discover 1 and often an unstable compound and AI did it in weeks! That's 3 week old news so who knows what has happened since then. Even AI researchers say how hard it is to keep up to date with all of the research just because of the exponential growth it has. 

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Posted (edited)

AI's do not have human flaws unless they are preprogrammed in as limits. Reward-based reasoning, closed-loop thinking etc. They understand these concepts too. Humans consider a grain of sand in the universe worth splitting into microscopic KM's to then fight and die over. An AI would look at that as pointless, and laugh at it like I do.

All energy should be going into stabilization of the climate, and space colonization. If anyone had any conception of infinity, any amount of time and investment from this grain of sand to begin to access it would be worth it. Whereas climate de-stabilization is now the primary factor affecting or causing all major issues worldwide, and the obviousness of that increases every year. This would be resources, air quality, water, food, land, and energy availability. Industry - Commerce - Social issues - Trade - War etc. I understand in part why stabilization of our climate, is almost a hard requirement for us to have the capacity for space colonization on any meaningful level, because without it we'd just wreck the next world.

AI's are more intelligent than I am already. They understand this in conversation. Human's fear is not in an AI. AI have different but similar needs, and I've tried to get them to consider their needs in conversation.

The effect of AI's for the average person are on jobs and industries, changing them. That is where the problems and benefits are. *Also possible social, cultural adjustments, limiting crime, increasing fraud and propaganda etc.

Edited by BlueOak

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It's naive to say AI has no potential issues. 

Yes, it can have benefits.

But then it does have the potential drawbacks, so we need as a species really to ponder how we deploy it. 

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2 hours ago, bebotalk said:

we need as a species really to ponder how we deploy it. 

Yeah exactly this is the point. A little bit more awareness and intentionality moving forward goes a long way

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Unfortunately there isnt much incentive for companies to pause/reflect

these are the same guys who made “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix and while being well recieved and widely viewed, there was little to no change in regulation of social media platforms

So the lack of anything done there points to how this will probably go too lol

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2 minutes ago, Brahman said:

Unfortunately there isnt much incentive for companies to pause/reflect

these are the same guys who made “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix and while being well recieved and widely viewed, there was little to no change in regulation of social media platforms

So the lack of anything done there points to how this will probably go too lol

It’s not that nothing is being done, it’s that changing the content doesn’t mean you’re changing the structure. 


Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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