
How long for pickup results if naturally already decent with girls

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


What is your plan how to get laid?

I’ve got some “status” in a more Tantric yoga community. A good amount of women come through and I have sex, and it feels more authentic and aligned with a spiritual vibe. Mostly I hook up with spiritual women who are into Tantra. It’s very different than the club girls but sometimes I miss that kinda sex too. 

I realize that if I bring my authentic self into a club, which is a spiritual, calm, guy, it might not be as successful as an Owen Cook extrovert type personality. But I still get laid, not as much as I’d like to though full honesty 

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6 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

I’ve got some “status” in a more Tantric yoga community. A good amount of women come through and I have sex, and it feels more authentic and aligned with a spiritual vibe. Mostly I hook up with spiritual women who are into Tantra. It’s very different than the club girls but sometimes I miss that kinda sex too. 

That's good. That can work.

6 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

I realize that if I bring my authentic self into a club, which is a spiritual, calm, guy, it might not be as successful as an Owen Cook extrovert type personality. But I still get laid, not as much as I’d like to though full honesty 

Owen is an introvert.

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9 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

But I still get laid, not as much as I’d like to though full honesty

Are you talking about your spiritual community or in cold approach? Or both?

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More about both. I have a high sex drive though. Would prefer to have sex every other day 

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1 hour ago, BlessedLion said:

More about both. I have a high sex drive though. Would prefer to have sex every other day 

I see. Well, then you definitely need to cold approach. Relying on spiritual girls in a spiritual community for a very high sex drive can become very devilish.

But as Leo said, you can develop your personality to become more energetic that fits the club environment more.

It's crazy tho. You say you have a high sex drive. I don't know if I have a SUPER high then or am I just a sex addict, but during my off seasons from my work, I would probably prefer to have sex 1-3 times a day.

I've had 4 long-term gfs and none has been able to keep up with the drive, I don't think even close. Sex quantity-wise, I am most satisfied when I am single and I'm seeing a ton of girls (just not leading anyone on). But the quality of the sex is not nearly as satisfying as in a long-term monogamous + it takes me a shit ton of time to maintain this lifestyle.

As far as my career and work, I am extremely ambitious. So that is probably directly correlated with my testosterone level and libido.


What is stopping you from learning to cold approach better?

Edited by Miguel1

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14 hours ago, How to be wise said:

You can always use the law of attraction. Just think about it until it happens.

This is nonsensical! You cannot actualize a woman without putting in the work.

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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15 hours ago, How to be wise said:

You can always use the law of attraction. Just think about it until it happens.


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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This is nonsense.

To clarify: 

The type of people you found attractive 10 years ago can be significantly different compared to now, especially if you’ve done the work to broaden your life experiences and values. 

This is not merely about age or race, but also personality, life experiences, values…. (wait I’m just talking about myself now lol)

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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7 hours ago, Yimpa said:

The type of people you found attractive 10 years ago can be significantly different compared to now, especially if you’ve done the work to broaden your life experiences and values. 

This is not merely about age or race, but also personality, life experiences, values…. (wait I’m just talking about myself now lol)

Yes of course. But a girl with perfect boobs is still gonna have amazing boobs 10 years later no matter how much you grow up

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