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Psychedelic Insights VS What Humans Tell Me

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I’m still a newbie in my Psychedelic Journey and I know it’s important to be cautious when it comes to delusion. I’ve had this topic rattling around my mind for sometime. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Leo and, it’s that verifying everything for yourself is the way to go.

There’s a quote by Terence McKenna that really resonates with me pertaining to this subject.

”Avoid Gurus, Follow Plants.” - Terence McKenna 

I think I also remember him mentioning somewhere that at the end of the day the only experience that matters is your own. I interpret that meaning within the field of substances and beyond.

Hypothetically speaking, let’s say Psychedelics show me things contrary to what people tell me, who is more likely to hold the truth? If experience tells me one thing and humans tell me another, is it safe to say that direct-experience will always be the greatest teacher?

I’m still a baby in exploring the psychedelic multiverse. So far, the deepest insight I’ve received is that humans are silly little monkeys in costumes. This was on Mushrooms! They can feel very primitive at times and I know this from experience so it’s no coincidence that popped into my head during the trip. But I don’t know if you would call that an “insight” and as I’ve said I’m a newbie. I’m only a few trips in and haven’t awakened to God-Realization or other epiphanies, yet. It’s the best example I can come up with, though. Now, if I were to share that with people I guarantee you many would be triggered and flat out call me delusional.

Straight to the point! If everyone on here and elsewhere were to tell me one thing and substances were to show me another who should I trust?



"The awakening of consciousness is the next evolutionary step for mankind." - Eckhart Tolle

"Consciousness itself is an infinite regress. This explains coincidences." - Robert Anton Wilson

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." - Aldous Huxley

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@Squeekytoy Makes sense! Discernment is key. But how can my own direct-experience tell me something that’s false? I think it would make more sense to say I’m misinterpreting what a certain experience means rather than calling it false, outright.

Pertaining to this, I’m more inclined to stick with what Substances show me rather than going with what humans who are full of biases and judgments say. I would go with what Mushrooms show me over what some person says no matter how intelligent or wise they claim to be. The one thing I would be careful about, though, is how I interpret the experience.

"The awakening of consciousness is the next evolutionary step for mankind." - Eckhart Tolle

"Consciousness itself is an infinite regress. This explains coincidences." - Robert Anton Wilson

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." - Aldous Huxley

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21 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

@Shrooms_Alvarez if you trust your experience, would you be looking for something different? If you don't think it is false, would you be looking for truth?

Why elect a proxy for your discernment and stick with that? Why not just stick with your discernment? Why outsource it? You can use plants and you can listen to people, but what you can't do is outsource your own good judgement.

Notice how you keep complicating everything for no reason. This is an important thing to understand. It is your mind in self-preservation mode. This is exactly how delusion operates. And razor sharp discernment is not just the best remedy, it is the only remedy. Delusion is endlessly complicated, truth is endlessly simple. 

Yes, to avoid misinterpreting anything, you need functioning, razor sharp discernment. Fortunately everyone is capable of it, but it is a skill that you hone by using it. You won't know what it is capable of until you do. Unfortunately, most people don't. Don't be one of them. 

I see! Thank you for sharing.

"The awakening of consciousness is the next evolutionary step for mankind." - Eckhart Tolle

"Consciousness itself is an infinite regress. This explains coincidences." - Robert Anton Wilson

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." - Aldous Huxley

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6 hours ago, Shrooms_Alvarez said:

”Avoid Gurus, Follow Plants.”

A good guru will always be better than nothing, but once you become one with the Guru you will have to grow on your own.

6 hours ago, Shrooms_Alvarez said:

Hypothetically speaking, let’s say Psychedelics show me things contrary to what people tell me, who is more likely to hold the truth? If experience tells me one thing and humans tell me another, is it safe to say that direct-experience will always be the greatest teacher?

Don't talk about your insights with other people, those things are yours. They will contradict it with a materialistic minded approach and you might believe them and feel delusional and never take psychedelics ever again. You have to question your insights on your own. If you question your own insights that means you are not seeing the Truth in it. I have been on that phase myself. You will grow out of it with time. Good luck in your journey.


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7 hours ago, Shrooms_Alvarez said:

is it safe to say that direct-experience will always be the greatest teacher?

It is safest to say that direct-experience is ALL you have. It's just a matter of recognition and being integrated to that fact, that's all

As a matter of fact all "others" exist through the lens of direct-experience and are born from the raw phenomena as more phenomena, layers upon layers of experience. Isn't this what you are doing right now, first raw phenomena, then pixels, then message, then identity of users online, then creating a separation between us and so on and so forth. Sounds complicated but it's easy once you get it, breathe right now, become aware of the space where you are, sense the feeling of existing, of being, this is it.

7 hours ago, Shrooms_Alvarez said:

If everyone on here and elsewhere were to tell me one thing and substances were to show me another who should I trust?

It's just a inmature question, in the end of the day you will trust yourself and whatever you make up your mind to be reality. You are the source of all authority and power, whether you give it away or you ground it in yourself, that will construct your sense of reality.


Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless you live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, you should know the requirements of your body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ...                       Lovingly discipline Life & Realize Absolute Infinity

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12 hours ago, inFlow said:

Don't talk about your insights with other people, those things are yours. They will contradict it with a materialistic minded approach and you might believe them and feel delusional and never take psychedelics ever again.

At a certain point you stop trying to make them believe you or bring you to the peace that you discovered. You realize that you’re not only disrespecting your own autonomy, but you’re also ruining their fantasy. Let people live in a fantasy. They are free… to not be free.

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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