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Ok, You Definitely Need To Start A Meditation Practice

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As a guy who always felt alone and never had any friends, any girlfriend (until last year), and frequently suffered from loneliness and depression.
I can tell you that having a meditation practice and using mindfulness is the best shit ever to counter these emotional traumas.
Now I know that I don't have hard emotional traumas like some of you, I only suffered from deep loneliness, which can turn into depression sometimes, but this will help nonetheless.

So why I'm telling you this is the most powerfull tool for emotional traumas ?

Well, yesterday, I started to feel lonely at the beginning of the afternoon, like always I was at the pet shelter helping a bit, and I couldn't stop thinking about girlfriends and friends and all this shit that my mind thinks it needs.
The evening, I was crying, like real tears, all night, untill I finally fall asleep.

The difference is that, 1 year ago, I would be totally in my mind thinking all this was very real and very important, I wouldn't be able to step back and looking at these thoughts, I would escape them, disctracting myself from them, and they would come back again and again even harder, and I would suffer much more than I did this night ...
Even if it was hard, I could focus on my breath or my body and feel the aliveness of life through me, there was space around the pain, and I really knew it would pass, and it did.
If I wasn't practising meditation and mindfulness, I would still be in torment now, maybe for a full week, or even for a whole month !

I'm not saying that you can cure these problems with these techniques alone, I'm saying that the pain will be bearable, and it will shorter your crises, which is already a lot :)

EDIT: Ahah, this afternoon I'm joyful as fuck, I even smiled for like 10 minutes without any reason.

That's the secret of life that you'll discover at some point, you need NOTHING to be happy, it's thinking that we need something that fucks us.


@Evilwave Heddy I have a dog, doesn't help on the long run.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Get yourself a dog and you will never feel alone again.


@Shin That's unfortunate. :(

Edited by Evilwave Heddy

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@Shin I'm sorry to hear that.. I mean of course it's great that you've carried yourself in a different space.. take good care of yourself mon amie!??

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2 hours ago, Sevi said:

@Shin I'm sorry to hear that.. I mean of course it's great that you've carried yourself in a different space.. take good care of yourself mon amie!??

Ahah, don't worry, it's the first time it happened in like 1 year.

These kinds of hard time are the best opportunity for growing our consciousness, so I'm kind of grateful about it.



 @Steph1988 Pity we all live so far apart otherwise we could do pickup together  

Do you have a life purpose of some sort that takes up most of your time? so then you could bear your suffering a lot better i think.

all the best to you.


Well, I won't stay in France forever, I kinda want to speak English correctly at some point, so maybe ...

If I ever do that, I would start with a certain place in the US, which starts with C and finish with T ...



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin Pity we all live so far apart otherwise we could do pickup together :) 

Do you have a life purpose of some sort that takes up most of your time? so then you could bear your suffering a lot better i think.

all the best to you.

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Yeah guys, you would pick the 'insurance company' people up in that C-T city! and then become the most appreciated pick up'ers ever lived!?

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