Ima Freeman

Intellectual understanding is futile

25 posts in this topic

Structured intellectual knowledge is a manifestation of the intelligence of reality. It is the human tool by excellence. It can be useful in understanding reality if used correctly, and this means not having it as a source of understanding but as a tool that nuances and structures what is manifested.

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Yes the intellect can lead one to great error. Any belief about self has no truth value.

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Integrate the intellectual body of content with yourself.

With your emotions, feelings and love. It's looks a little feminine, but this is the only way to hard code intellectual content inside you. Else it will be forgotten.

So the next level of depth is at the level of feelings. Contemplate and integrate intellect.

This is why reality never makes total sense at the constructions level. Move to unitive level of sense making. 

Edited by Bobby_2021

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@Bobby_2021 what do you mean by constructions level? 

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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12 hours ago, Yimpa said:

@Bobby_2021 what do you mean by constructions level? 

There are constructions that you build to make sense of reality. The intellect or the logical mind builds these constructions which always falls short of reality itself. At that level you are prone to the deficiencies of the intellect and the logical mind.

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