
What do you do on psychedelic ?

5 posts in this topic

I will soon drop 15g of valhalla truffles from a very well-known Dutch brand.
I want ideas of things to do, because usually I just end up going in circles without it ultimately being productive.

The devil is in the details.

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One approach I like: 

Eyemask, psilocybin therapy playlist, lie down and breathe. Observe. 

Maybe set an intention for yourself. What topics do you want to look into? 

(But make sure to let go of the intention once you eat the truffles). 


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4 hours ago, Verg0 said:

Maybe set an intention for yourself. What topics do you want to look into? 

(But make sure to let go of the intention once you eat the truffles).

My intention during one of my trips was to understand what balance is.

I wound up becoming a unique facet of myself free falling in perfect harmony. 

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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I do a whole ceremony,

I first prepare the space with incense and purify myself with it while thinking about my intentions (even if it's just to have a good time) then eat the mushrooms.

I then proceed to turn off the light and sit down in complete silent darkness with an unlit candle ready to be lit later.

I greet the mushrooms then let them show me what I need to see / understand. When I feel it's time a few hours later, I go lit the candle. 

It changes the whole atmosphere, a truly magical moment.

Then later in trip, around 3-4h in I used to light a joint of hash to bring more insights from the trip and make sense of the visions I had or eventually discuss it with a friend around if I am not alone but now that I don't smoke anymore I think I would skip this part.


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I enjoy crying tears of love, understanding and forgiveness 


 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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