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About Lynx

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  1. "What's the point of seeing above the forest for a few hours if I always fall back?" Well, at least you've seen what's behind the trees, you can then determine a direction for yourself, you've seen there's water running not too far away from where you usually stand, you've seen you were going in a direction that would lead you further in the forest with no escape, instead you can go the opposite direction where there's better things to do, you've seen an ocean and montains, everything you saw during all of your life was trees all around you but now you know there's something else you couldn't have concieved of.. There are lots of good reasons to rise above the forest, even if it's just for a few hours don't doubt it
  2. Easiest way to get your hands on some shrooms is to grow them yourself. It's often legal to order grow box online where it's really easy and fun to grow. For the trip in itself you can consider it like a teaching, you are going to teach yourself new things you need to know through this medicine, just trust the process You can work your way up and increase slowly dosage each time you feel comfortable with your new step. You can check the strenght of your strain but unless you've got a very potent strain, 1g is a good place to start with standard shrooms like the Mexican ones for example. Keep some space between trips for integration purpose, general rule is you'll know when it's time for you to trip again (yes, just trust the process). Daily meditation is greatly appreciated between trips for grounding purpose, it's a good way to integrate the lessons you will receive. And last but not least, don't forget to have fun because it's a fun journey too!
  3. @Leo Gura Sometimes I can become lucid in a dream and I am able to manipulate it and break those limitations I imagined in the dream, why would it be otherwise in the waking life? I tend to believe that's the same thing but in another level, I had experiences where I felt like awakening from a dream but in physical reality, I played around with law of attraction for quite some time and had great results, so in a sense it's like learning to control the dream, right? Also there are lots of ancient scriptures like the Bible who talks about "miracle", acts of faith or magical stuff happening like in the books of Castaneda where these sorcerers had a so much different view of the world than we have today in the western civilisation that they were able to manipulate reality at will and do some absolutely crazy stuff. Now I don't have any proof that all of this is real, but if we can imagine limitations upon this reality, we sure can imagine a way out of these limitations and I believe a few people in the past accomplished this
  4. There's a trick you can achieve after returning from your breakthrough, you can stay symetrical without moving as your ego start reforming and practice Silence as best you can while you surrender, this tends to prolonge the effect but not sure if that's a second breakthrough though
  5. No I didn't always have my eyes open during the low dose experience, in fact I was moving around in my room, I decided to lie down on my bed and close my eyes after that, that's when I felt the cuddling love energy from Malt, I was moving like a snake in my bed due to feeling so good With higher dose, the protocol is very different for me, I just lie down on the bed as soon as I feel it kicking and do nothing except letting the energy do its thing. I'm yet to try a proper breakthrough dose with Malt though as I could only snort it and sometimes you don't get the full dose without a proper technique but I've ordered some liquid to make a cart soon, hopefully HCL will dissolve in the eliquid, will be much easier to breakthrough
  6. First time with Malt was very sweet and gentle, I did very little as I like going slowly when discovering new substances so I only took 5mg snorting. It's a very loving energy, I would compare it to cuddling with a partner, it can even become sexual at some point ahah I watched from my window at some point and saw a stranger walking by, I never felt so much love for a complete stranger, trees, birds, life in general. For me Malt is the Love aspect of consciousness. At higher dosage it can get intense but I never felt threatened in any way, this thing truly respect your bondaries so it is a very good experience imo
  7. I’m in Gabon right now, I’ve just finally had the initiation and oh boy was it difficult! what you wrote in your trip report is exactly what I had, I felt so disoriented it was even traumatizing. I would describe the experience as being crushed over by a giant truck, my foundations have been shaken out to the very core, I couldn’t even formulate clear thoughts, it’s like my mental process was restored to one of a little child. I was expecting great insights into the nature of my problems but got none of that now, I’m still integrating the experience as it still very fresh so I will give it some more time and for the very first time in my life I have to admit I might need integration coach or something like that. I took 5 spoon in total, Iboga asked me to take one more at some point but I didn’t, I regret it because that’s probably when visuals would have started but I guess it would be for the next time now.
  8. What about taking Malt first to get into the love space then blast of 5meoDMT?
  9. I'm microdosing Iboga for spiritual work and I've recently decided to attend an actual Bwiti initiation soon, currently preparing this journey. The higher I got with it as of now is 1.35g, I would compare the experience as maybe something like 2g - 2.5g of shrooms when it comes to intensity even though they are very different. Iboga is grounded in reality, it's here now, not up there in the sky as shrooms or Ayahuasca. It cuts through all of the bullshit nonsense in your life and you get to have a great talk with your true self. Usually I use it before going out for a walk, it kicks in when I'm walking and I get to think very clearly about wathever topic I have in mind, When I took 1.35g I stopped at some point to lay down on the ground and also stopped multiple times on different bench and each time I closed my eyes, I would instantanely feel Infinity surrounding me and when you open your eyes, the world is there unchanged without any hallucination or whatever (note that synchronicities are more present though). Obviously I can only speak for microdosing so I would say it's very good for insights, grounding, integrating psychedelic experience, being present and much much more.. In higher dose I've heard it's completely on another level, as the medicine once told me : "you barely scratched the surface here with microdosing" and it's already awesome so can't wait to try out the flood dose!
  10. Thanks I will check that out, The interaction I had was brief, I couldn't speak too much to her as I had to listen but I definitely sensed some interest in her part, She even asked for my age at some point. Something I often wonder though is should I try to get to know her while texting or should I keep these questions for the actual date? Edit: Just watched the video, this is really usefull actually, starting to see what it's all about thanks for that, I think this pretty much answered my question
  11. So there's this girl I've recently met in a stage, I couldn't talk to her that much but I think she's into me, she mentioned while we were talking about our energy (water and fire) that they go well together, can be complementary. I added her on Facebook after the stage but here I am, I have absolutely no idea about the messaging game, about what to say, It's really difficult for me to talk to somebody online without actually seeing facial expressions and I often feel akward.. I lack informations to proceed and can't be natural, In fact I've been rejected so many times in my life that I'm absolutely puzzled in that situation, when I'm face to face it's much better nowaday because I have lots of meditation under my belt and I can just vibe with the flow and be natural and luminous, but behind my phone, oh boy! So yeah, I think I need guideline, if you have a map or something it would be helpfull, I added her a few minutes ago but I'm planning to engage the conversation tomorrow, I need more time to make a plan, this whole thing feels like a chess game where I need to predict multiple moves in advance in order to make her math and have an actual face to face date lmao
  12. Weed is the plant that always followed me in every step of my awakenings, it all started with weed in fact. It is a great teacher that can accompany you all along your way, when you get one stair up in your development, you can drag new insights from that new floor with the help of weed, it helps you connect your understanding of reality and you can drag links between things you know, it gives more meaning to them and you can study ideas with more precision. Gives you "Ha-ha!" moments where you understand it all (especially during the comedown of a mushroom trip like 3 - 4 hours into it ) It's a wonderfull ally but one of the most important aspect of weed is balance, there's a threshold you don't want to pass where the effect of weed start reversing and you get opposite effects of what you usually get. If it used to relieve anxiety and stress, this can reverse and you can start to feel always anxious, paranoid and stressed all the time if you do too much like I did for 10 years lmao What works best is having an healthy relationship with this and listening to yourself while being objective in how it affects you, I hate the part where you feel brain fog the next morning though, you're just lazy and want to eat junk food but I guess it's also part of the fun ahah
  13. Mistake I see with people and psychedelic is having a wrong Intent while going in. They often do it either as a social thing or as something recreative, setting a right Intention is really important before going in, if you do it just to have fun it's okay but set your Intention first. If you do psychedelics to learn more about the mystery of life then ask the medicine about what you want, don't be affraid to even talk to it : -"Hey mushroom, please I'd like to understand more about this and this topic, can you explain it to me as best as you can during this trip..?" -"Hey Cannabis friend, I'd like to brainstorm with you around this topic if you will, let's have a sit together and think about this" -"Hey LSD, I'd like to connect to my true self for this trip, can you show it to me..?" And you take your trip with this Intention in mind. This will develop and you'll get your answers in due time, don't force it, let it come to you. Another mistake I see with people is they act as if they know something about the world around them, they go with preconcieved notions, ideas about the world : "the world is so and so", "we are all one because Leo said so", "Everything is made of Love, I am Love" etc.. They have their own "map of the world", their own sets of beliefs and they don't realise this affects immensely the trip they get.. Drop these ideas because the world is stranger than you can think, The way I go about it is with the warrior's mindset, an adventurous mind eager to explore the unknown, just accept that you don't know anything about the world and nothing is for granted. That way you can explore the sheer mystery of the world and enjoy every part of it.
  14. @shree Is it complicated to turn Malt from HCL to freebase? Curious to try vapingt it instead of snorting