
Problems i encounter when i talk to girls. (Help)

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I am 21 years old and since the beginning of august i started my pick-up journey. I go out solo and sober. I have so far approached 70 girls. I have actually done mostly night games, since the city I live in has mostly a higher volume of hot girls at night then during the day. I have gone to bars, loud night clubs and approached in the street. I have only reached hook-point with 4 girls I think at least.The rest did not even want to talk to me or they told me they had a boyfriend. 

The 4 girls i managed to reach hook-point (i think) in chronological order:

1. I went out with a friend since I did not have the courage to go out alone to bars. Me and my friend were talking to some guys at a bar and 3 girls approached us. She sat down with us and i instantly started to drill my eyes down on her to keep the eye contact strong, while talking to her:

“She asked me what i was doing” 

“Me: i told her i was broke and wasted all my money on going out on bars, in a funny  non serious way”. I basically tried to disqualify myself like leo told me to do. 

She started to laugh and touched my arm and told me at least I was being honest (I was not really). Then she started to ask me if I had any ambitions I was aiming for. Then the conversation went smoothly.

I could see she was having trouble keeping eye contact on me. Meanwhile  mine was strong. Then her friend came over to me and started to shake my hand, was like “hey bro”. I don't really remember too much, I was very nervous. She told me they were going to another bar, unfortunately I gave her up and did not ask her if I could come with her. This one looked so free, but I was an idiot.  


2. My first approach for the night. I instantly approached a group of girls on the street in the middle of night. I opened up with “Hey i know this is kinda random, but you looked so attractive, i wanted to come over and talk to you. She was like awwww, then she started to smile and hug me 3 times in a row, basically squeezing me. This one caught me off card. I did not think a girl would be so happy and touchy within a few seconds after approaching her. She just grabbed my hands and spun around looking me into my eyes and asked me where I came from. Never seen  a girl so happy after I approached her. I was nervous as fuck, but her hug calmed me down. She legit started to shoot questions, while squeezing both my hands. Her friend was annoyed at her since she was messing around with me and not moving. Although I was yet again an idiot for not asking her if I could come with her, I instead went for the phone number. Her phone number was not in service, so either she gave me a fake one or she mistyped. Maybe it was the alcohol. She looked like a girl who had drinked a bit. 


3. This time I did not make the same mistake for a 3rd time. I approached a large group of girls, too many to count. I went for the hottest girl like (8/10). I opened up with “you look like a sexy lady so i wanted to come over and talk to you”. She was just laughing, then I made an assumption about her. “You are from California right?” This happened in Norway so it did not make any sense, but I decided to be dumb on purpose. Here I also immediately physically escalated by touching her shoulders. I had strong  eye contact also, I could see she was smiling, although I was doing all the talking. She told me they were going somewhere. Then her friend went over to me, told me to get lost.  I Ignored her and  started to go over to the girl I was initiating. I assumed I had her hooked, and that I could come with her. As I was walking with her she stopped me. She: “Sorry dude, but you can’t come with us, since this was meant to be a girl-night only. I went for the phone number, although her friends were just walking away so she just started to type it fast. So this one was also fake or she mistyped. As she was running back to her friends, she told me to call her.   


4. I opened up with the same line like with 2. 

She was like: “Thank you. You are so kind” It is so nice of you to come over and approach me. 

Me: Yeah, i hear many people telling me i am kind”  

She: But seriously tho, you look like a kind gentleman (She meant physically). 

She was with her friend who was just crying. I could see tears running down her face. While laying her head on her friend. I asked the girl if her friend was okay. Then she told me she was going through a difficult situation in her life. I had no idea what to say to her friend to make her feel better. I knew this one was going to be difficult to get them to follow me to a bar or new place. I tried anyway, got a no. She just said it was a bad time. I gave her my phone. She typed down her full name on my phone+number. She told me to text her back. 

The day after I texted her back. A girl responded, but told me it was not her. She had apparently never met me. She asked if I might have got the wrong number. 

Wtf guys, do these girls give me fake numbers on purpose or is it the alcohol? Why would they give me fake  numbers when they start to touch me and tell me to text them back. They just look so happy when I approach them. 

Any advice on these problems i usually encounter:

- The girls are telling me they are going home.

- Dealing with all of her million friends. Either her friends are drunk, crying or look angry/annoyed.

- How to talk to girls at loud night-clubs where speaking is legit impossible.

- Not getting fake numbers. This part is so fucking frustrating. Should i try to go for her snapchat instead, less likely for mistyping? Calling her on the spot to check if it's correct?

- Where do I physically escalate after shoulders or arms?

- Telling if the girl has taken too much drugs or alcohol. I usually encounter a lot of girls that just look a bit gone and just mumbling. Sometimes I can't understand wtf they are saying. 

- Also why do girls get so touchy. Is it my physical appearance or my game? I get a lot of positive responses from many girls even when they have a boyfriend. I had once a random girl start to touch my chest and drag her hand down on my legs, on my dick area. This was one the dance floor.

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What do you expect from young drunk girls. Touchy feely and all that on alcohol is usually the alcohol that's doing the touchy feely. Next day will be a different story. Don't expect too much rational behavior from drunk people. 

I never give my number out without calling theirs right away, if possible. If someone is using your phone to put their number in, especially in cases like this, always try to call the number back right away in their presence. That will solve the fake number mystery.

Maybe try going out a little earlier, even if it's at night when most of them aren't as drunk. You need to be careful with young drunk girls for obvious reasons.

Know thyself....

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9 hours ago, Peo said:

Any advice on these problems i usually encounter:

- The girls are telling me they are going home.

You need to suggest an alternative plan. Like, "let's go get some pizza" or "let's go see the fountains".

And if all else fails, "Can I come with you?" or "I'm heading that way too."


- Dealing with all of her million friends. Either her friends are drunk, crying or look angry/annoyed.

You have to learn to manage them a bit. Give the friends compliments to gain their trust, small-talk with them a bit, then return your focus on your girl.

And ultimately you have to seduce your girl to run away with you while her friends are busy.

Grab her by the hand and say, "Let's run away together."


- How to talk to girls at loud night-clubs where speaking is legit impossible.

1) More physical game. More dancing.

2) More eye contact and facial expressions.

3) Speak louder directly in her ear.

4) Move her to a quieter part of the club.


- Not getting fake numbers. This part is so fucking frustrating. Should i try to go for her snapchat instead, less likely for mistyping? Calling her on the spot to check if it's correct?

If a girl gives you a fake number then you didn't attract her, so it doesn't matter.

Your goal is not numbers, it's responsive numbers.

No, you don't need to call her to validate the number. Just trust that the number will be real because she likes you.


- Where do I physically escalate after shoulders or arms?

Google and read: "Kino escalation ladder"


- Telling if the girl has taken too much drugs or alcohol. I usually encounter a lot of girls that just look a bit gone and just mumbling. Sometimes I can't understand wtf they are saying. 

Just ask them: "How many drinks have you had tonight?" or "You look like you're on molly."

If a girl is so drunk she cannot balance or walk straight, don't even bother talking to her. It's not worth the time. Move on to another girl. Your time is valuable. Don't waste it on slobs.


- Also why do girls get so touchy. Is it my physical appearance or my game? I get a lot of positive responses from many girls even when they have a boyfriend. I had once a random girl start to touch my chest and drag her hand down on my legs, on my dick area. This was one the dance floor.

This is great. Girls will never touch you unless they are attracted. On the dance floor they could be in drunk party mode.

Edited by Leo Gura

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They give fake numbers so they dont reject you in your face also dont say can i come with you? That's really low value .

I dont get why you Puas followers love to touch a stranger touch her mind by the way you talk to her showing who you are.

Give your number out why begging for girls numbers 😅


There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

I dont get why you Puas followers love to touch a stranger touch her mind by the way you talk to her showing who you are.

Give your number out why begging for girls numbers

1. Touching feels nice, they don't mind. Also girls touch me too. They grab my hands, hugging me or touching my legs. Some girls have more balls then most guys. One time i approached  some girls and they were like "Come with us". Just some random girls at the street going to a night club. 

2. I dont beg for girls' numbers, they happily give it to me. Also they tell me to call them or text them. If I ask them for their numbers and they say no, it is mostly because they have a boyfriend or are not interested.  

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@Peo Great then you just wasted everyones time on this 👍

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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6 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Great then you just wasted everyones time on this

Now i am really confused????? Did i say something wrong??

Edited by Peo
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1 hour ago, Peo said:

1. Touching feels nice, they don't mind. Also girls touch me too. They grab my hands, hugging me or touching my legs. Some girls have more balls then most guys. One time i approached  some girls and they were like "Come with us". Just some random girls at the street going to a night club. 

2. I dont beg for girls' numbers, they happily give it to me. Also they tell me to call them or text them. If I ask them for their numbers and they say no, it is mostly because they have a boyfriend or are not interested.  

You need to understand something. I've been touchy feely on by girls. Maybe not given #'s etc but I've been at bars and girls would come over and just start to random talk to me and be flirtatious saying random things like you so pretty or you're hot or just straight up sit on my lap. These are girls in groups or just partying so I'm not saying it like it was serious. But 10/10 times they were drinking. I just laugh it off and just have fun back because it was always just in fun and didn't last long. Nothing serious, just innocent play. Guys take these random drinking girls too seriously and think they really like them or are serious. Not saying they're not but I'm just saying, young girls in groups drinking will act like that regardless. Ive had girls wanting me to go with them too to another bar or whatever.

I'm saying this to you so you don't get attached to this kind of behavior because that's how some of these girls party. They like to flirt with whomever. At the end of the party time they're all walking around with shoes in hand and wobbling. I'm referring to like casino night clubs and really cool hip bars. Doesn't matter though and you're young and probably handsome or something but guys can't go around being that way with girls for obvious reasons. These guys will fuck these girls if given the opportunity if it was the other way around but mostly these girls aren't interested to go that far and are just being giddy and having fun.

That said, this is just another way of looking at it but you do you.

Know thyself....

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@Peo With your reply then everything is perfect, so it all looks like you are just boasting with meaningless random woman validation...there is nothing to answer here imo...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf Never said i was perfect, they still gave me fake numbers. Also i do plentey of mistakes, i don't really know what the hell i am doing. I just  experiement, try stuff out. Try different lines, see what i can get away with or what would be wired to say. Like saying  "I am to shy to come home with you".  I tried it on different girls to see what their reaction would be. Some laughed other gave me the "your a creep look". 

I am  totally noob when it comes to talking to girls, never even kissed girl either. I am just trying to get some insights on what i am doing wrong and what i could improve on.

Sorry if i sounded like i was boasting. I just report what i experience.

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@Princess Arabia You're probably right about not taking drunk girls too seriously. I might have taken these girls as a win too much maybe. At least they boost my self-esteem to just keep going, even if they were drunk.

During the day, they usually won't give me much time to talk with them. They just tell me they are busy.

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5 minutes ago, Peo said:

@Princess Arabia You're probably right about not taking drunk girls too seriously. I might have taken these girls as a win too much maybe. At least they boost my self-esteem to just keep going, even if they were drunk.

During the day, they usually won't give me much time to talk with them. They just tell me they are busy.

Stop taking it as a loss because you didn't get laid. It was a win. You had fun. Why can't it just be where if you get laid, great, if not, that's fine too. Not saying its fine to not get laid but the attitude about it. That's when it happens when you're not out searching for it. Learn to consider it a win regardless because that mindset will get you laid more often.  

Know thyself....

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