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I Like Leo And What He Is Doing But I Have A Problem.

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This will probably be my only post to this forum because it goes against what this forum is supposed to be about, but I think this is a total mistake by Leo in his endeavor to reach the masses with self actualization. The main issue I have with this forum is that Mental Illness and Abnormal Psychology will not be discussed.  This makes me very upset.  I deal with a serious mental illness. I work a job and have always worked with self improvement.  I maintain great relationships the best that I can.  I think Leo's policy is a disservice and stigmatizes the mentally ill...He has posted videos about dating that recommended people not to date others that are on drugs for mental health.  That totally is the wrong attitude to have towards the mentally ill.  It has kept me from purchasing any of the products that Leo has set up to use.   I am sorry but this policy is an egregious mistake.   Kaye Redfield Jamieson ...the famous Psychiatrist with bipolar that has written many books on mental health and positive psychology is one of my heros because she came through so many things and still keeps improving peoples lives through her work and books.  There are many people that work with people and the struggle of mental illness that lead very productive and actualized lives...and for this forum not to be open to the discussion of mental illness at all I will repeat is a mistake.   Like I said this will probably be my only post because it is negative and against the rules.   So be it.  I like Leos videos for the most part.  I have read self help since I was a teen...I am now 49...I have a great life...but I still deal with my condition.  I don't need to deal with the stigma.  And neither should others that are mentally ill that happen to come upon your videos and this site.  Thanks.  And take care.

Loel Joseph LaMarre

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Hey bud, respect your views but it was never said you couldnt be a part of this or that you shoildnt... I think its encouraged actually, the idea is not to bask in the concern/illness its to see how to continually get past it through growth and reading and being supported for the better and greater things life has for you by way of this community. You got my support bud! Stay a while

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@Jofishy66  This is just my opinion but I think the main thing we need to realize here is that we are just normal human beings. We are not professionals who can give advice or our observations for things like mental illness. These are serious matters that should not be taken lightly. Our opinions are just that and should not be considered when looking for advice. I know he realizes this and rightly so, does not want anyone is this forum to take any responsibility for this. Ultimately it's not fair to us or the person posting the message to ask or answer. That is for professionals of the field to answer. 

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Abnormal conditions require expert professional help,most of us here are not trained in the field of psychiatry so we cannot offer the best help to you.Leo never stigmatizes the mentally ill, infact if you listen to his videos on depression he clearly states that if you are clinically depressed there is literally little he can do because he is not a psychiatrist.

Moreover most of us think we are mentally ill when we are not at all that.I think we sometimes misdiagnose this own ourselves.I wrongly thought that I had ADHD when it was nothing but a minor anxiety problem which I got over.

Mentally ill or not,bottom line is Positive Psychology is for everyone.

"Everything in moderation, including moderation."-Oscar Wilde

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You should stay. You looked at this in a different perspective. I admire your honesty though. Visit that linked sub-forum and hang for awhile. :) 

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@Jofishy66 I agree with the others who asked you to stay. I'm sure that it will be of interest to many to discuss the things you mentioned.

You can discuss anything that is relevant to self-development. Whatever helps, right? And there are many people on this forum with different stories. You don't have to agree with or understand everything Leo says. Self-development is about asking questions and finding out what is best for you. This forum is a great opportunity for you to do that.

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@Jofishy66  You should stay :D Perhaps if you follow the linked thread above you could be a great resource in that discussion area. It sounds like you have alot of experience in dealing with this and you just might be a great inspiration/teacher. I hope to see you around the forums. 

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