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Anton Rogachevski

Ex-Hamas Palestinian says what needs to be said

8 posts in this topic

This guy says what millions of Palestinians are afraid to say.

Hamas causes more damage to Palestinians than Israel ever could.

Hamas sacrifices Palestinians and sees this as a legitimate thing to do in the name of Allah and their radical Islamic beliefs.

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55 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

This guy says what millions of Palestinians are afraid to say.

Hamas causes more damage to Palestinians than Israel ever could.

Hamas sacrifices Palestinians and sees this as a legitimate thing to do in the name of Allah and their radical Islamic beliefs.

It's actually sad to see how many leftists conflate Hamas with valid palestinian resistance. If they had immediately spoken out about Hamas this way, and subsequently criticizes Israel, people would have much more sympathy for their cause now.

The lefts response would have been akin to a vegan terrorist killing a bunch of meat eaters, and then all the vegans going "Free the animals!" as an immediate response while refusing to condemn the terrorist action.

You lost the plot at that point, and you are actually destroying your own cause. Not only that, you will encourage far more unnecessary suffering because of you childish refusal of criticizing your own side, which you should not even view as your own side in the first place.

Glory to Israel

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He is a truly unique, impressive and inspirational individual. He has many interesting interviews and a nice book, ‘Son of Hamas.' 

The fact that he is completely rejected by his society and faces numerous death threats is deeply saddening.

On 10/14/2023 at 0:15 AM, Danioover9000 said:

@Anton Rogachevski

   True, that's all that's needed to be said. So, is Israel finally going to listen and be the bigger man in the room?

What do you mean? What do you think Israel should do?

Edited by DawnC

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Thanks for posting this. It's so disheartening reading all these comments that completely justify barbarism... barbarism that literally is counter productive to their stated goals.

I wish people would realize that the solution to war is not more war, but alas. God bless this man for having the courage to speak out.

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