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You Dont Know How Beautiful You Are!!!

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Hi guys,

Something amazing has happened! 

Know that these words come from a sincere heart, and from a place of truth.

I have had profound awakenings from very dedicated work. Everytime its happened is after taking cannabis. It has the effect of full body awareness & a still mind, which is great at consciously accessing infinity. Just like 5 meo. of course I am aware that 5 meo will be much more explosive.

But last night after a day by my self staying in that still emptyness. I went to sleep but at some point i woke up to infinity.  It is indescribable. And I don't want to get into trying to explain it again. But it was the first time I consciously became infinite sober. Which is great.

today I am out & about buying my mum presents for mothers day. And I have come to the realization that although I knew what "other" was, it wasn't experiential. 

walking around at complete ease and peace, I am not seeing other like I have been my whole life. I see them as infinity. Even though they don't know it themselves.

All I can say is you are all beautiful. Perfect. 

this is the point you want to get to if you want to know what true love for other feels like.

I love you all. 

leo Thankyou, it was you that exposed me to the truth. You have know idea what impact that has had for all of us. You will always have a huge place in our heart.

Peace & love my infinite friends. Xxxxx

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 I just read a post that read 

You are nothing 

Now I read 

You're beautiful

I am confused.Lol :o

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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There are many mixed opinions when it comes to cannabis and spirituality, I'm not really sure what to think. I was able to see some truth on a mushroom trip I took a couple weeks ago and I've been trying to cut my pot use since because I'm a daily smoker. Reason why is because being high is not your true sense of being, so how could you dig into yourself while trying to mediate high? The feeling of the high is all illusion and ego in the first place. You said you've only had these awakenings with the help of weed, but wouldn't the weed just become a crutch that your ego thinks it needs to experience higher awareness? I think true work can only be done on a sober mind, this is why I'm trying to eventually stop smoking weed. 

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Yeah you are completely right the cannabis can definitely become crutch. And that's something one should be mindful of, the ego could use that as a tool to stay in control.

As for the mixed opinions on cannabis and spirituality I completely understand because it affects everyone differently, and for someone who hasn't done some serious consciousness work its not gona have the same effect that it has for me.

But I kid you not and I don't know why but cannabis is like my 5 meo! Every time I take it I consciously access infinity. And after the awakening, the after affect is increased consciousness that stays with me. 

The less often I take it the more profound the awakening is, so I won't do it to often. And your right it is a altered state of consciousness when smoking it, ( merging with the cosmos) But its the after effects that you want to be looking for.

Honestly I don't think I would be were I am if I hadn't used this as a tool for consciousness, but like you said everyone is different, and it will have different effects.

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@Callum A

Whenever I'm high my monkey mind pretty much goes away and I can be in a state of just "being" alot better. I've been mediating on and off for the past year but I've been consistent with it for the past five weeks now. I need to start treating cannabis like you, I'd imagine I can have some awakening experiences as well. The problem is I still smoke everyday, I just make it a point to do my mediation sober before I smoke up for the first time. Whenever I mediate high I feel that I can go very deep within myself, or at least it seems so. I'm trying to not mix truth with the illusion here.

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@nightrider1435 hello mate, thanks for sharing some words with us, I don't really care how you get there my friend, all that matters is you come home, that you find the light of you, you are the source of everything but it doesn't really matter if you believe it, its got to be experiential for you, you have to be Infinity without being afraid. you have to truly Trust in order for you to embody and truly be yourself. 

And love will find your doorway.


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I'm starting to realize the importance of trust with every mediation session I do now. It's going to be a slow slow process of letting go, I have a long path ahead of me. The ego still wants to fight for control haha, the ego also hates what I'm doing right now, putting up resistance. I've made so much progress then I ever have before due to taking my first trip recently, and the ego is not taking it lightly haha. I'm so aware of the resistence, I am determined to never let my ego suck me back in again, ever! This is very serious work we do here when you really start to get into it, Leo was not fucking around when he said this will be challenging, it will not be all fun and games. When you actually get a real sense of that your just like .... wow... but now I can never stop, I must keep moving forward. 

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10 minutes ago, nightrider1435 said:

I'm starting to realize the importance of trust with every mediation session I do now. It's going to be a slow slow process of letting go, I have a long path ahead of me. The ego still wants to fight for control haha, the ego also hates what I'm doing right now, putting up resistance. I've made so much progress then I ever have before due to taking my first trip recently, and the ego is not taking it lightly haha. I'm so aware of the resistence, I am determined to never let my ego suck me back in again, ever! This is very serious work we do here when you really start to get into it, Leo was not fucking around when he said this will be challenging, it will not be all fun and games. When you actually get a real sense of that your just like .... wow... but now I can never stop, I must keep moving forward. 

Your ego has tricked you :)

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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2 hours ago, Shin said:

Your ego has tricked you :)

Shit... your right! ... damn. This is not easy hahaha. I'm really glad you just pointed that out, there are traps everywhere!

Edited by nightrider1435

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