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Conservatives Are Happier?

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How can liberals be more developed than conservatives when studies have shown that liberals are more mentally ill and less happy than conservatives? This seems to contradict the videos Leo recently made on these topics. How can one reconcile this?

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We are in a time of consolidation. On a practical level of cost-cutting. Of removing the unnecessary. Standardization, structure, and repetition. You get the idea, this isn't a decade people on mass have lots of excess money in their pockets, excess time, energy, or a want to explore new things.

This is a conservative time. Conservatives will be happier. I don't know how much longer it will last. We'll see. Probably till AI has at least been partially standardized into the modern world, the recessions are over, people are tired of repeating media, have less national fervor etc. These will be triggers to push the opposite direction.

On a more general level, people who identify as liberals and conservatives have different things which make them happy. Their measure for happiness would be different. So unless you are using two different scales to measure these two ideologies on you won't get accurate results. Then there are things that all humans, regardless of how affiliated they are with an ideology, find happiness in of course.

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3 hours ago, Seth said:

How can liberals be more developed than conservatives when studies have shown that liberals are more mentally ill and less happy than conservatives? This seems to contradict the videos Leo recently made on these topics. How can one reconcile this?

   By developing a sense of HUMOR!

   As far as I think, I do think conservatives are happier because they have a more unified sense of community versus liberals, maybe it's the multicultural limitations, and in fighting and bigotry and polarization from the culture warfare

   By any chance have you watched this video:

   Because you got to be careful with the blue haired guy, he's a sexy predator that'll prey on your children and daughters! Don't let them watch his streams he just might brain wash them!

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@Seth  It's just due to SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of being, ego development, other lines of development in one's life and society, and ideological upbringing. One factor I think is important in this context is need of belonging and sense of community. Conservatives, patriots and nationalists by far have strong sense of community and country identity, which is why they seem way happier than a typical liberal or online left liberal variants.

   You want that level of conservative happiness? Start by integrating that national and conservative side in you, and value family and social life a bit, and take on some conservative values and master them. If you do, you'll become much stronger, because right now, especially if you're left leaning you're by default demonizing the conservatives by consuming progressive/socialist ideology, and demonizing that part of you that identifies as conservative and wants family and belonging. By distancing yourself from these online political left variants, and working on those conservative values, you'll get a much stronger sense of happiness.

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   With this video I do have a bias against scammers and mind slayers/manipulators, so the possibility of him being one makes him not worth listening to or watching, so be careful with this person. I always suspected and had an intuition but never knew how bad it is:


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I'd like to see some sources, otherwise you're at "just trust me bro" levels of facts.

Would Conservatives go to therapy?

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@hoodrow trillson

3 minutes ago, hoodrow trillson said:

I'd like to see some sources, otherwise you're at "just trust me bro" levels of facts.

Would Conservatives go to therapy?

   Yes, some would see shrinks for sure, if they need to, but most are happy enough in their family, and in their communities. Can't speak for the right leaning online variety.

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